Jin's POV - Phone

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"I hope we get out of this wretched case the first thing" I heard Namjoon hesitate all the way along his room to the kitchen.
I was busy trying to make some food for all the members while they scrunched up in their rooms, busy thinking and sulking about the case.
I tried to remove their glum faces by some sweet buns and sweet rice cakes, but they stayed how they were alike.
Now it was almost noon and I had to somehow take up the hesitation and cook food under all the tension and the sudden quietness but as usual I was also too glum.
"Yah TaeTae, what do you want for lunch ?" I smiled at Taehyung who was playing around a rubix cube but his eyes wandered off elsewhere.
Taehyung looked at me, alarmingly from his thoughts and then shook back to his senses again.
"Um, I don't know hyung.... anything easy enough to cook" Taehyung replied.
I let out a desperate sigh, shaking my head at Taehyung as he shrugged back innocently.
"You guys are taking this too hard, they'll come back safe and sound, we're going to easily scoot out of this case before anything bad can happen, okay ?" I reassured him.
"Not that hyung, it's just a bad feeling about what we did to a guy who raised us up to fame, he was kind enough to raise us up even if we got short out of money, he did all he could but now....." Taehyung stopped, throwing down the rubix cube once he undid the puzzle.
"Well, we thanked him and made him a lot of money, but what he did was... unexpected" I sniffed.
"I have a bad feeling about this, Yoongi hyung shouldn't have done it, after all he took care of us ever so dearly" Taehyung looked at me with his doled eyes.
"Taehyung hyung, let's take this easier than ever, don't feel so sympathetic about a person who tried to stab your girlfriend, thank Yoongi hyung that she is not dead now" Jungkook walked in.
Taehyung and I turned front to find Jungkook strolling in, his phone tucked safely in his hands.
"I have got the clue to make us innocent, I was stupid enough to not show those polices the most fascinating truth that we've never tried to kill our PD" Jungkook juggled his phone.
"And what it maybe ?" I asked him, as Jungkook gave me his small famous smirk.
"The recorder..... just what Jennie noona suggested" Jungkook caressed his back of his phone.
Taehyung let out a small gasp as he walked towards Jungkook.
"Taehyung, we'll need it, give it to me" I ordered but Taehyung took hold of the phone and was possibly going to throw the phone down the open window.
"Hyung !" Jungkook catched it immediately from his hands and slammed himself onto the wall.
"What are you trying to do, Taehyung ?" I asked, a little bit of a high tone used.
"It will be even worse when they tell that we forced him to tell that for a drama" Taehyung said.
I let in a deep breath, I thought he was right.
If they complained about that, we'd be in immense trouble, forget us, the whole Blackpink.
"Hyung, you thought about that" Jungkook acknowledged.
"I don't want Jennie and the rest of her members in trouble too, we've already done enough for them and yet they all are ready to take the weight and help us" Taehyung solemnly replied.
"Jungkook, give me the phone" Taehyung looked up, a angry tone in his voice as if he knew Jungkook wouldn't give him the phone.
"Hyung, you're right but we may need it-"
"Give me the phone and not further explanations, Jungkook !" Taehyung shouted back.
Suddenly Jungkook stiffened, oh no, things aren't going on well at all.
"Taehyung, we may need it" I tried to calm Taehyung straight from the kitchen but Taehyung didn't seem to mind what was I saying.
"Hyung, if they come and ask to investigate our phones and they find this, they will be highly suspicious, if we delete this they will know, so........... throw the phone out, Jungkook" Taehyung ordered to Jungkook but he shook his head.
"If I throw my phone out and I buy a new phone, they will be even more suspicious" Jungkook replied hastily.
"No, they won't.... now just give me the phone !" Taehyung got hold of Jungkook's hand.

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