Jungkook's POV - Should Have

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"Bang PD-nim" I mumbled, creaking the door open of his office.
"Ah, my baby boy, what's here for the youngest to protest ?" Bang PD-nim smiled at me.
"Um, if I'm right, I can...... date someone who is an idol, right ?" I peered my eyes at him.
I didn't want to get highly justified when I was playing this game with Lisa.
"Um, why are you asking this, Jungkook ?" Bang PD-nim's smile washed away.
I gulped down. After all, I can play a BRAVE BOY role but not in front of my CEO.
"Just asking Bang-"
"Jungkook, don't tell me you've started dating a famous idol" Bang PD-nim looked at me.
"They're rookies and now they just got disbanned from dating" I bit my lip.
"Lisa ?" Bang PD-nim asked, his eyes going wide for a millisecond.
"Jungkook no, I think you're too young" Bang PD-nim joked around.
"You dating, is a whole new spectacular weirdest thing I've ever heard" Bang PD-nim laughed.
"You're far too busy on fame, you've never wanted a girl and now suddenly-" Bang PD-nim let out a silent laugh.
"My baby boy, what's wrong with you ?" Bang PD-nim patted my head, as I gritted my teeth.
"And that too, Lisa, didn't you get any other girl, after all, I hope you know the dating rumors of Jimin and Lisa, all going for the same girl" Bang PD-nim's voice harshened.
His face turned into a neutral expression as he put his hand on my shoulder.
"I don't want my boys to fight, and that too for a silly rookie girl, I've never wanted you to date, let it be time, Jungkook" Bang PD-nim finished.
Silly rookie girl ?
I wanted to punch Bang PD-nim in the stomach now. Not that I have feelings for her.
I do.
"Shes not a silly rookie girl, and Jimin doesn't like Lisa anymore" I frowned.
"Damn Jungkook, thank god they didn't report to the media saying Jimin harassed her, you know how severed it would have been, and now you want Lisa, the exact same person that Jimin pushed" Bang PD-nim scowled.
"Jimin hyung didn't push her" I said.
"Of course he did, and I bet he got the right lesson for that, that bomb attack was all about this, and now Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung, his so called baby got injured, and he regrets it now, so bad, and that's the reason he doesn't like Lisa anymore" Bang PD-nim sat on his chair.
"He doesn't like Lisa anymore and that's all my fault, and...... we got back together eventually, me and Lisa, I told him that, and I don't know if he's kidding, but he probably has another girlfriend now" I finished.
"All of you dating all of a sudden, Jungkook, but dating for you must not be such a nice option, and I don't believe you fell in love, now this feels like, the girl ordered you to fall in love with her, baby boy, that's not what love is about" Bang PD-nim smiled, his voice softened.
"She did not order me to, I loved her with my heart" I spoke.
Bang PD-nim laughed.
I glared at him as he pretended to get scared at my glaring face.
"Jungkook, you're such a baby yourself, you're 20 years, yet, behave like it, I know it's a age where you want to just find a girl and act cheesy, but you're different, and yet you fell for a silly Blackpink girl, come on, go practice on how to sip on a baby bottle, Jungkook, and then take your few steps and go and get yourself a nice baby nap" Bang PD-nim laughed as he walked out of the room, giving me a little pat on my head.
I thumped my fist in rage on the fancy glass table. I thought it would break. No.
I hated they way he called me his BABY BOY, sometimes I hate being the youngest.
Taehyung hyung and Jin hyung used to imitate the BABY BOY he used to say.
I left the room, my fist hurting like mad.
I suddenly saw Jimin hyung and I speeded up a little more.
"Jungkook-ah" Jimin hyung pulled me back.
I could get out of his grip, but he looked like he was going to swear as hell.
"Date Lisa, but if it's to make me jealous, it won't work" Jimin hyung spat.
"Stop telling fibs, hyung, and okay, it's not to make you jealous, you know she had feelings for you, but you destroyed it" I shushed him and his eyes were glaring with rage.
"Fine Jungkook" he gulped. And he walked away and I sighed.
I turned front and saw Taehyung hyung, crossing his arms with a high frown on his face.
"Hyung" I whined.
"Please don't bother about this, just leave this" I said.
"Yeah, as if I could leave you both fighting for ages" Taehyung hyung remarked.
I sighed heavily as I turned back and went to Jimin hyung's direction, unable to face Taehyung hyung now.
I turned and went to our empty practice room, laying on the floor, my hands travelling through the brown bangs as I bit my lip in wonder.
I had done this all for Lisa. And she promised me it would work. But she doesn't know how smart can Jimin hyung be at times.
"Yah-Jungkook ah, what-ya dancing to ?" Hoseok hyung walked inside the room.
"IU" I lied.
"Aaahhhh, you really wish you could date her, right ?" Hoseok hyung grinned.
I nodded. Acting like I was too tired to speak.
I didn't want to. I wish I disagreed to Lisa. But I had a different game inside my head.
And that's something I shouldn't disclose.

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