Jimin's POV - Serious

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Things were getting serious than ever.
I never knew things could be like this.
And I felt incredibly sorry for Blackpink, for such a rookie group to get spoiled by me.
And they were one of the most successful rookie groups in the K-pop industry.
Right now, me and my members were seated in the MMA auditorium.
"I feel sorry for Lisa" Jin hyung who was seated in my right, whispered.
"Who wouldn't be ?" Taehyung in my left, reasoned.
"Guys just stop it, I can't to seem to get my mind of it" I slammed my hand down the table.
"She shouldn't have fell" Taehyung continued, like I didn't say anything.
I pulled my phone out and went to the whole of Korea's gossip website.
There, of course, we were there.
I opened it and went to the comment section.
OPEN THE LINK TO FIND THE VIDEO - http.com.hotnews.htquestim//com
Comments -
PinkFox - I HATE THAT B***H ! She stole my Jimin oppa !
RedPandaLovesNoodles - She freaking did that on purpose !
1cupofTae2kookies3sugars - Lismin ! Lismin ! God, I ship these two !
BTSjamforLife - I hate you Lisa ! Freaking YG, take her out !
Kookmin - JIMIN's MINE !
BlinkStan - Stop the freaking hate people, he just helped her !
I frowned.
Why were people so rude ?
What did Lisa do to them ?
Suddenly, Seongi noona came to the auditorium, tensed.
She was looking left and right.
And she came towards me.
"Have you seen Lisa, Jimin ?" she asked, biting her lip. 
"No, why ?..... what happened ?" I asked, getting up.
"She's nowhere to be seen, did she leave ?" Seongi noona, asked worriedly.
"No, no way" I assured her.
"I'm afraid Blackpink will have no performance today" she said, tensed.
"Why ?" I asked.
"Because Jennie-ssi and Lisa-ssi had a fight, and I think Lisa has left the auditorium" she explained.
"Do you know what they fought for ?" I asked, wanting to know more details.
"Yeah, Rose-ssi was telling me, it was about you" she said, looking down.
I knew it.
Jungkook was looking at me, wide eyed.
And when I looked at him he just turned his head.
Taehyung got up.
"So, Jennie ?" Taehyung muttered.
"They all are in the make-up room, we suspect Lisa has reached the house by now" she said.
I sighed.
"Just call her" I suggested.
"She's not picking up the call" she frowned.
"Why don't you call her ?" Seongi noona suddenly lit up.
"She doesn't have your number, she will not know who it is" she said, excitedly.
Seongi noona gave me Lisa's number and I moved to a corner and ringed her.
It rang and rang and finally she picked it up.
"Hello ?" she greeted, quivering like a lost kitten.
"Lisa ?" I said, my voice going deeper than ever.
"Where are you and why did you leave ?" I asked.
"Jimin, how did get my number ?" she sounded, relieved.
"Oh yeah, my members must have given you, my kind members" she spoke, sarcastically.
"That's not the issue now, Lisa, why did you leave ?" I asked, my tone serious.
"Jimin......" she trailed off. She didn't have an answer.
"Why did you leave ?..... you think it's a joke to come in MMA's ?" I hissed.
"Jimin, you don't know, what happened, I can't" her voice sounded like she was crying.
"Lisa, are you okay ?" I asked her.
My heart was pounding at the thought of her crying.
I wanted to meet her right now.
"Come right this instant, Lisa" I ordered.
"I won't !" she hissed angrily.
"Lisa, please do, just meet me and go" I pleaded.
"Jimin, I just came from there" she sighed.
"They wanted me to complain about you, and lie to the media saying you harassed me" she said.
She was so kind.
I wanted her so bloody freaking right now.
"Come over here, Lisa !" I pleaded.
I heard her sigh and she kept the phone.
Was she gonna come ?
I looked at my phone.
If only I could step inside my phone and go to her.
She fought for me.
My potato Lisa.
Just imagine that innocent face all angry and stubborn, she'll be a small cherry tomato.
2 more bloody hours for the show.
I'd just hope she'd come.
Suddenly a small thudding of footsteps echoed the auditorium.
Only me and my members were there.
I turned back, hoping to see Lisa.
Suddenly the swift of the door and Lisa came in.
A pink bright t-shirt and black shorts, wasn't she lovely ?
Her blonde hair loose down to her shoulders.
Her beautiful doe eyes, wandering off to find some support.
I stood up immediately.
Seongi noona had already left the room.
I rushed towards her, all my members turned around.
"Jimin ?" her honey coated voice sounded so good to hear.
"Come" I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a room nearby.
God knew what was this room for.
Small boxes and parcels were there everywhere.
A small dim light was lightened.
Leaving the room dark.
I shut the door and slammed her onto to the door.
"Jimin" her voice sounded scared.
She was turning red and dried tears were visible in her cheeks.
"I'm not gonna bite you, doll" I caressed her cheeks.
I pulled her away from the door, slamming her onto the wall.
"I'm afraid I'm not gonna be in Blackpink anymore, Jimin" she spoke, removing my hand from her cheeks.
"You will" I whispered.
"I shouted at my manager, yelled at my members, how will I exist ?" she looked down.
"Ok, when did that all happen ?" I scoffed.
"It did !" she hissed.
She looked up, looking at me, biting her lip.
I took hold of her cheeks and kissed her lips.
She suddenly moved away.
"Jimin" she said, moving my hands away.
I just got so rejected.
But then suddenly, she threw her arms around my neck and came closer to me.
I pulled her chin up and kissed her again, hoping she'd respond.
She did.
She kissed back in favor.
I tightened my arms around her waist, still kissing her like there was no tomorrow.
We kissed till we ran out of breath.
She looked up to me, smiling.
God...... that smile.
I wanted her to kiss me for my entire life.
But suddenly the door opened, leaving her scared.

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