Jennie's POV - Visitor

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I welcomed Papi in Blackpink's house, she rather seemed very small and timid with all my members.
Rose tried her best to make Papi smile but did good old Papi knew much better than laugh at Rose's purposely falls and mimic actions of getting hurt but Papi stood still.
I have to admit, she looked really weird with all that awkward things she had done and yet find the result of Papi staring at her like some kind of animal.
Papi finally said those words that made Rose finally understand that Papi is a abnormal child.
Not to mean it in a rude way.
"You know what, you don't look a least bit funny. Don't ache your legs while tumbling over stuff. I know I'm still a kid who can laugh at anything. But you can act normal"
And that made Rose shut up and walk straight without tumbling over stuff and I couldn't let out a scoff and Rose glared back.
"Babe, your room's over here. I hope you won't mind if it's a little small" I said, leading her to our extra room which I had specially decorated for her.
I had painted the wall yellow with Jisoo unnie, and had a bunk bed with new sheets filled with stuff toys and a small white table to study with a cute yellow stool and I had stuck animal posters all around the room which I had got from a small fan of mine and had painted our brown cupboard into a pastel pink for Papi's clothes.
Papi looked around the room, her eyes growing bigger and bigger. Her eyes started swiveling around as I nervously tucked in my toes in my bunny flops.
"It's........ wonderful, unnie" Papi said turning around to me and I sat down as she puckered her lips and pecked my cheek.
"Aww, sweet."
Papi turned around to Rose with a glaring look. Rose seemed stiffen and had a straight mouth.
"Well-" I said, taking her luggage and patting it in her hands.
"I am not spoiling you. You'll have to go and put your clothes in the cupboard, very neat. And put your school books on the table, neatly. And then hop down to play with me and the other unnies for sometime. You'll have to eat everything in this house. Healthy or junk. And I'll give you a study time and you have to follow it or else I'll give you terrible punishments. Got it ?" I crossed my arms, looking stern as possible.
Papi looked at me for sometime and then cowardly shook her head at me and turned to her room.
God, I could never behave so rude to a kid like this. I'll die of regret. But the policer told me.
He said he had to have gone to Switzerland for some business trip for seven days and he said he trusted me to take care of Papi since he never wanted to give her to her mother.
It was illegal. But the policer said it was fine. She had a mother who beat her up and don't even care for the world. And siblings who sexually harassed her. And he could leave that girl with a person who he trusted and that was me.
Well, okay. I just loved her from when I saw her. And I am so okay with leaving a kid with me.
Unless she does me less trouble. Look, I love troubling kids but I'm still a idol.
I turned on my heel to the kitchen to find Jisoo unnie to tell her we needed to cook something very tasty for Papi since it was her first day here and I wanted her to be happy always.
"Unnie, listen."
"What, Jennie. Oh yeah, right. You didn't feed these dogs. They are having such a rough time in the dogs academy without you. Kuma is desperate-" Jisoo unnie blabbered.
"Unnie, didn't you see the girl we painted that room for ?" I asked her.
Jisoo unnie looked away from mixing the batter to me. She gave that OH expression and turned to her batter.
"Kuma was literally whining like a...... dog. And Kai was-"
"Papi is upstairs !" I screeched. Why weren't anyone here interested in a child that just came ?
Lisa seemed pretty stressed out because of Papi's behavior. Well, I have to admit, she was off limits calling Lisa a plastic Barbie and a mean girl.
And Papi hated Rose's nature and Rose backed off, not daring to come to her any more longer.
And now Jisoo unnie's just so...... not wanting to see a small child who was living upstairs in her house and which she had taken so much pressure of painting and decorating Papi's room.
"Fine, fine. I'll go..... but you have to do something about them, look, Dalgom is-"
I huffed in and she sashayed up the stairs and pulled the door open.
What bomb was she about to get exposed to ?

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