Rose's POV - Annoyance

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I had a huge attempt to make rice cakes in the kitchen with the help of Lisa. I should have known she would have messed it up. She added more water to it and it tastes like bland rice cake... which you can't obviously CALL A RICE CAKE even.
Jennie unnie was making mochis and macaroons and her specialty, Kimchi Fried Noodles.
My mouth started watering while I was thinking about it and having the nonchalant expression ever but Lisa took it as a misunderstanding.
"Look unnie, you're already drooling over the rice cakes. I know you loved it how I added more water to it. It tastes good, doesn't it ?" Lisa nudged me.
"Oh no, no, no. It tastes so bland, Lisa. Have another go. I'll help Jennie unnie with the mochis. I don't know how to figure it out with you and your rice cakes" I yelped, teasing Lisa miserably.
"I know, noona. She'll always makes the worst out of things, don't you, Lisa ?" Jungkook, who surprisingly seemed to be sitting in the counter, smiled at Lisa in a teasing way.
I laughed. Which I guess, made Lisa angry ?
Lisa gave me the sharp eye and looked back at Jungkook, "Even better than your sweet potato, Milk !" Lisa poked him in the cheek.
"Oh well, well. What am I smelling, Kimchi....." Jungkook looked over Jennie unnie's frying pan.
"Kimchi Fried Noodles" Jennie unnie smiled at Jungkook in an insane motherly way.
"Oh, I've heard this a lot of times before by Lisa. It sure looks good..." Jungkook anticipated.
Suddenly my phone rang, I moved to an aisle and picked it up, it was Jisoo unnie.
"Unnie, unnie. Papi's hungry. Unnie, unnie ! I'm hungry. Unnie" Papi jumped along the stairway, singing along and kicked me by my stomach and I yelped.
"Rose, what's wrong ?" Jisoo unnie asked through the phone, sounding worried. "Nothing, just a naughty girl kicking me in the stomach. Papi, off you go, Jennie unnie's over there. You'd better tell me a sorry for that awful kick" I two timed both of them, directing Papi to Jennie unnie.
"You annoying woman, I'll never tell you sorry !" Papi squeaked.
I seriously wanted to give her a good beating, the ones my mother used to give my sister when she talked like this to her elders.
Thankfully, Jennie unnie heard this and responded quick in her motherly tone she used with Papi.
"Papi, that's not how you behave. Only after you'd tell sorry, I'll get you something to eat. Now, tell. Do as you are told" Jennie unnie claimed.
I'd tell you. She'd be a good mother to her children.
"I am sorry" Papi mumbled, looking down, ashamed at her fail of back answering me.
"Tell it like you mean it"
"I am really sorry" Papi still mumbled, now a little more angrier than her usual tone.
"Properly ! Tell her you're sorry"
"I am really really really sorry !" Papi laid down, touching my feet, fake crying that made Lisa and Jungkook laugh but not me.
Papi got up, dusting her skirt off and smiled ravishingly at me and looked back at Jennie unnie with an baby pout, "Was that better ?" she confidently beamed at Jennie unnie.
I moved away from her, "Yes, unnie" I replied to the phone. "Papi's having a fit, isn't she ?" Jisoo unnie asked me.
"I just wish she wasn't here sometimes. There's a limit to her annoyance" I rolled my eyes.

Hey guys,
I am literally obsessing over Yes Or Yes ! It's so good !
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Love ya,
Unicorn Blink/Blacktan Girl.

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