Taehyung's POV - Bang PD-nim

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I opened the door and found Jennie, sleepily standing beside our door aisle, one of her hands roaming around her hair as the other slammed onto the door, her eyes were droopy but managed to look up to me, a little smile suddenly lighting up her face.
"Taehyung" she smiled at me as I looked at her, smiling back at her.
"Jennie, what are you doing here ?" I asked her, holding her hands as I looked at her.
"Once I came to our Blackpink house I realized the key was with Jisoo unnie, and one with Rose but then she lost it when she fell into the river, so I decided not to go back to the hospital and come here to you" Jennie fell into my arms, and I hugged her back.
"Now, my hyungs and Jungkook is here, please don't act cheesy" I imitated Jennie when I go to her members.
"Oh no I won't, I'm the one that is supposed to tell you this" Jennie pulled herself from me.
"Yah" I pulled her back into our hug.
I pecked her hair softly as I continued hugging her.
"Taehyung, who's in the door ?!" I heard Jin hyung shout at me.
"Jennie !" I yelled back, pulling her inside our house, she got away from my hands as we walked separatly.
"Jennie-ah, nice to meet you" Jin hyung greeted Jennie.
Namjoon hyung gave one of his big dimple smile as Jennie bowed to him.
"Jen-nie" Yoongi hyung broke her name apart as he rolled his eyes up and down at Jennie.
"Nice to meet you, sunbae" Jennie smiled, suddenly shifting at Yoongi hyung's uncomfortable cold and angry look.
"He's always like that" I whispered to Jennie, still looking at my members.
Jennie smiled at everyone as I told her to take a seat.
Jennie sat on the kitchen bar stool, mentioning decency as she pulled her skirt down.
"Her members know about the thing, right ?" Jin hyung whispered as I took a seat beside him.
"Of course, they were the first people to know" I whispered back.
"So Jennie, have you planned for any excuses at Rose's-"
"Pregnancy ?" Jennie finished Namjoon hyung's question.
"Well, our managers and crew already know about it, so does YG sir, though it made him lose control and he bursted up at Jimin oppa, we tried to stop him of course but it didn't work, though he did allow the vacation thing, because he wanted Rose to cool down" Jennie answered.
"So, Rose's parents ?" Jin hyung asked Jennie.
"They don't know anything yet, they don't even know about her suicide trial" Jennie replied.
"But the media is full of of it" Hoseok shrugged.
"They haven't seen it, sooner or later they will, so they will call us, and we will settle it with a lie, YG's full of lies, he's a crooked man, he has planned it all, what will he say to the media, her parents, everything" Jennie grinned.
Namjoon gasped as he shook his head. This was just too much.
"What will Bang PD-nim say ?" Yoongi hyung asked Jennie.
"I don't know, he doesn't know anything yet, does he ?" Jennie asked Yoongi hyung back.
"His eyes and ears are full on the media, he is one social person" Namjoon replied.
"So he will know soon, I don't think you guys can do anything except to tell the truth" Jennie remarked as Yoongi scowled.
"You know that Jimin's career will be blown off, Bang PD-nim barely lives up to our life's, he treats us like dogs, we don't have much importance as you ladies do, you just need to stutter a word and the media swarms over you, scolding your manager, so that he knows that what's he doing will affect his million dollar job and be fit and fine for you people" Yoongi scowled.
"Hyung !" I hissed at Yoongi hyung.
He was talking to a feminist monster now and she will give back him in no time.
"Oppa, don't mistake, we don't treat our managers like dogs" Jennie calmed her voice down, making sure she doesn't fire up at her sunbaenim, which was 99% confirmed.
"Look over here child, we don't whatsoever know what happens in a girl group" Yoongi hyung replied, suddenly calming down his voice too.
"Guys, it's not the time to stereotype between boys and girls, what the hell will our response be when Bang PD-nim comes ?" Namjoon got in his leadership mood.
"You will have to tell the truth oppa, anyway he will know it sooner or later, and why can't...... oppa retire his..... career ?" Jennie bit her lip.
"You !" Yoongi got up, "Don't think that our Jimin can waste all his career on one of your stupid little member !" Yoongi fired.
"Hyung !" I got up, facing the angry Yoongi hyung I know.
"Hyung, calm down, sit" Jungkook pulled Yoongi hyung down, Yoongi hyung sat down, still his fiery eyes glowing over Jennie, as Jin hyung tried to console him, Namjoon hyung was too observed in thinking, he didn't freaking care about anything while Hoseok let one deep sigh.
"This is the most far you can get with me, girl" Yoongi hyung supressed through his lips.
"Hyung, just calm down, whatever's wrong with you ?" I rolled my eyes.
"This is no big deal hyung, think of something, that's all we can do" Jungkook whined.
"That's what I said right now, why can't he retire ?" Jennie spoke in her cold tone.
Oh no, here we go again.
"Just shut up, it's our friend's career and we don't want you to interfere, expect for this flirt maybe, right Taehyung ?" Yoongi hyung hissed.
"Hyung" I spoke in my death tone.
I heard Jennie sigh and roll her eyes as she she let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Well, it's your loss, it's always good having a female by your side, that's when the media decides, right ?" Jennie laughed, hinting a evil plan.
Yoongi hyung looked at Jennie, so did everyone, Yoongi hyung sighed as he stepped one side to Jennie and sat down opposite towards her.
"But if you don't want me-I'm going Taehyung, bye !" Jennie waved her arms as she started her way towards the door.
"Jennie !" Yoongi called out but Jennie continued walking without a spin.
"Jennie, we need you, I'm sorry for whatever I said, now just come here !" Yoongi hyung called out.
Suddenly Jennie stopped, spinning around to face us, as she crossed her arms, grinning evilly.
"She's sometimes the master mind, hyung" I whispered to Yoongi hyung.
"I'm letting out a V-live or a video, explaining about everything, from A to Z, I won't miss a thing out, let everyone know the dark sides of fame" Jennie smirked.
"You mean, harassing entertainment companies in the social media ?" Namjoon hyung asked.
Jennie nodded as Yoongi hyung let out a sarcastic laugh.
"And then you're job will be blown off, not Jimin's" Yoongi hyung laughed.
"But you just said right now that we, ladies, treat managers as dogs, you're highly correct Mr, we do, but only for advantages such as this" Jennie remarked.
Suddenly Yoongi hyung's face softened, which showed he was actually impressed.
She really was a crooked fox except her looks.
"Try it, I mean, so what will we say now ?" Namjoon questioned.
"Mm, tell the truth and then he'll fire up, but, then-" Jennie said walking towards Jungkook.
"Kookie, carry your phone around, with the recorder on" Jennie hissed.
I heard Hoseok gasp a little as I grinned, this girl's all about business.
"Let's play a little game, shall we ?" Jennie asked, facing everyone.
Yoongi hyung sighed as Jungkook and Jin hyung slightly nodded, and Hoseok and Namjoon agreed too and I nodded.
"Let's do this, it must be your lovely manager, Jungkook, on your recorder !" Jennie hissed.
"You guys do the talking while I stay hidden somewhere, it will not be a good impression if I stand here, I will be in this room" Jennie said heading towards Jungkook's room.
Jungkook onned the recorder as Namjoon hyung went to open the door.
Bang PD-nim strutted towards the living room, how was Jennie so right ?
"Bang PD-nim, we've got to tell you something-" Namjoon hyung paused.
"Jimin is in the hospital and-" Yoongi hyung paused.
"As you know Rose noona is admitted so-" Jungkook paused.
"Jimin is taking her for a little holiday-" Hoseok paused.
"Because she's stressed out, and-" I paused, looking at Jin hyung.
Jin hyung took one deep sigh as he tried a bold face look, looking at Bang PD in his eyes.
"She's........... p-pregnant" Jin hyung stuttered.
"What ?!" Bang PD-nim scoffed, letting out a sarcastic laugh but his face hardened after a second.
"Are you serious ?!" Bang PD-nim scowled at Jin hyung.
"What he said is true, it's a mistake for Jimin, he wouldn't ever do that-" Hoseok reasoned.
"So it's not his baby !" Bang PD-nim shouted.
"But then he did it, it's his own baby, and the baby's mother is Rose from Blackpink" Hoseok finished.
Bang PD-nim scowled as he slammed his hand down the glass table as it broke.
"How dare he !" Bang PD-nim screeched at the top of his voice.
"That idiot bastard, tell him to come back right now !" Bang PD-nim shouted.
We stood silent, still watching his drama fest we expected.
"And that too that little bitch, Rose from Blackpink, how much pride for you to say that Hoseok, you are a bunch of idiots too, friends who let their friends go away in a hell of a condition, after all, he's only twenty two years old, what does he think of himself, what will he tell his parents, her parents, the social media, all of you are a bunch of idiots, and he is even worse, my Jungkook, don't you, such a young boy, follow these idiot's rules, what can I say, even you're a bastard, why do you guys want to date, right now in this group, three people are dating, Taehyung, leave it, his was a forced relationship which was conducted by YG and Big Hit, and then Jimin, scandals of him Lisa, Seulgi and Mina and much more female idols, and then he started dating that useless girl, Rose, and then you Jungkook, whatever made you date such a scrawny girl like Lisa-"
"Shut up !" Jungkook interrupted Bang PD-nim's tantrum.
"Shut up ?" Bang PD-nim scoffed, "Your grandmother" he started.
Oh no.
"Yah, you idiot, he says shut up, will you ?" Jennie stepped forward as Bang PD-nim looked at her.
Yoongi hyung took a finished wine bottle, scratching his fingers through the cap, Jennie stepped forward, as she looked up at the tall guy, but then, suddenly- CLASH !

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