Rose's POV - True Love

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I finally found out my true love.
There's probably no one like him in this world, we share the same interests and I found my ideal type in him.
And he says I'm his too, he's just lying, Lisa fits him clearly, and they're meant to be.
But me and Jungkook hopped in and things turned out weird than expected.
I had the allowance to talk to Jimin about anything, no one would say anything, even Lisa.
She was more than outraged when she heard the conversation.
But she didn't do anything. She stayed silent, nodding precisely and gritting her teeth.
Like a silent but violent person that totally creeped me out.
I've always counted Jennie unnie as the fiercest when angry but Lisa defeated her definitely.
Jennie unnie may express her feelings out loud.
While Lisa didn't, but silently scared us as the coldness of her eyes rise up.
She's a play hard to get girl but she fell for Jimin like instant Maggie noodles.
I mean, I couldn't argue. He was perfect. For me though. But I know his fan-base is DAMN.
He's the Christian Chim Chim, Mochi, Jiminee Pabo and many more stuff.
I didn't want to leave from his huge and muscular arms wrapped around me, tightly.
I could feel his inhaling and exhaling deeply.
He took the video. It took me a while, but I figured it out.
Who knew he would do that ?
"Are you a bad person ?" I mumbled, beneath the covers.
I didn't know why was I being so childish. It just comes out of my mouth.
"I'm a very bad guy, Rose, I'm selfish and greedy, I don't know why such a sweet girl like you likes me" he replied.
"Even Lisa fell for you, isn't she sweet ?" I asked Jimin, I really wanted a answer.
"Of course, she's sweet" Jimin replied like I was a small baby girl who was rarely five.
Maybe he only thought of me like that, a small girl who he could cuddle up like his daughter, and tell all his problems like I'm his mother, and kiss me so passionately as a girlfriend, and make me say everything to him as a wife.
Was he goddamnit using me ?
"Jimin oppa, are you using me, tell me honestly" I asked him as I pulled down the covers.
His bare chest leaving me nonetheless.
He sighed heavily. I knew it. Why would he like me when I'm not even perfect as Lisa.
"Now no longer Rose, I'll have you till-" I didn't let him finish.
"Till you get Lisa after she gets jealous for me spending more time with you ?" I interrupted.
He looked at me, I knew those eyes so well, the guilty look after he kissed me back in the practice room.
"Jimin oppa, I know this is fake love, but, no one knows how I feel, everyone accuses me for each and every single thing others do, and now, my crush is using me to get over his ex-girlfriend !" I said getting up, feeling outraged than anything.
"Rose, Lisa was never my girlfriend !" Jimin raised his voice.
I widened my eyes, oh, he never got mad at Lisa, and now he's getting mad towards me.
"I can see your SO CALLED LOVE towards me, I've had enough, I thought I found each and every single thing in you that I like, and yet, I'm getting fooled, hey, Lisa is socially more closer to Jisoo unnie, please go and date her, she'll be so happy, and-" I abruptly stopped.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I found Jimin sitting up on the bed, listening to every word I was saying.
He got up and headed towards me, slowly slamming me onto the door.
"Me and Lisa were never in a relationship, and I didn't like you, but now I do, and I respect you, I love you for listening to every single word I'm saying and comforting me, I've always wanted a girlfriend like this, I thought I found it in Lisa, but I was never courageous to go to her even, my heart used to pound and flutter only even she was five kilometers away, but I didn't feel that with you, but with you I felt so comfortable, so homely, I thought I was with my dream girlfriend" Jimin said, his soft eyes filled with sorrow that somehow made me sad also.
I quickly hugged him. I loved at how honest he was. He hugged back.
I knew he would've been expecting a kiss but I turned it childish once again.
"Baby, please tell me, you trust me now, don't you, you don't have all those silly questions, right, you trust me in the first place, right ?" he asked, pressing my shown waist.
"Of course I do, just please, love me right, I'm not a lovely girlfriend" I replied solemnly.
"I've always thought of you as a lovely girlfriend and you are one" he pressed the tip of my nose and put his hand above my head, smiling so warmly.
If only his members would come back from his practice and J-hope who lavishly entered the room found Jimin all over me, and that too bare chested.
"You do love me, right ?" he said, placing my hand on his shown nipple.
I took my hand off him, what was he thinking, ew.
He chuckled at my childish behavior.
If it was Jennie unnie she would lavishly give a naughty smirk and place her hand, herself.
But I kept my hand to myself.
"Just imagine BTS sunbaenims entering the dorm and be like-" I couldn't finish.
He removed his baggy trousers and there stood his shaped Jibooty in safe boxers.
"Lemme see what they'll do then, shut up, they know I'm with my girlfriend" he seductively smiled that left me so innocent.
"I would love to have a innocent girlfriend, so that I can demonstrate and show off stuff, she doesn't have to know, I bet, you'll be the most perverted one in your group, and that too all thanks will go to me" he smirked.
"Shut up, I don't want to know stuff that I don't have to know" I replied, using my cold vibe.
"Shall I remove my boxers then ?" he asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
"Well then go ahead" I sarcastically said, but he probably took it seriously.
"I'm just joking !" I screamed as I stopped him from possibly showing me his Jibooty.
"Yah-Jungkook, that self choreo was awesome" I heard J-hope sunbaenim's voice.
"I could do that easily bruh, I'll demonstrate it as soon as I get ramen, I WANT FOOD NOW !" I heard Jin sunbaenim's shrill voice.
Then I heard some laughs, coming closer and closer.
"I told Hoseok hyung that I was sick and couldn't dance" Jimin said, alarmed.
"Then come on, put your trousers and jump into bed, fast !" I hissed.
He jumped and put on his trousers and I pulled the covers for him and sat beside him.
Then someone opened the door.
It was J-hope as predicted but Jungkook was also there at the back.
J-hope looked at me, smiling.
"Hey....... Rose" he smiled.
I smiled back and got up and bowed.
"Hello, sunbae" I said as I got up, twitching my toes, awkwardly, not wanting to sit beside Jimin.
Jungkook glared at me with his big saucer pan eyes, and walked towards Jimin.
"Are you okay now, hyung ?" Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's forehead to check his fever.
"You're not hot" Jungkook took his hand back.
"Well, I'm better, just...... a slight headache now" Jimin pouted, cutely.
God, that guy, he was just that perverted sex god but now an adorable Mochi in a second.
"Yah, Jungkook, show him your new move" J-hope sunbaenim laughed.
"Hyung, not now" Jungkook replied, shooting me a look.
"Well then oppa, shall I go, now you have your members ?" I smiled at Jimin.
"Such a polite girlfriend" J-hope sunbaenim smiled at me.
"Polite, she was here the full time ?" Jungkook asked Jimin.
Jimin nodded, smiling at me.
Awwwww.... cute. Seriously, I'm fangirling him so hard now.
"She was in bed too, right, then how can you feel so refreshed now ?" Jungkook sighed.
"Jungkook, manners" Jimin pressed Jungkook's hands as he rolled his eyes.
That attitude.
"You can go Rose, and....... I'll call you" Jimin nodded, that it left me curious.
"Bye babe" Jimin waved at me.
He just called me babe. Okay, no issue. Calm down. No blushing. Though I think I did.
That I saw Jimin chuckling and J-hope trying not to.
I looked down and waved at him and heading towards the door.
"Hey, let's watch Pretty Woman once again" I heard Jin sunbaenim's voice.
I went to the living room, going to greet them to show respect.
Jin sunbaenim was busy eating kimchi.
Taehyung sunbaenim was sitting in the couch with a remote on his hand.
Yoongi sunbaenim was already sleeping.
And Namjoon sunbaenim was busy putting DVD's in the TV box.
They all looked at me, confused. I smiled at them and bowed.
"Good morning, sunbaenims" I smiled.
"Good morning, Rose" Jin sunbaenim and Taehyung sunbaenim chanted.
I chuckled.
"Why were you here ?" Jin sunbaenim asked me, slurping down his kimchi.
"Um, Jimin oppa called me, and-" I stopped, knowing that they knew the answer as they nodded, giving each other a look and slowly smirking.
I headed towards the door as they all except for Yoongi sunbaenim waved to me, as bye.
I slowly pushed the door open, heading towards the elevator.
I slowly waited for the elevator, if any one would catch me, I was gone dead.
I got in the elevator as I put my mask.
And tying my hair from which Jimin let go loose, neatly into a bun and put my cap on.
As it reached ground floor, I headed towards my car.
I sat at the backseat and the driver took off.
My mind kept on wandering towards Jimin, wasn't he such a cute mochi ?
Lisa is so lucky to get Jimin to like her.
But she didn't understand, I would love Lisa to come back to Jimin, but a envious part of me wanted him.
As we reached the YG building, I got off, scurrying towards the elevator.
I knew my unnies and Lisa would not be woken up by now since YG has given us a day off.
I rushed, if any of them woke up, I needed an excuse, or why am I lying, I'll say the truth.
I pushed the door open with my key.
Thankfully, no one has woken up.
Jennie unnie and Lisa were cozily sleeping in a same bed, even though they were two beds.
And Jisoo unnie was tightly hugging Dalgom and sleeping.
Kai and Kuma rushed towards me, walking beside my legs, and I slowly petted them.
I was afraid they would bark but then probably, they understood the situation too.
I took Kuma by my arms, while Kai enviously walked beside me, ready to be picked up.
"Oh, of course I'll pick my little baby up too, Kai" I squatted down, holding Kai and Kuma.
I walked to the kitchen, placing Kai and Kuma in their dog tents.
I toasted some bread and spread jam all over it and scrambled some eggs.
Dalgom, who slowly got up from Jisoo unnie's arms, sniffing the egg, came hopefully to see me.
"Dalgomie-ah, let me give it to your mother first and her sisters and poor me too" I smiled.
Kai came back to Dalgom, and they both run off to somewhere, well, I reckon, Kuma slept.
Slowly I heard creaking sounds and someone pushed the the bedroom, which Jennie unnie and Lisa were sleeping in, it was Lisa.
"Good morning, monkey" I greeted her, looking at her messed up hair and her srunched up face.
"Oh chipmunk, good morning to you too" she fake smiled.
"Ah, let me give you some fruits to eat and you can go swing in the trees" I gave her a slice of bread.
"Ooh-ahh, wee-wahh, ooh-ooh" she made impersonating sounds of a monkey.
"Chipmunk Rose, what about some nuts to go with and then you can go and meet your beloved chipmunk boyfriend, Alvin" she took the bread, grinning from ear to ear.
I had nothing to say but smile like I was horribly deafeated.
Lisa sat and munched on the bread as Jennie unnie walked into the kitchen, half sleeping.
"It feels like I've never slept before, this was the beauty sleep I needed" Jennie unnie mumbled.
"Yeah, you were that ugly" Lisa laughed.
"Atleast better than you're monkey face" Jennie unnie tried to roast her back.
I put up my hand for a high-five to Jennie unnie, but she walked past it, and Lisa giggled.
Jennie unnie pouted as she saw the breakfast.
"I'm not in a mood to eat bread and jam, we are all going out for lunch today" Jennie unnie decided, munching on the bread.
Lisa clapped her hands, and suddenly looked worried.
"Um, I won't make it, unnie" Lisa dissapointly said, looking down but neutral at the same time.
"Why ?" Jennie unnie asked her.
"I have a date at the afternoon" she smiled weirdly, twitching her toes, nervously.
"Ah, who's the unlucky guy ?" Jennie unnie chuckled.
I broke into a laugh, but I knew who she was talking about. Jungkook.
"Jung-" she stopped as Jennie unnie interrupted her.
"Unlucky guy, now, let's not talk about boys, cancel that so called date, let's have some girl's day out, it's been days and days since this boy thing came out" Jennie unnie rolled her eyes.
"I'm sorry unnie, I can't cancel it, I never interrupted your time with Taehyung oppa, and Jungkook is pretty stubborn on these stuff" Lisa fake-smiled, rolling her eyes at me.
I knew what she meant, she meant she didn't want Jimin since she had such a nice boyfriend as Jungkook.
I stayed silent, as I toasted the bread for Jisoo unnie.
"That guy, Jimin oppa, he doesn't take a little bit outing or what, forget that, you haven't even gone inside his room" Lisa playfully laughed at me.
"Well, I just went to their house this morning before you guys even woke up" I chimed.
I looked at Lisa. Sheesh, I was definitely not good at keeping secrets.
Lisa stood, a little bit of softness in her face. I looked down at the toast and flipped it over.
"It's true" I gulped.
Jennie unnie widened her eyes at me but she didn't mind.
Lisa looked away.
"Unnie, I guess, I'll go brush my teeth, but I can't make it to lunch" Lisa said as she went to her bedroom.
"Don't you feel tired after all this boy thing came out ?" Jennie unnie asked me as Lisa left.
"I actually find it good, I know things aren't well with us but it feels good having a boy by your side to comfort you" I replied.
Jennie unnie nodded.
Suddenly Kai and Kuma rushed to her arms as Dalgom felt left out on the floor.
I picked him up, stroking his soft hair and kissed his forehead.
"Jisoo unnie never washes Dalgom, saying that it hates water, better be careful when you're doing skinship with it, hon" Jennie unnie smiled.
"Poor Dalgomie hates water, NO NO NO" I shook it's paw and it made Jennie unnie laugh.
Dalgom looked at me confused, poor pal.
Kai and Kuma seemed too comfortable in Jennie unnie's arms as they two never left her.
Suddenly Jisoo unnie came, her eyes wide open and fresh.
She'd probably be the only one who brushes and gets a wash right after she wakes up.
"There, there, what's up here ?" Jisoo unnie spoke, in her best pink skirt and yellow top.
I nodded, smiling.
"Unnieeeeeee, look at my darling little unnie, Kai, look at her" Jennie unnie forcefully shook Kai's paw.
Kai got so disturbed, he ran out of Jennie unnie's arms with Dalgom, who was running away.
"Yah Kai !" Jennie unnie shouted as she pouted.
Kuma lay comfortably in Jennie unnie's arms, not worrying about her brother at all.
Just like what Jennie unnie would do. Like mom, like daughter.
Lisa came back, a little refreshed, as Jisoo unnie silently finished her eggs and bread.
Lisa came back, a little bit quieter and she sat on our couch, hands folded, looking at the window with deep concentration that dawned in her eyes.
I took a mug of coffee, and left the kitchen, leaving the unnies chit-chatting, going to Lisa.
I sat beside her, with our two cups of coffee.
She didn't look at me though she knew I was there, beside her.
"There, I'm sorry, little Ms. Moody Monkey" I gave her a cup of coffee, and she took it.
"Unnie, you should have told me you've liked him ever since I liked him" Lisa looked at me.
"Why ?" I asked.
"Cause or else I would not be so moody right now as you say" she replied, sighing.
"But I left him for you, I thought you needed him, and he needed you, trust me Lisa, I'm not telling this to make you feel better, he hasn't gotten over you" I pressed her damp palm.
"Really ?" she asked, her eyes open wide.
I was really telling the truth, he's definitely not gotten over her. It was too obvious.
"Really, though, I'm being frank and not hurting your feelings Lisa, he can't get over you but he's very angry with you that he wants you to apologize first" I said, crystal clear.
"Ok....... I will, unless you break up with him" she said.
I sighed, heavily.
I wanted Jimin and Lisa to get reunited but a evil part of me did not want to give him to Lisa.
I wanted him. He was my boyfriend.
I seriously don't how what to choose, friends or love ?

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