Taehyung's POV - Papi

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"Yah, Jungkook" I said, holding my phone, as I pushed open his room's door.
I saw him making out with...... Lisa, ON THE BED ?!
I stood silent, as Jungkook looked at me, leaving Lisa look at me, terrified with her wide eyes.
"Mm, Jungkook............ I have to go" Lisa gulped down.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, you can continue, I mean, nothing, bye !" I stammered around.
"And use protection, kids !" I yelled.
What the hell was I saying, all my hyungs were there in the another room.
"Taehyung ?" I found Namjoon hyung looking at me, worriedly.
"It's them" I stuttered, oh no, as I closed the door, immediately.
"Really ?!" Namjoon hyung's eyes widened.
"I mean I don't know...... they're just making out with each other in his bed" I hissed the last sentence in Namjoon hyung's ear as he slowly grinned.
"Oh you, shut up now" I elbowed him in his backbone as I made my way to my room.
I jumped in my bed, going through my phone, hoping to find some messages from Jennie.
1 notification from JenJen -

JenJen - Yah, I'm sorry I could not make it upstairs, just thought it would be rude for me and Lisa to go together.
Me - Oh Jennie, it would never be rude, I could've seen you now ☹️☹️.
JenJen - Yah Tae, calm down, we always meet each other, don't we ?
Me - Oh, that's not enough for me, baby girl.
JenJen - Yah, I have a name, I don't like buttercup, baby girl or any such nonsense, I have a name called Jennie, call me by that.
Me - Yah, buttercup, calm down. Even I don't like many things.
JenJen - 🙄🙄 What do you don't like ?
Me - I've told you many times to call me OPPA, now, if you don't, there's a punishment, I'll make you call me something even worse 😝😝.
JenJen - Oh, I know what, FIIIIIINNNNNEEEE, I'll call you oppa.
Me - That's how my baby girl is, 😏😏😏.
JenJen - Oh, no, come on, NO CALLING ME BABY GIRL !
Me - Aww, give me a selfie, RN !
JenJen -

JenJen - Oh, no, come on, NO CALLING ME BABY GIRL !Me - Aww, give me a selfie, RN !JenJen -

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Me - Aw, my baby cute as hell.
JenJen - I gotta leave now, we'll see later, byeeeeeeee.
Me - Aww, bye.

Oh my god. How pretty was she ?
And cold and kind, oh my god, I wanted her so bad now.
Jungkook has Lisa and got her into him in no time, and I still don't have the courage to do that.
I opened her picture and pecked it gently, looking at her pretty face.
She's said that she loved me many times, but I wasn't convinced yet.
Suddenly I called her.
"Meet me at the Hongdae beach, like right now" I ordered the moment she picked up the call.
"Taehyung !" Jennie hissed.
"Jendeukie, come here, I have something special for you" a familiar men's voice echoed through my phone, leaving me dumbfounded.
"Yah, coming" Jennie replied.
"Jennie ?" I whispered through the phone, raising my eyebrows, and biting my lip.
"Yes, Taehyung......." Jennie paused.
"I said meet me now !" I raised my voice, gritting my teeth.
"Taehyung, I'm with my-"
"You don't want me to make a show with your- never mind, Jennie, I say come there, I will reach there at three, if you don't come Jennie, I'm-" I paused, sighing heavily.
"Fine, I'll come......... just please don't act clingy-"
"You ALONE, you hear me, don't you ?" I instructed her.
"FINE, me ALONE, now, just shut up, will you, I'll come there at three" Jennie hissed.
And she hung her the phone, and I stared at my home screen, a cute picture of me and Jennie with cream on both of her cheeks from my ice cream.
I looked at the clock, 2:40.
I rushed out, calling my driver to drive me to the Hongdae beach, and yelled my goodbyes to my hyungs and looked at Jungkook's closed door, I hated to interrupt, but I opened the door, finding both of them, tucked up in the white mattress, sleeping away, cuddling to each other.
By BOTH OF THEM, Lisa and Jungkook.
I closed the door, not controlling a small smile at them both. Atleast, he found his true love.
I rushed to the driveway, getting inside the car as I put on my mask and cap.
The driver took off to the Hongdae beach, as I told him to fasten the car up more.
"Oh sir, what's too much to hurry ?" the driver panted.
"Nothing, you drive fast, I have to meet a important person at correct three" I replied.
"The same person who you took to that expensive Japanese restaurant ?" the driver smirked.
"Yes" I replied, solemnly.
Memories of that day arose to my mind, how I had instructed her and brought her again to the Hongdae beach, and finally the memory of how I had kissed her so passionately the first time and threatened her by complaining to YG, worked wonderfully by her tactics of avoiding me.
And finally got her to tell me how much she loved me.
But now, hearing a male's voice from her house, when I was not there, had my heart shattered to thousands of pieces.
As we reached there, I rushed out, looking at my watch frantically, it's already three.
As usual, the Hongdae beach was quite and pretty, leaving alone a few teenagers and three or four families with cute kids and a few food stalls parked around the big beach.
I rented a small boat, as I watched the little kids playing around the dusty swings and slides fit for them.
In a quiet corner, a small little girl, barely till my knee, looking at the big beach in front of her, she wore a little multicolored checked dress till her knee, and sneakers that lit up colors when ever you stomped in them, her shiny black hair let down loose till her waist, I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was one different girl.
I walked up to her, smiling at all the little girls and boys that stood apart from her, I sat on my toes, looking at her from her right side, she didn't notice me yet.
I moved her chin, facing my face, and I slowly smiled at her, looking at her enchanting deep black eyes that glimmered in the sunlight, her pale pink lips, slowly pouting, everything in her made me smile, I slowly caressed her baby soft cheeks.
"Hi, I'm Taehyung oppa" I smiled at her.
"So what should I do ?" she replied.
I slowly chuckled, this made me remember someone.
"I'm sorry, my mom always tells me to shut up if I can't say anything nice to my elders, I rarely say anything nice, unless I'm totally happy, the kids don't want to be friends with me if that's what you're gonna ask, 'What's a young girl doing alone here ?' and 'Where are your parents ?'
I have better jobs to do Mr, I'm fine on my own, is always my reply, now, since you got you're answer, oppa, you may go, I love my ME TIME, or well you could say, I'm always on my own, so life for me is always ME TIME" she said.
I gripped her waist as I slowly looked her into her eyes.
"You're one different girl" I pinched her nose that made her slightly pout.
Was this Jennie is a small girl's form ?
I've always found Jennie unique from other girls. Her cold yet cute behavior drives me nuts.
"You look lovely in this little dress, my dear" I smiled.
"And you look terribly handsome, oppa, just like the ones my mom and my sister adores on the TV, the men who dance and sings likes springs and tops, but I never liked them, so I don't like how you look too, but I can imagine my mother's and sister's faces" she said.
I laughed, only if she knew I was one of them too.
"You never mentioned you're name, little girlie" I chuckled.
"By the way, I'm Papi, now don't you laugh, everyone laughs when I say my name, so I change my name a lot of times, but you look like a good lot, so I'll say my real name" she said.
"Papi........ that's such a unique name for such a unique girl like you, I would ever be so happy to get such a cute name like that if I was a girl" I smiled.
"Oh no, you won't, you won't have friends, you won't have proper family support, you will get teased, and so on" she rolled her eyes.
"But there's a thing called love, well, what if you would get married to a nice boy, and he takes care of you well, and buy you things you like, and you'll have a few children who will always love you as their mother, and you'll have a wonderful life ahead, you won't regret your name that time, would you ?" I smiled.
"Yes, first of all, I won't get married cause no one likes me, second of all, I won't have children, I see my own mother suffering from mine and my sister's behavior, and you'll have to treat them well too, buy them cloths, food, a good house, and keep them prim and proper, no, thank you, I prefer staying alone, I will work hard and make a lot of money, and buy myself a good house, maybe, I'll date two or three guys, if anyone is truly interested in me, and I'll maybe adopt only one kid if I make lots and lots of money, and if she or he behaves like a brat, I will throw them to boarding school just like how I am, and I will leave her or him on their own, and tell them to live how they like, and not by others orders, and I will once again live happily" she sighed.
I laughed, holding my chin in deep thought, oh my god, she'd make a wonderful Jennie.
And, where was Jennie ?
I stood up, looking around, and spotted a car with tinted glass, this has to be her.
"You're in a freaking boarding school, it's still school time, why the hell are you here ?" I picked her up, suddenly spinning my head at her.
"I ran away today afternoon, Mr" she said.
"Leave me alone, I will find my way back home, even though nobody wants me there too, I will go, don't worry, I'll be fine, I reckon you are waiting for your honey now" she said, tugging my shirt to get down.
"I am, and you come here, I don't think it's right to run away, Papi, do you want to go to boarding school now or do you want to roam around a bit then go ?" I asked her, strictly.
"Mr, let go of me, I know you're gonna send me back to boarding school, but I wanna stay much longer here until the cops take me and go back, or else I'll scream you've kidnapped me !" she hissed, angrily punching my chest, but didn't even hurt me cause of her small hands.
"I swear, I'm different, I'll roam around a bit with you" I stroked her black hair behind her ears.
"You are a stranger, I don't even know you, I'm not supposed come with you, and Mr, FINE, I'm not in a boarding school, I'll tell you if you buy me a ice cream, I'll tell you my location" she said.
This girl's all about business.
I put her down and took her to a quite ice cream truck, still looking at the car which I thought would be Jennie's, but was parked mysteriously, not even one person getting out.
I bought her a strawberry ice cream and put her on a bench and looked at her as she was licking the ice cream very passionately, smacking her lips as she finished it in a second.
"Oh, you do have a good appetite" I pinched her cheeks.
She was a bony figure, not that tall for a five year old too, but talked very much, her limp legs and hands made me wonder how she had such a bony figure when she ate like a maniac.
"How old are you, Papi ?" I asked her.
"I'm seven years old" she said as she finished the last bite of her cone too.
Oh my god. I looked up as I spotted Jennie watching me.
"Taehyung ?" she looked at me.
"Jennie, how long has it been, didn't I tell you to come earlier ?" I huffed, holding her waist.
"And who the hell was that in your phone too ?" I shook her.
"Oppa, cool down, you're red now" I felt a hand on my leg, I looked down and found Papi looking at me, innocently.
I looked down at her, smiling.
"Aw, my baby, it's okay, I was just scolding unnie because she is not punctuate" I picked Papi up, she was as light as a feather.
"Who's this cutie, Taehyung ?" Jennie changed the topic, pinching Papi's soft cheek.
"Now, you tell me who was that on your phone, or else I will-"
"Not give you ice cream" Papi squeaked in her soft baby voice, that Jennie thought was so cute.
"Aw, she's so cute !" Jennie ruffled Papi's black hair.
"Jennie" I hissed in a deathly voice, which made Jennie sigh at me.
"Now, little girl, you go to your daddy and mommy, me and oppa are going to have a serious talk, little cute girls like you aren't supposed to be listening, now you go to your parents, they must be dead worried" Jennie picked up Papi from me and put her down.
"They won't be worried cause my parents abandoned me in my grandma's house two years ago, they didn't want me, nor did my grandma, she's blind, my grandma, but she's very cruel, just cause she was blind, she made me do all the chores and didn't let me go to school, she said I was a burden even though I didn't do anything to her, I decided to run away" Papi tugged my leg once again.
Jennie knelt down, stroking Papi's beautiful hair, looking at her in her eyes.
"Oppa, I'm alone, I've got no food, no money, no shelter, no cloths, I don't know my way back to my cruel grandma's house, I don't want to go there, but atleast she have me money for food and cloths, and she made me a small clutter house fit enough for a dog, oppa, what will I do ?" Papi said, suddenly tears filling her eyes.
I knelt down quickly, wiping away her tears with my hands, putting my hands on her shoulders.
"Papi" I picked her up, cradling her in my arms, giving her a soft smile.
She smiled back, continuing her crying, but always managed to wipe away her tears before it dripped down her chin, she put her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest.
Jennie looked at her, sympathetically.

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