Jin's POV - Who's It Now

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( 1 day after Rose tried to suicide, she is still admitted in the hospital, and Jimin planned to stay beside her forever until she wakes up, so is Jungkook and the rest of the Blackpink members )

"This place is so silent without Jimin and Jungkook" Namjoon pouted.
"My room sucks now, even though I say I hate sharing rooms, damn, I only realized I actually like sharing rooms after Jimin left" Hoseok muttered, pouring himself an glass of juice.
"I miss Jimin hyung and Jungkook !" Taehyung whined, "And Jennie" he finished, pouting.
"There we go with the Vmin and Taekook shit" Yoongi sighed heavily as Taehyung glared.
"Well, you're really close to Jimin hyung, after a few more days and you'll be like me !" Taehyung hissed back.
"Now, now, I don't think Jimin is going to come back soon, the doctor said Rose will only be better after two or three more days, even after she gets better, Jimin is still going to stay for a little while, by her side, so, let's not be so dramatic" I said.
"Ok mother......... shut up, I miss him a lot" Hoseok sipped his juice.
I sighed as I shrugged, this house actually felt like someone died........ and I hated it.
"Mm, I actually feel sorry for him, I would have done the same thing, I would never leave my girlfriend alone in that state" Taehyung said.
"Yeah, and you would even go and eat the crap out of her" Yoongi chuckled.
"Yah !" Taehyung's voice raised angrily that even I stood shaking.
"I will not look whether you're elder than me or not, don't talk about Jennie like that, and if you will-" Taehyung got up, heading towards him.
"Seriously, not another Daegu fight, right ?" I punched Yoongi slightly in his shoulder.
"He gets worked up all the time, he hates it when I talk about Jennie, but since I like annoying people, it doesn't really matter" Yoongi chuckled.
"Oh, will you stop ?" Namjoon sighed.
"Of course I will, but first you stop with your WILL YOU STOP thing and I will" Yoongi hissed.
"Stop fighting you two !" I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"I'm the king of back answer, so Namjoonie don't try to play with me !" Yoongi ignored my comment as he grinned.
"Okay hyung, ask me how much do you love me" Namjoon faced Hoseok.
"Namjoonie yah, how much do you love me ?" Hoseok used his baby voice, hinting aegyo.
"As much as stars are there right now outside" Namjoon replied, smiling.
"But it's daytime" Hoseok asked, confused.
"Exactly" Namjoon slammed down, I broke down my wiper cleaning laugh as Yoongi shrugged.
"Ouch, that hurt" Hoseok clutched his heart but broke down laughing afterwards.
"That sounds like my-"
"Le-JIN-dary jokes" Namjoon finished my sentence.
"Oh, I was about to break that pun out of nowhere !" I whined.
"No, it wouldn't be funny" the three said in a chorus, that made them laugh and make me pout.
"Jimin-ah" Namjoon picked up his phone, suddenly noticing the cute picture of Jimin appearing on his phone.
Namjoon was silent for a while, biting his lips around all the time.
"Sure, there's nothing to worry about........ I'll take care of the manager, you can stay around for a while...... okay, bye" Namjoon hung up his phone.
"What ?" I asked Namjoon, willing to know if Jimin and Jungkook are fine in the hospital.
"Jimin said that Jungkook is on his way here-"
"Really ?!" Taehyung exclaimed, interrupting Namjoon as Namjoon ignored his REALLY.
"And Jimin said that Rose hasn't opened her eyes yet, and after Rose gets better, he's arranged a little vacation for both of them, so he won't come back for a while" Namjoon finished.
"But why did Rose try to suicide ?" Taehyung asked.
"I don't know, Jimin was in such a hurry, maybe it's idol pressure, they can go really hard on girls" Namjoon replied.
Yoongi nodded, suddenly deep in thought.
"Really, a vacation, things are getting gooey" Hoseok sang, flirtatiously.
"Poor Rose" I muttered.
"Well, she'll get better, but till then, I have to live alone in a lonely room, I don't know how Jungkook survives sleeping alone" Hoseok whined.
"But Jungkook's coming, you can ask him to sleep with you if you like, but I'm happy he's coming atleast, even Jennie won't come, I don't have no friends !" Taehyung spoke in a baby voice.
"Yah, he reached !" I yelped as I rushed to open the door.
Jungkook stood, his eyes sleepy from staying up all midnight, it's 8 am now.
"Good morning, kookie" I moved away from his way from entering the house.
"Good night, hyung" Jungkook muttered sleepily as he fell onto the couch, his eyes already going to sleep, as he turned around till he got comfortable in the leather couch.
"It must be cozy" Taehyung muttered, suddenly pouting.
"And Jimin said that, we need to bring this vacation thing up to Bang PD-nim, somehow" Namjoon bit his lip, in worrying.
"Don't worry, he'd probably understand, after all he also has a sweetheart" I smiled.
Yoongi looked like he'd sleep any minute now, his eyes droopy, he was always like that, but in the morning, you can barely see the white part of his eyes.
"Oh, I'll sort it out" I heard Yoongi mutter.
How ?
"Hyung, get up, nows not the time to sleep, we need to think about how to bring this up to Bang PD-nim, he'll be cross, you know how he is, and he won't approve so easily, he doesn't stick up for girl matters, you know him" Namjoon woke up Yoongi.
Yoongi got up and sat down in the armchair, having a deep breath.
"It's a suicide issue, if he doesn't allow, I'll simply write a message on the social media on how rude can entertainment companies be" Yoongi said.
"You mean, threaten him ?" Namjoon gasped.
"Somewhat, he needs to know the meaning of love, and that too when Jimin's lover suicides, he should respect him, after all, Jimin is giving his best for BTS" Yoongi replied.
Me and Hoseok nodded as Taehyung looked at us, nonchalantly.
"If we only knew why she was suicided" Namjoon wondered.
Suddenly Jungkook got up, shocked.
"You don't know yet ?" Jungkook gasped.
"What ?!" I shouted at Jungkook's shocked expression.
"Did she................. die ?" Taehyung gasped.
"No, no, she didn't, but-um.... I don't know how should I tell you" Jungkook sighed.
"Just tell us" Namjoon ordered.
"Come on, you're rising my patience, just tell us, kookie" Hoseok pleaded.
"Tell us" Yoongi sleepily muttered.
"Rose noona, is um..... p-pregnant" Jungkook stuttered, looking at Namjoon with wide eyes.
It was dead silent for a minute.
Hoseok started shuffling his hands which sensed nervousness.
Yoongi got up from his sleepy posture, as he looked at Jungkook's guilty face.
Namjoon's mouth was wide open.
Taehyung left a shocked expression, his eyes going wide.
"It's not Jimin hyung, is it ?" Taehyung asked.
"It is hyung, I thought Jimin hyung had told you all everything, I didn't know he had left a job for me to do, he just wanted her to feel better from all this drama, that's why Jimin hyung is taking Rose noona for a vacation" Jungkook replied.
Namjoon gasped once more, as Yoongi shifted himslef beside Jungkook, looking at him.
"Is this all true ?" Yoongi repelled.
Jungkook nodded as Hoseok tipped his juice glass over by mistake, the glass shattering.
"I'll clean it up" I went to the kitchen bar, as Hoseok looked at me and went to the living room.
I took a cloth as I cleaned up the juice from the slab as I carefully tipped over the glass to the plastic cover and I threw it to the waste.
I went to the living room, sitting between Taehyung and Namjoon.
Hoseok and Yoongi were seated opposite sides to Jungkook as we all looked at him.
"How the hell are we supposed to tell this to Bang PD-nim now ?!" Namjoon whined.
"Jimin hyung's career will be blown !" Taehyung whined.
"At such a young age !" Yoongi whined.
"What will Rose do now !?" Hoseok whined.
"Why are you getting mad at me, it's all his fault, like, I thought he was using Rose to get over Lisa but then-he's not" Jungkook replied.
"He's not using Rose, he actually loves her, orelse he won't spend all his time in the hospital just for her, taking her for a vacation to get things over, he's a kind hearted man, it's not his fault, it's his career's fault, but then it is a very young age" I said.
"Who's it now ?" Taehyung went to open the door.

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