Jennie's POV - Unknown Love

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The next thing I even knew, was getting up in a bed, I didn't even know.
Pink cushions around the bed and a nice blanket wrapped around me.
I didn't know this bed, I didn't know this freaking dorm, and I didn't know where the hell I was at.
I got up, quickly, wanting to find my members.
They were not there, except for Yeri and Wendy unnie looking at me, eagerly.
"Where am I ?" was the first thing that came outside my mouth.
I had a lot of questions to ask, but this was the first.
"You're a little bit of injured, you're alright now" Wendy unnie, smiled affectionately.
I pulled my blanket down and looked over my whole body.
My arms were bandaged top to bottom.
My waist was swollen and covered in blood, but wrapped in bandage.
My legs were bandaged too.
This was not a little bit of injured.
"Well maybe not" I scoffed.
But I was alright. My voice seemed fine. And so did my mind. I couldn't remember anything.
Except for the BBOOM.
And screams and shrieks and chatter and running.
"It was a bomb attack, hon" Wendy unnie smiled.
"Hey, look, where's my heart ?!" Yeri clutched her chest, dramatically.
"I guess someone stole it, and you're in my high list of suspects" Yeri winked at me, smiling.
Really, mostly the cheesiest pickup line ever.
I scoffed as Wendy unnie rolled her eyes.
"Get used to it, she's definitely not okay after the incident" Wendy unnie sighed.
I nodded in agreement.
"Where's my members ?" I asked, quickly.
Suddenly, someone slammed the door shut, behind me, and it was Lisa who was outside.
"Unnie...... you woke up" Lisa looked at me, surprisingly.
I was confused. What, did she thought I was paralyzed or something. Was I that injured ?
"Yeeesss.... why, was I dead ?" I asked her.
"No, just that you are, was.... a lot injured ?" Lisa bit her lip, she thought I was crazy, of course.
"Unnie !" Rose pushed the door open, more wildly than Lisa.
"Yes, Chaeyongie" I smiled. She stared at me, as if I was alright, biting her lip in confusion.
"I'm OK" I said the OK very precisely to everyone.
"Of course, you're okay, just, let me call the nurse" Lisa pressed the nearby button.
I sighed as I stretched my arm out and roamed around the nearby bed table, trying to find my phone.
That's when I realized, that this was not my bedroom.
"Lisa..... my phone" I panicked. "Don't worry, unnie.... its with me" Rose said as she searched her bag.
She took out my phone and handed it over to me.
I took it and scrolled through the whole of Korea's gossip website.
This news was surely to be there.
There, after the....... hot topic, Lismin.
I went to it and there was a whole video catching glimpses of the incident.
And I saw a few pics that made me speechless.
Taehyung in a white stretcher getting into a nearby ambulance.
Blood was shown everywhere, especially his chest, where his flesh was standing out.
I closed my mouth, gasping for breath.
Where was he now ?
Suddenly all the things of what happened yesterday dawned on me.
How I had crucially made Jisoo unnie call me as BamBam, irrationally.
But I did lie.
We are not allowed to drink alcohol or club outside at night, drive as it may be dangerous.
We are now allowed to date.
Like, our managers were really strict. Especially Lee Song-Woo unnie.
I just loved Lee Sang-Won unnie compared to Lee Song-woo unnie, she was just too rude.
(Hi guys, if you have a confusion, I'm very sorry, but I'm switching the characters, so basically Blackpink has a lovely manager which is Lee-Sang Won unnie, so I'm making the bad manager as my fiction character called Lee Song-woo unnie, I'm very sorry) A/N note.
We called her Ms.Jerpid, a jerk and a stupid.
She's heard, me saying it a few times behind her back, but she ignored as she couldn't understand it.
I had to admit, I can be a real bitch at times.
So, what was I talking about ?
Oh, ok. Taehyung. Suddenly, it was like my heart stopped pounding. Was he ok ?
"Is Tae ok ?" I quickly shot at Lisa, who was seated by the nearby table.
"No...... he's in the....... ICU" Lisa stammered. I bit my lip in agony.
"I want to...... see him" I muttered slowly, till now everyone thinks that its the usual way, like I hate him.
"I thought you didn't like him, unnie" Rose kneeled down beside my bed, underneath my face.
"Ok..... I think I got it sorted out" I muttered.
"Oh.... why didn't we know ?" Rose asked me, taking my hand beside the bed.
"I just don't like losing in front of people, Chaeyoung" I sighed.
"Of course, everyone knows you're stubborn, but.... we're your friends anyway, you never loose in front of us, we know that" Rose smiled.
I smiled back in kindness. Only she knew all the soft and calming words to support me. So did the rest.
"Jisoo unnie ?" I asked her.
"She's alright, just one or two injuries, she's discharged, I'll bring her, she's outside, I didn't know you were awake or else she'll keep on asking questions and go sulky if I bring her in" Rose said getting up.
Rose headed towards the door and opened it and went outside.
"There, there, my lady" a sweet ongoing voice filled the air.
Lee Song-woo. Who else can that be with such a flirtatious voice and that sound of click posh heels ?
I looked at her. She looked like a traffic police, all neon and neon.
"Don't you look ravishing when you're injured, Jennie baby ?" Lee Song-woo unnie fake smiled sweetly.
Lisa rolled her eyes, as Yeri and Wendy unnie stared at her, astonishingly.
"Good morning, unnie" I said, quickly looking at the phone for the time. 1:30 am.
"Sure, sure, same to you, lie down baby, don't make yourself tired" she said as I tried to get up.
I lied back down. Ok, done. If you don't want it, why forcing you.
"Seems like you're very much okay" she rolled her eyes up and down at me.
"Yes, unnie... she is" Lisa replied for me.
"Shh.... don't talk for her, her tongue has not been caught by a cat, right Jennie ?" she smiled at me.
"Certainly not, unnie" Lisa continued.
"I said shut up !" Lee Song-woo turned at Lisa, outragingly.
Lisa shrugged as Wendy unnie was in a goddamn shock. Yeri stared at her in a rude way.
"I was just kidding, Lisa.... don't be scared, my baby" she changed her word as soon as she found Wendy unnie and Yeri staring at her.
"Ah.... are these your friends ?" Lee Song-woo smiled at Wendy unnie and Yeri seated on two chairs.
"Yes" Wendy unnie replied, sternly.
"There.... you're finally here !" someone's shrill voice shrieked the through the dorm.
I looked at the door and found Joy's head popping out of the door.
Suddenly someone pushed the door open, more wildly than Rose or Lisa, it was Seulgi unnie.
I smirked as the ruckus show they were on in a freaking hospital.
"Hey, Seulgi unnie, hey Joy unnie !" Yeri shrieked as she got up and pulled everyone to a group hug.
Lee Song-woo stared at them in a weird way.
"Hey Seulgi.... hey.... umm.... Joy ?" Lee Song-woo smiled weirdly.
I bet she was startled as she saw all of them so excited and happy and probably thinking were their male managers hot or not.
"Good morning unnie, we've heard a LOOOOOOT about you" Joy winked at me and Lisa as we pleaded at her not to say anything by sign language.
Lee Song-woo unnie turned back at us and eyed us suspiciously and we smiled innocently and she turned back again.
We both let a huge sigh of relief. If she'd knew, she'd slice us with a butcher's knife head to toe.
"Okay.... umm" Seulgi looked at me.
"Oh my god, Jennie..... I hope you're okay, Jisoo told me, and that's the only reason we are here after all the treasure hunting" Seulgi rolled her eyes.
I chuckled. "Where's Irene ?" I asked, tensed. Don't tell me something happened to her.
"Um... she...." Seulgi looked down. "Pass-" Joy began.
"Noooooooo !" I wailed.
So she.......... no, no, can't be happening, can't be happening.
"But..... no !" I screamed.
Suddenly Joy, Wendy unnie, Seulgi unnie, Yeri and Lisa started laughing.
"She PASSED HER TEST AND GOT DISCHARGED" Joy repeated, still laughing.
Whew. God, I lost my mind.
"That was rude of you to think that, unnie" Yeri chuckled.
What, what else can I think when you say PASS- in a hospital, especially when it is a bomb blast ?
Suddenly a fake smile lit up Lee Song-woo's face.
She ruffled her shiny black hair, and walked towards him.
"Hey, hey, my lad" she hissed, a smirk lighting up her face. God, she looked like a real mean girl, now.
"Hi, do I even know you ?" he smiled.
Lee Song-woo moaned loudly. "Of course you do" she chuckled. Seriously, was that cute ?.....
Try Jerpid.
"Oh yeah, must be Blackpink's hot unnie manager" he bit his lip. Ewwwww. Cringe.
Suddenly, Rose's face turned into a weird expression, her eyebrows going up and down.
"Excuse me, I guess it's a little too crowded in here, I think you should all give the patient some space" Rose excused.
"Sure" he said moving away, "I just wanted to check on y'all" he said opening the door.
He turned back and smiled at all of us.
Suddenly, Lee Song-woo unnie dragged him out of the dorm, holding his loose hung white shirt.
I grinned. Maybe, in one of her, SOON-TO-BE-BOYFRINED lists.
Suddenly, Tae came into my mind.
"I want to see Taehyung" I said out loud.
"He's in the ICU, unnie, he's severely injured, you won't want to see him" Lisa replied.
"Of course I do, and I want to, take me there !" I yelled.
"Jennie, you can't, Lisa and Jungkook were in a fight there, we cannot go there now" Jisoo unnie spoke.
Fight ? what fight ? like, what fight ?
"What fight ?" I questioned. "Simply, he's freaking stupid, and you know it !" Lisa yelled.
"Ok, stop it, Lisa, was it about Jimin, again ?!" I wailed.
"Yeah" she shrugged. "Ok, I don't freaking care, just take me there !" I shouted.
"Ok, fine, I'll just take her, Lisa, you stay with Jisoo unnie, let her get discharged first" Rose ordered.
"Okay, fine, stop it, cool down, it's ok" Seulgi unnie patted me.
"So, now you care, huh ?" Lisa crossed her arms. "Now tell me, how's it like to fall in love ?" she sighed.
Ok. What she told was true. I just didn't even care about Lisa when I was thinking about Tae.
How could I be so rude ?
But now, I loved both of them the same. We sometimes bicker and sometimes laugh together.
I hate love, I hate, hate, hate, love.
Suddenly a nurse got inside. "Excuse me, but could you girls go to your dorm ?" she smiled at Wendy unnie and Yeri.
As saying so, the all of Red Velvet entered into their dorm, smiling and nodding at the nurse.
The nurse came towards me.
"You're discharged, miss" she smiled, moving all my attachments.
Suddenly she handed me a small thin white paper.
"These are the medicines you should apply on your wounds, it's serious" she smiled.
"Thank you so much" I thanked the nurse.
"Sure, anytime" she opened the door for us as I tried to get up. I could. I can walk.
"I can walk !" I gestured towards to Rose and Lisa.
"You can" they mouthed. I thought I was severely injured.
"You just can't walk long distances" the nurse continued, helping me to walk.
"Um, we're heading towards the ICU, unnie" I smiled.
"Sure, to meet Taehyung sir ?" she questioned. I became silent. "I'm sorry" she apologized.
"No, I was just thinking, unnie" I smiled.
As we headed towards a long passage, Lisa wheeled Jisoo unnie to the cafeteria.
"See you" she waved.
While Rose helped me walk as the nurse walked away for some serious matter.
Then we reached a large door with red stickers, showing ICU.
"OMG, it's seeing me, I see you" Rose giggled.
I didn't laugh. I wanted to see Tae now. I wanted to. Suddenly, Rose stopped as I didn't laugh.
The nurse showed us one second through the tiny glass window of the door, as Rose nodded.
She made me sit down, and sat down, next to me.
After five whole minutes, the nurse and the doctor came outside the room.
"His nasel bridge is broken and so is his rib cage, Jimin, he just needs to be a bit more careful, I think he fell very harshly, and apparently next to the bomb at the wrong time" the doctor talked to someone near the door and apparently it was Jimin.
And Jin stood beside Jimin and Namjoon stood beside Jin.
"So doctor, the discharge ?" Namjoon asked the doctor.
"Not soon, anyways" the doctor replied.
Jimin sighed as he looked down, "I'm scared" he sighed.
"You don't need to, be needs to be a bit more careful for god's sake, that clumsy, weird boy" the doctor patted Jimin's shoulder.
I sat impatiently, if I could really walk, I'd slam the door on the doctor's face and pull Tae out of this hospital, where even the doctors seem like such rude teenager boys outside a girls hostel.
"That guy" I hissed.
"Unnie, cool down, that's all you can do here" Rose whispered as she pressed my cold palm.
"He's not that clumsy, it's not his fault that their was a bomb attack where he was standing on, and he's not weird too, he's like that, the real Tae" Jimin hastily replied, looking at the doctor's face.
Yes, right boy. Now, if you'll only give him a tight smack on his powdery face, I'll be happy.
I could see Namjoon low-key smirk and then look down immediately as the doctor gave everyone a look of deadliness and marched off with his nurse following around him like a tail.
"Rose-ah, you still here ?" Jimin smiled as he came towards us.
"She....... wanted to see..... sunbae Taehyung oppa" Rose stuttered.
"Ah, sure, like you got it all, okay, now, right ?" Jimin smirked at me. Yeah, sure. Like, Tae, you said that.
Rose picked me up and she tried to walk with me. But as soon as she was about to fall down.
"There..... be careful" Jimin picked her up, by her waist.
Ooooooohhh. Who's in the spotlight now, minion ?
I held onto the bar as Rose got up. Her cheeks were scarlet red now. She bit her lip as she got up.
"Thanks" she muttered as she dragged me, and the more further I went.
The more clearly I could see Taehyung. No trace of even skin left behind. Blood everywhere.
He had not nothing on top, leaving the bare chest, leaking with blood, but hopefully the bandages trying their best.
My mouth was wide open at his poor condition.
I kneeled down beside him, maybe you could try fall, and a little drop of a tear fell down my knee.

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