Taehyung's POV - Papi

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"Old old times passed away quickly, didn't they ?" Yoongi hyung sighed, resting his arms on the rester as he gazed out at the beach below us.
He blew out his cigarette and stepped on it. New generations, new habits. I could tell.
"Sure hyung. I can't believe myself. Look at me, all grown up and the father of four kids. I never knew my future would be as splendid as it is right now" I smiled, thanking God.
"......... I realized my true love really late. Can't believe it was right in front of me and I hadn't even took a glance. Every single award show and concerts we went, I had seen Dahyun. Not as a lover but a junior artist. If he hadn't gotten into that one elevator that changed our lives, we wouldn't even have been together" he smiled dreamily.
I chuckled. "I told you one day hyung, that you will feel how love is like and you'll feel sorry for teasing me about Jennie" I said.
"Oh Tae, I'm sorry. I didn't know love was such a power. It took over me" Yoongi hyung chuckled.
"It didn't just take over you. It took over lots of people, hyung" I bit my lip.
I rewinded all the thoughts of my old Jennie. How she made me fall for her. If BigHit and YG didn't propose our date together, we wouldn't have been together too.
"Jennie is the biggest and best mistake I've ever made" I muttered. And Yoongi hyung nodded.
"Well then, catch up with you later. I've told Namjoon many times to plan a little get together, now I'll certainly plan !" Yoongi hyung rolled his eyes.
"Bye then Tae. Miss talking to you all" Yoongi hyung sounded soft for once. I smiled warmly.
"Bye hyung" I replied as he walked away after doing a small handshake.
I turned around and walked to the beach. My feet tapping against the stairs as I pulled out my phone and dialed Jennie.
"I am finally free after feeding the kids, what a lot of time, you know" I could hear Jennie sigh.
"Where did you leave Minseo ?" I asked. The children sure have to be playing but Minseo was still too small to play.
"Oh, Jimin and Rose love taking care of her. I left them there, Hana begged me to" she laughed.
I laughed and bit my lip.
"Come down to the beach, it's empty in here. Let me have some YOU time" I muttered, breaking into a smile.
"Oh Tae..... fine, I'll come" I could hear Jennie laughing so cutely. I kept my phone down as I walked through the soft sand in the dark night.
The beach looked scarier in the dark, like a deep and black hollow you'd never want to fall into.
"There, we're in the beach, AGAIN" I heard a soft female voice.
It can't be Jennie, she didn't sound like Jennie. I turned back and found a beautiful young lady who wore a sunflower patterned skirt till her knees and a plain off shoulder white top.
"Oppa !" She continued, breaking into a wide smile as I stared at her, confused.
Suddenly, the memories flicked right through my brain.
"Papi !" I replied, the corner of my mouth twitching with happiness as I looked right at her.
"Oh, goodness gracious, you remember me !" Papi squealed as she gave me a big hug.
"I am eighteen ! Pretty much big, right ?!" Papi continued.
"Oh god, my Papi grew so big. Wait till Jennie sees you, she's going to be mistaken you for someone else !" I replied, patting her head.
But I was wrong, Jennie came and she squealed when she saw Papi and ran towards her and hugged her so tightly.
"Jennie unnie !" Papi laughed. We all stared at each other for a minute, looking at the past and how much we've grown.
"Without you guys, I would have never found my Father. I wanted to thank you but since I was so small and ungrateful, I had to tell now. Namjoon oppa invited me, can't believe he remember me. God bless you both, and I wanted to say.... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !" Papi said, tears filling her eyes and she hugged us both thoroughly.
We hugged her back and finally set apart.
"I heard you have four kids, right ?" Papi asked.
"Oh yes" I replied. But as soon as she said those, Renchun, Mark and Jihee popped happily along together.
I held them by my side and they confusedly looked at Papi with wide open eyes. Papi smiled.
"Renchun" she said pointing at Renchun and Renchun nodded.
"Mark !" she said excitedly at Mark and Mark nodded with a smile.
"Jihee...." she said, tickling Jihee under the chin as she squealed and nodded with a warm smile.
"Where's baby Minseo ?" Papi asked, looking at Jennie.
"Oh, I'll show you her later. She's with Rose, do you remember ?" Jennie asked, smiling.
"Oh, the topsy turvy one, the clumsy !" Papi asked, her voice going higher.
"Exactly" Jennie laughed and I smiled at Rose's nicknames.
"Where's Barbie doll ?" Papi asked as she obviously resumed Lisa.
"Oh, inside ?" Jennie thought as she couldn't help the thought of Lisa seeing Papi right now will cause her an heart attack.
"Tae oppa, don't you want another kid ?" Papi asked, grinning from mouth to mouth.
"Oh, we're expecting one. It's a girl. We haven't told anyone so far, so ssh !" I replied.
"And its a girl. We have already found out a name...." Jennie smiled at me and I smiled back.
"What is the name ?" Papi asked curiously.
"Papi" I replied as Papi let out a small smile. I had kept my promise Papi, I would name my girl Papi.

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