Jungkook's POV - Police

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Suddenly Bang PD-nim fell onto the floor, his head bleeding as he clutched it, wailing and sobbing at the pain, he lay on the floor as I looked at Yoongi hyung's hand which was holding a broken wine glass.
It was dead silent for a minute, Jin hyung catching his breath, little diamond eyes visible, Hoseok hyung sighing deeply, Namjoon staring at Bang PD-nim's unconscious body, Taehyung hyung looking at Yoongi hyung, Jennie noona shocked by the immediate action and Yoongi hyung bravely standing with the broken glass of wine.
"Hyung, what did you do ?" I whispered to Yoongi hyung, suddenly visible tears in Jin hyung's eyes.
"What happened to sob like a baby ?" Yoongi hyung fired at Jin hyung, who was practically now in a quite minded sob.
"Nothing happened, I know I will get arrested but then-" Yoongi hyung looked at Jennie noona.
"Are you okay ?" he asked her.
"What happened ?" Taehyung hyung rushed to Jennie noona.
Jennie noona took her hand away from her hip as blood ran through her waist.
I gasped loudly.
"Noona, you're okay, right ?" I rushed towards her, trying to dry the blood from her waist.
She managed to make up a strong face but I heard her gasping for breath when me and Taehyung hyung and Jin hyung tried to dry the blood by salvon and cotton.
I stopped from what I was doing and observed Bang PD-nim's hands, and I spotted a small knife which was half covered in blood, Namjoon hyung precisely observed it more than me.
Jin hyung and Taehyung hyung were busy drying the blood and comforting Jennie noona.
Hoseok was trying to call the police in the building telephone reserved just for emergencies.
While Yoongi hyung sat on the bar stool, his hand soon trembling down the wine bottle as it crash landed on the floor, right beside Bang PD-nim.
"I know he carries this everywhere, just in need, but he's never used it" Namjoon hyung spoke.
I got up, heading towards the leather couch as I pulled my phone out from the hidden place.
This is all I need. This is all we need.
I let out a huge sigh as I gulped down as I offed the recorder as I threw my phone to the sofa.
Then I walked towards Hoseok hyung, who was now finished calling and sitting on the wooden chair near the glass window, trembling from fright.
"Hyung, we'll solve it, you know about women rights, whoever comes to attack them, they have the right to attack them back, Yoongi hyung saved a woman, so it still counts" I comforted.
"But that only happens when that guy is a-a bad person, like..... Bang PD-nim is a rich guy, he'll know many ways to get the people who destroyed him in trouble, he's one crooked person, you know that, and he'll know easy ways to get out from the women attacking thing, he will even bribe the police, remember he bribed one of the expensive and famous PR agencies with a five million dollar Rolex watch and they fell for it" Hoseok hyung nibbled his nails.
He was right, he will know many ways just to avoid cases against him.
"God is with us, he'll protect us cause he knows that we didn't do anything wrong, and we won't get punished for it, so calm down hyung, we'll be alright" I patted his shoulder.
I knew I was very bad at taking care of people, but since now I was extra careful with all my friends and family, I thought it'd be a wonderful new beginning to my life since Lisa came, this was when I could shine.
Hoseok hyung looked at me and let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"When the hell did our Kookie began to comfort people ?" Hoseok hyung joked.
"Since your grandfather died" I roasted him as how I will if it was the old Jungkook would do.
"There, this is the Jungkook I know" Hoseok hyung patted me.
"So, you like me like this ?" I asked him.
"This is the original one, I know you're trying to be caring, but after all, you planned to change your behavior, but we still how who is Jungkook, so people who will meet you now will be highly impressed by your behavior, but we, who are your closest people on earth, will know how Jeon Jungkook is" Hoseok hyung replied.
I smiled as I nodded.
"Well, of course our horse knows" I patted his shoulder.
Hoseok hyung let out a small smile to not make things awkward and started glooming once again, staring at the crowded streets of Seoul in the morning, as people walked and cycled to work, and millions of cars in a huge jam, and lots of shops and stalls opening.
"Let's just wish for the best, right ?" Hoseok hyung looked at me once again.
"Yes hyung, we'll never give up our hope, that's what you're here for, our one and only hope !" I said, describing the 'hope' so Hoseok hyung gets the idea.
The next thing I knew was the doorbell ringing and the police coming in, some of them examining Bang PD-nim's unconscious body, some of them observing the whole house, some of them observing the wine bottle, suddenly a few people carried Bang PD-nim in a stretcher and the main police officer looked at all of us in a deep manner.
"I want to talk to each and one of you, so, you guys better tell me the truth, I want to know every single detail, you get it right ?" the main police officer walked along the room.
Suddenly he signaled the lady police officer to take Jennie to a room.
The police officer took Jennie to my room and shut the door.
"Can you please come with me sir ?" another police men asked me.
I nodded as I lead to the nearest room as possible, I went to Namjoon's and Taehyung's room.
The police officer took the nearest chair and I sat on the bed.
"So, what happened ?" the police officer asked me.
"Officer, our other member, named Park Jimin, is in the hospital since his girlfriend is pregnant with his baby, and she tried to suicide, so Jimin hyung decided to take her for a little vacation, but we knew our manager, Bang PD-nim, will dissallow that, so we were planning to tell him the truth and we did, so he bursted up and then tried to stab Jennie noona, Taehyung hyung's girlfriend in the waist so Yoongi hyung tried to save her, that's the only thing he had actually" I let it all out.
The officer nodded but smirked.
"It sounds believable but it won't work on me kid, tell me how old you are ?" the police officer chuckled.
"Officer, I'm saying the truth, and I'm...... twenty years old" I hesitated.
"Why a pause ?" the officer asked me in a stern voice.
"Go get your passport right now !" the officer shouted.
I sighed as I looked at him in raging eyes, I sat still, wanting to know what'd he do if I'd not follow his silly orders.
"Go get, I said !" the officer shrieked.
Raging, I got up, I'd probably hit his funky old head too by another wine bottle, only if I'd find a empty one near the beverage, I seized the door handle as I pushed myself to the living room.
Several guards were by our door as I planned to escape, it was impossible.
I went to my room, suddenly spotting Jennie noona and the another female police officer, busy talking, Jennie noona remained calm as I walked in.
As soon as the police officer knew my arrival, she stopped, pulling up a straight face.
I took my passport and walked outside to my room.
"There" I said, throwing the passport to the police officer.
The police officer looked at me in a threatening way and opened my passport, looking at the first page to check my age.
"Oh, you're really twenty, so, did the others tell you to tell this story or can I believe you ?" the police officer asked me.
"Officer, we're idols, so, we knew our managers, leave them, all of the companies, the whole of the K-pop industry is cruel, so many can suicide, retire, get mad, many stuff, one of the things just happened, don't be so mad about it" I sighed.
"Is their a option called kill him, we've never handled a case like that" the officer shrugged.
"We never killed him, the doctor said he survived" I hesitated.
"But you guys tried to kill him, young lad, it's a murder case" the officer replied.
"This police investigation case is unbelievable, we never tried to kill him for god's sake, we just tried to protect our friend's girlfriend from getting killed, by a sudden action, Yoongi hyung couldn't do anything else, he just took what was in his hands" I sighed.
"So, your friend's girlfriend's life is more important than the CEO of your company ?" the police officer asked me, taking his small note pad and a pen, set to write.
"Of course, I wasn't much close to Jennie noona, but I was a bit because of Lisa, they are in a girl group together, but our manager was getting angry for a silly issue, and tried to kill her for a silly reason, so from that point of view, it was his fault and not ours" I replied.
The officer scribbled something down in his note pad and got up.
Was this hell of a questioning finished ?
"Let's match you and your members answers to our common questions, it's wrong from both of views, but if you and your members responses will be matched, there's a chance you guys can escape" the officer replied.
I nodded as I got up and we both got out of the room.
"So, I'm officer Yeon-Kim, nice to meet you" another bulky policeman walked towards me as he stretched his hand out.
He was the lead policeman. I stretched out my hand as we had an handshake.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook, and nice to meet you too" I smiled.
As I looked around and found all the rest members and Jennie noona in front of me.

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