Rose's POV - Love

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I knew I had to break up with him, because it was obvious he was just using me.
My feelings for him arose when he snuggled up to me and slowly pecked every part of my face while I pretended to be asleep.
I had to break up with him before he hurts my feelings.
I've ever so wanted a boyfriend like this, but when I know it's fake. I don't.
I sat on the couch, sipping the black tea Jimin made for me. He was so sweet to even break up with.
But he probably definitely knows how to break other girls heart's.
Oh, what am I even talking ?
He's an angel, the way he took care of me so dearly made me want to spend the rest of my life with him.
But I love him, I hate him. I don't know what should I do.
Jimin was holding me by my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, that his Mochi cheeks looked squished.
"Jimin, I don't think we should continue this relationship" I finally sputtered it out.
I looked at Jimin as he slowly took his hands away, as he plastered a shocked expression.
"I know this is all fake, please don't lie, probably you also have a hard time thinking, how to bring it up to me, there, I've brought it up to you, let's end this shit, I'm having enough of this fake love" I reasoned.
Jimin didn't say anything, he swallowed hard, there, I've brought it up to him.
I got up as he pulled my hand down, and I plopped on his lap.
"Where are you going ?" Jimin whispered in my ear.
"Jimin..... yeah, you're right, you have to go, well-" I stopped, I looked down.
He gripped me by my waist so hard as he pushed me down the sofa, leaning above me.
My eyes were scared at his angry figure above me, he was the scariest member of Bangtan.
I could see it was true.
"Jimin, what are you doing ?!" I hissed at him, as he sighed heavily, his eyes glaring at me.
"Don't you ever say those words again to me, kitten" he hissed as he caressed my cheeks.
He suddenly crashed his lips down mine, exploring my mouth with his tongue.
"JIMIN !" I shouted as I pushed him down again.
"But you were using-"
"I LOVE YOU ROSE !" Jimin shouted as he hugged me close.
I was shook at first.
He'd say this a thousand times to get warmth.
"Please Jimin, I request you, leave the house" I pushed him away.
I started walking away as he let go of me.
Finally, he thought things better.
"Please Rose, don't you go, I'll do anything for you, but please don't say you're going, I'll never use you, I mean, I actually never used you, of course I used do, but then now I have feelings for you, I've growed feelings for you, I wanted to tell you I actually used you, but when you said it, my heart felt like breaking into thousands of pieces, please don't leave me, Rose, I'll do anything for you, I love you kitten, don't go, please" I felt two hands wrap around my legs.
I looked down and found Jimin laying on the floor, holding my legs like a cute two year old,
tears filling his eyes, as he wailed those words.
A droplet of water went down my cheek.
I sat down, next to him as he freed his hands of my leg, holding my hand tightly as he could.
"I love you, Rose" he muttered as I pulled him close as he hovered above me.
He pushed me on the floor, and his hand caressed my upper thigh as he smirked.

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