Jimin's POV - Like Really

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Wait, what the - hell ?
Taehyung likes Jennie, Jennie hates Taehyung.
Why ? Ok. Of course, that's a stupid question.
Everyone likes different people. Everyone has different tastes.
And, it's not fair to force some people to liking each other.
Like, really ?
Taehyung has a weakness for cute Aegyo girls.
Especially she's a Gucci craze.
Her fashion sense's lit.
She's everything Taehyung would want for.
I looked at Jungkook. I knew he was not supposed to tell us this. Me and Jin hyung.
I got up, without hearing more.
And headed towards Namjoon hyung's room.
When I got inside, Namjoon hyung and Taehyung were fast asleep on their bed.
Taehyung holding Namjoon hyung as tight as he could.
I headed downstairs, Hoseok hyung was watching TV and Suga hyung was sleeping soundly on the sofa.
I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't things be more interesting ?
I wanted to find out what happened in Taehyung's date.
I went to Taehyung's room again.
And slowly sat beside him.
"Taehyung.... Taehyung !" I hissed at his ear.
Taehyung peered his eyes. "Get up" I hissed, pleadingly.
"No" he muttered.
"Taehyung.... please" I took his hands away from Namjoon hyung slowly, without waking him up.
I made him get up.
"Come with me, down, in our kitchen" I whispered.
He came down, sleepily.
We sat down on the the kitchen bar stools.
"Tell me, what happened on the date ?" I said clearly.
Taehyung got up immediately and stared at me, all evil like.
"You got me up to talk about this b***h ?" Taehyung said, his eyes flowing with rage.
"Taehyung.... please.... open up" I pleaded.
I took his hands and made him sit.
"It was all okay, Jimin hyung" Taehyung closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I talked to you like that" Taehyung petted me.
"It's okay, Tae" I stroked his hand. "Just tell me what happened."
"I'm sorry, Jiminee hyung.... I'm not in a mood to tell" Taehyung took a sip of water to control himself.
"I know she hates you, Tae" I put my hand on his shoulder "I know all about it."
Taehyung looked up with his sore beautiful eyes.
He told me everything. Head to toe.
Without missing any part.
"And it's a shock, she kissed you" I patted him "She has a soft corner for you, Tae."
"No she doesn't, she just did that for Blackpink and YG.... not for me" Taehyung whined.
"Oh Tae.... you're being so silly" I teased him as he kept his glass down.
"I'm not, she is..... she is acting so fussy and stubborn about it" Taehyung looked at me.
"Taehyung..... you are" I smiled.
"I actually kinda like her stubbornness" Taehyung smirked in a low key, looking down.
"I know you like her so much than ever" I took his hands "Keep going, Tae.... don't stop" I grinned.
"I won't...... I'll make her have my own kids, Jimin hyung" he smirked looking at me.
I widened my eyes as to show "That would not be needed"
"Uh... don't take it that far, hyung" I chuckled.
He got up and left the kitchen.
I headed to Jungkook's room, Jin hyung and Jungkook were in a conversation.
"Where did you go, Jimin ?" Jin hyung pulled me down.
"I went to Tae..... he told me everything about the date, my belief" I said.
Jungkook looked at me and so did Jin hyung.
I told them everything.
Jungkook's mouth was wide opened.
I went downstairs with Jungkook.
I sat with Hoseok hyung and watched TV as Jungkook went to Taehyung's room.
He was watching "Ninja Mutan Turtles", hadn't I known ?
I stared at all those turtle ninjas doing stunt moves and their weird orange masks falling off every minute after those stupid stunt moves.
I thought about Jennie.
Somehow, kicking Taehyung and doing powerful back flips in that black ninja costume.
I know it was weird. I know I'M weird.
Threatening him just to pull off that crush-it-is catastrophe and yell at him to act normal.
I knew how he would act around girls his type. All cheesy and outgoing.
He'll be a bit talkative.
He's so around quiet around girls that are not his type.
I kept teasing him.
AND Jin hyung.
Saw him how he talked to Jisoo on the AMA's ?

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