Jennie's POV - Shocked

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"I'm stuffed" I panted, eating a last bite of the cheesecake.
"Happy two-year anniversary, Jennie" Taehyung clicked his tongue, holding his Amazake.
"Are you drunk, Tae ?" I asked.
"Mm, I'm not, now get up, let's go" he said, getting up, hanging on to the table for dear life.
"You're drunk, is that alcohol ?" I asked, pointing at the Amazake.
"Of course, it's a Chinese alcohol drink, right Amakaku ?" he said, looking at the Amazake.
"It's a Japanese drink, idiot, and it's a Amazake" I said, getting up, picking my purse.
I looked at him laughing, he was busy observing the Amazake so carefully.
"That's enough, put it back there" I shot, and he looked at me, eyes droopy as hell.
"Ok mommy" he said, putting the Amazake back and tumbled down with me.
I chuckled at the mess.
"Now walk properly, you don't want to be known for a drunkard" I said, holding his hand.
He straightened up, looking down at me, his head held up high.
I laughed.
And I pushed through the fancy velvet curtains, Taehyung still in my hands.
Our waitress smiled at me and so did a couple of guys and our bodyguards followed.
I smiled back at them as Taehyung continued WALKING PROPERLY.
I hid my laugh at Taehyung's corny behavior and walked through the stairs.
My arm in his arm and we walked together like a newly wed couple.
A couple of customers stared at us, amazed at the wonderful sight of us too, probably.
I smiled awkwardly while Taehyung still continued his HEAD UP HIGH routine.
He looked so silly, gosh.
He would regret this tomorrow. A couple of flashes blinded my eye.
And our bodyguard came to our rescue, stopping the flashes and the pictures.
We finally reached the basement and we got inside the car.
One of our bodyguard's sat in the driver seat, while the other sat in the other front seat.
And me and Taehyung sat in the back.
"Where are we going, oppa ?" I asked them.
"Kim Taehyung sir has told us to take you to a place, we can't tell" the bodyguard told.
"One place, I can't tell" Taehyung smiled.
"Aren't you drunk ?" I shoved him, taking my arm away from him.
"I'm not, Jennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnieeeee" he sighed.
I still didn't believe him, after all how kiddish was he acting.
The bodyguards drove towards the beach, where me and Taehyung kissed, our kiss, god.
Once we reached, Taehyung got out of the car, and opened the door for me.
I stepped outside.
"Why are we here ?" I asked Taehyung, frowning at the thought of the kiss.
"My first ever kiss, lady, though I've dated multiple of times and kissed each and one of them, I've never felt something like this" he twirled around with me on his arms.
"Come, let's rewind it once again, though nothing can replace that scene, do it once again, buttercup" he said, picking me up and running towards the shore.
He dropped me immediately, the same place where we stood on, when I hated him.
Even the sand wouldn't change, the exact same spot.
I gulped, looking at him, above me, his handsome face in the beautiful orange sunset.
The exact time, he slowly cupped my cheeks.
"Kiss me" he said, his sweet ongoing voice filled my ear as he whispered on it.
I tiptoed and slowly touched his lips, and he gathered up and kissed me back.
We kissed till we ran out of breath.
"Don't we need another one, buttercup ?" Taehyung said, looking down at my eyes.
But my eyes weren't on him, it was on......... Jimin.


Rose ?

Short chapter, but lovin this cliffhanger.
Adding some spice, huh ?
Keep reading,
Unicorn Blink.

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