Jisoo's POV - Confused

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Fainted blood. Loud screams. Falling things. Running fans.
I clutched towards a leg near by as I fell down.
He fell down as I held onto him.
My heart pounced out of my rib cage as I looked into Bangtan's Jin's eyes.
My hand was running down with pale blood.
Why was it always my hands ?
I could see his confused and troubled face.
"I-I-I-I'm a-a-a-alright, s-s-sorry" I stuttered as I tried to get up.
I couldn't see my members at all.
In fact, I couldn't see anyone except for Jin.
Blood was dripping from my fore-head.
"Jisoo !" Jin shouted, getting up fast. "Blood..... come on, get up fast" he held onto my waist.
"I'm okay, j-j-j-just leave me...... r-r-r-run" I fumbled with words.
"I can't leave you like this, look at you !" Jin managed to carry me in a bridal way.
Things grew worse. I knew I was not okay. But, I didn't want Jin to get hurt too.
"Please J-J-Jin oppa, leave me alone" I clutched my hands around his neck.
"I know you're not okay, Jisoo...... just hold me like that" Jin broke into a worried face but a smile.
I threw my head back, visions seemed flurry and more worse was blood dripping from my eyes.
"Jisoo....... please tell me..... are you ok ?" Jin looked at me.
"Y-y-yes, leave me please" I muttered.
"Just lay me and go !" I hissed.
"I can't do that.... I can't leave you like this !" Jin's voice grew angrier.
We passed through many screams and thudding footsteps, I just clutched to Jin tighter.
He ran like a windspeed through the people, towards the gate.
As soon as we reached outside, I heard sirens and screams.
I couldn't see anything.
As far as I couldn't handle it anymore, I closed my eyes, praying.
5 hours later -
Bright hospital lights blinded my eyes.
I managed to open my eyes slowly, I could see Rose worried and Lisa by my side.
"Unnie !?" Lisa got up, excited.
"Y-yes Lisa" I stuttered, getting up, adjusting myself in the white hospital bed.
My hands were bandaged and so was my head.
"Oh, oh, lie down, unnie" Rose said as she adjusted the bed.
"Are you okay ?" Lisa tugged me by my foot, a smile lighting up her face.
A part of me felt okay. Fit and fine. I smiled back in gratitude.
"Oh yes you are !" Lisa bounced.
"Cool down, Lisa, what's so exciting ?" Rose looked at Lisa.
"She's still hurt, and you know it" Rose slapped Lisa's arm from my foot.
"It's okay, Rose, she's just happy because I woke up" I smiled.
"Okay unnie, you're truly fine, aren't you ?" Rose asked me, her voice smooth and calm.
"Sure" I replied.
I looked around. Where was Jennie ?
"Where's Jennie, Rose ?" I looked at Rose with widened eyes.
Rose sighed heavily as Lisa bit her lip.
"She's in one of the hospital dorms, unnie" Rose bit her lip.
"Jennie ?!" I panted, worried.
Jennie is in one of the hospital dorms, so she is injured ?
"She hasn't opened her eyes yet, she's very much injured, unnie" Lisa looked down, unable to face me.
I sighed.
"Many idols and fans have been injured" Rose continued.
"It's a bomb attack, unnie" Lisa sighed.
"Thankfully, no one has died" Lisa said, looking up.
"It was some rascal terrorist" Rose hissed, biting her lip.
I looked down, things were worse. I wanted to see Jennie now. I wanted to. And I had to.
And slowly, I tried to get up.
"Nah ah, you're not going anywhere" Rose pulled my blankets and made me lie down.
"Let me call the nurse" Lisa said as she pressed the nearby bell.
A thought of yesterday's events crept onto my mind.
The show ended at 8pm, now it is 1am in the morning ?
I sighed.
Suddenly, Jin came into my mind. His gorgeous face............ and his kind behavior.
I wanted him now. I don't know why, but I wanted to see him.
"How's Jin ?" I quickly asked.
"He's okay" Rose smirked smugly.
"Ooooooohhhhh, look who's worried, Rose" Lisa bit her lip.
"No, not like that" I shrugged, "Just that, he saved me."
"We know that, unnie, we thanked him for his generosity" Rose nodded, as she placed her hand on mine.
"Awake ?" a broad familiar male voice entered the room.
Suddenly Jin's head poked inside the room.
"Jin" I smiled.
"Ahem, Jin oppa" I corrected myself..
"It's sunbae Jin oppa, right ?" Lisa asked me. I smiled. She was right. Oh, had I forgot he was my sunbae ?
"I'm so sorry, sunbae Jin...... oppa ?" I fake smiled.
"Just call me Jin, Jin oppa makes me feel old" he chuckled.
We three laughed. "You're never old Jin" Rose laughed, telling the Jin very specifically.
We four laughed agian. He never fails me to laugh.
"Is Taehyung oppa fine ?" Lisa asked Jin.
"Who-who all got h-hurt ?" I asked, kind of regretting that question.
"Um, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi" Jin looked down, sad.
"I-I-I'm so s-sorry" I apologized.
"No no it's fine, Yoongi is slightly hurt in his knee, Hoseok is bandaged in his head, but Taehyung.............. he's paralyzed" Jin finished, running down his hand through his soft hair.
"I'm very worried" Jin looked up, "All prayers for the almighty."
"I'm sure he will be fine, he has to be, and he will be" I tried to console him.
"Thanks Jisoo" Jin smiled at me.
I nodded. Rose and Lisa looked at the door as Jin stepped beside and a pretty nurse entered in.
"Seems like you're good enough now, huh ?" the nurse smiled as she placed a tray beside me.
"Oh no, not injections" I looked away.
"Still scared, idol ?" the nurse chuckled. Her laugh's cute.
Jin smiled as Rose and Lisa stepped beside the bed.
"I'll go check on Jennie unnie, Lisa, stay here" Rose headed towards the door.
As she went outside, the nurse got ready with the injection.
She pressed my wrist and placed the injection towards my skin.
She pressed it down and I squealed.
Lisa and Jin wanted to laugh, but bit their lip instead.
Oh, hadn't I embarrassed myself in front of Jin ?
As she finished the injection job, Rose came in again.
"She's still down, I don't think she'll wake up today" Rose said as she sat on my bed.
"Oh yeah, Yeri and Wendy unnie are in the same dorm as Jennie unnie" Rose said.
"Oh is it, how are they ?" I asked Rose.
"Wendy unnie's fit and fine, and Yeri seems drunk, cracking up cheesy pick-up lines" Rose laughed.
"She asked me" Rose began, "There's something wrong with my eyes, you know why ?" she asked.
"What ?" Lisa scoffed.
"I can't take them off you" Rose chimed.
Jin and Lisa laughed as I chuckled. That Yeri was definitely drunk.
"Sweet" I laughed.
"I'll just go check on everyone, Jisoo" Jin said, heading towards the door.
The nurse smiled and went immediately.
Jin smiled and left the room as I nodded.
"All okay, my lad ?" Lee Song-woo unnie walked into the room.
Her pink high-heels strutting and her neon pink formal shirt and her black pencil skirt standing out.
Her brown hair loose down to her waist.
I hated her. I don't know why. I didn't like her at all.
A smirk was shown on her face, she was such a comparison. She hated me the most.
She treated us like worms.
"Good, unnie" I replied. We called her Ms. Jerpid.
A jerk and a stupid.
"You know how many fans we gained ?" Ms. Jerpid walked towards me.
Fans, fame, fans, fame.
This was all she cared about. Profit of the group. Blah blah blah.
"Good thing you got injured" she fake-smiled.
She dated almost to thirteen guys. And she had one right now. So that makes it fourteen.
I had to admit, she was really pretty.
Her fashion sense's lit. And her attitude was pretty classy.
I gritted my teeth. I huffed in anger and she sensed it.
"Oh oh, cool down" she placed a finger down my stomach.
I looked down.
"Good girl" she hissed like a snake.
Rose and Lisa watched in anger as she trailed her finger up to my face.
"Oh, is my baby okay ?" she cupped my head.
"Ow" I yelped. "Oh sorry" she pressed it more harder. "Stop" I gushed. She took her hand away, smiling.
"Aw, my poor baby" she said, blinking like mad.
Suddenly YG sir got inside. He was in a black suit and a polished pair of shoes.
"Good morning, Ms. Song-woo, Lisa, Rose and Jisoo" he greeted us with a smile.
Lisa and Rose bowed as Ms. Jerpid smiled her sweet honey-coated smile.
"Good morning sir, seems like you didn't get any sleep, huh ?" Ms. Jerpid smirked.
"Of course not, when my Jichu and my YG princess are not well, how will I ?" YG smiled.
I smiled back in gratitude. I just wanted him and not Ms. Jerpid.
"You'll probably get discharged today, Jisoo....... congratulations" YG sir chuckled.
"Oh my god, YG oppa" Rose teased him.
Our teasing name for him is YG oppa. We call him that to make him blush. And he does.
He blushed hard and we laughed.
Suddenly that pretty nurse came with a wheelchair and she really removed all my attachments.
I slowly moved out of the bed to get in the wheelchair.
As I sat down, Rose held the wheelchair's handle bar and pushed it towards the door.
Lisa followed behind Rose. I looked down and found myself in a patell blue dress.
Bare foot and down loose hair, I looked like a creep.
Bright hospital lights dawned on me. Crying and sad patients. Rose took us to a pink painted room.
Lisa pushed the door open and we got inside.
One hospital bed with pink blankets and cushions were seated out.
Little brown chairs neatly arranged around a white fancy table.
Where the hell were we ?
This was a side of a hospital I'd never seen in my life.
Then as we approached further, we saw.......... Jennie.
Neatly laid in the middle of the bed, arms tucked in the pink blanket and her eyes closed and rested.
"Jennie ?" I muttered.
"Unnie is in the dormitory for severely injured people" Lisa showed me Jennie on the bed.
"So, what about Taehyung ?" I asked Lisa.
"He's in the ICU" Rose muttered.
"Oh" I sighed. Never knew he was this injured. I felt sorry for him and his members.
"Let's go meet his members after this" I reasoned.
"Ok" Lisa shrugged.
Rose pushed the wheelchair to an another pink door to the right.
As Lisa opened the door, I found Yeri and Wendy unnie sitting on the bed together.
As Rose placed me beside the bed, they both smiled at me, kindly.
"Good morning, unnie" Yeri smiled.
"Unnie, is your left eye hurting ?" Yeri suddenly bounced in.
"No, why ?....... is it swelling or something ?" I quickly asked, touching my eye.
"Oh really..... cause you've been looking right all day" Yeri winked as she bit her lip.
"Oh Yeri, just quit it" Lisa grinned.
I laughed. God, she is really drunk. Was she poisoned by a drug or something ?
Nah ah, evil thoughts, go away.
As I rolled my eyes over Yeri, I saw her little tiny bandages and stitches.
It was plastered over everywhere, except her face.
As I looked in her legs, I could see a long bandage up to her upper thighs and it was soaked in blood.
I gasped.
"It's okay Jisoo, she's alright..... can't you see" Wendy unnie said as she sensed my worried ness.
"It's just it's too much" I gasped again.
Wait, hold up. I didn't see Jennie's injuries. If Yeri's are this much, what about Jennie ?
And I looked at Wendy unnie.
She had a bandage tied around her head and forehead and her left arm in a sling.
I was so glad Lisa and Rose were not hurt. I didn't want them to.
It would be terrible if so. Why am I talking all of this ?
"So unnie, I think we'll have to go" Rose widened her eyes at Wendy unnie as she pushed me.
"Bye" Wendy unnie smiled.
As Rose pushed me and Lisa walked beside me, I bit my lip.
Suddenly Rose stopped in front of an ICU and I sighed. It was time for seeing Taehyung.
Suddenly a nurse came outside the dorm and Rose talked to her a few seconds and we got inside.
Taehyung lay on the big white cot as his eyes were fallen in deep sleep.
In a chair, Jimin and Jungkook were seated near a white table.
Taehyung's oxygen mask neatly tied up around his nose.
His hands, his head, his legs and including his bare chest was bandaged, leaving no skin behind.
I looked at Jimin and Jungkook.
Jimin stood up and smiled at all of us, while Jungkook sat, still eyed.
"Good morning noona, Lisa and Rose, good morning" Jimin greeted us, respectfully.
"Good morning Jimin....... uh, sunbae Jimin" I corrected myself.
"No, no..... Jimin's fine, you're elder than me, I should be respecting you, noona" Jimin smiled.
I saw Lisa smile so bright that her little dimples were shown clearly.
"Lisa, how are you ?" Jimin asked Lisa, as he came towards her.
"Good Jimin" she smiled.
"Jimin ?...... he's elder than you, Lisa, try behaving" Jungkook scoffed, looking straight at Taehyung.
"Jungkook, and you should try behaving to your elders too" Jimin turned back.
"No, no, it's okay, he's my sunbae right, SUNBAE" Lisa gritted her teeth, telling the SUNBAE very rudely.
"Yes I am, any problem ?" Jungkook fired back at Lisa, looking at her in her eye.
"Jungkook !" Jimin hissed.
"Yes hyung, you heard what she called you, right ?" Jungkook's voice turned calm.
"Jisoo noona's elder than you, don't let her call you sunbae but why Lisa and not Rose ?" Jungkook asked.
"Noona, Lisa noona and Rose noona, use your manners, Jungkook" Jimin said, his voice toned calm.
"What if I don't want to call them noona ?!" Jungkook yelled.
"Shut Jungkook, this is an ICU, not our dorm" Jimin hissed.
"Please stop, it's okay, we'll go, um, we don't want to start a fight" I stuttered.
"What fight, unnie ?" Lisa came front.
"If he's that serious, then let me see...... what he can do" Lisa gritted her teeth.
"Lisa, move backwards, go and come later, okay ?" Jimin moved Lisa by her shoulder.
Lisa sighed and stormed out of the room as me and Rose were left in the ICU.
"I'm so sorry, noona..... Jungkook's not in a good mood at all" Jimin smiled at me.
"I'm sorry Rose, I didn't mean to" Jimin looked at Rose.
"No, no, it's fine" Rose smiled and she slowly pushed me out of the room.

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