Jungkook's POV - International Playboy Beware

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The last thing I wanted to see was V hyung in a white bed with plain white sheets draped around him, with an oxygen mask and billions of bandage tied around him.
See through blood made Jimin hyung restless.
He walked side to side and up and down the big ICU room. He was there all the time.
He cared about V hyung the most. And, specifically, me too. But I couldn't see him like that without a single moment of moving or a little case of his laughter.
I wanted him to be Taehyung. The Taehyung I know. The Taehyung who is very Taehyung.
And Jimin hyung was cross with me too. After the deadliest thing that happened. Duh, it's Lisa.
So, it was basically cause she called Jimin hyung, Jimin.
I know. It was a simple thing. I have this skill to annoy people that they don't want to see me at all.
So I took a round of this hospital thrice and went back to the ICU.
"Go, child.... go eat some food at least" Jimin hyung shooed me off.
"No, hyung... I just came back, don't make me go, if I want to stay here, I will" I sat down.
I saw Namjoon hyung sitting on a chair nearby, sipping on his cola.
"Tae !" Hoseok hyung's shrill voice entered the room.
"Oh my god hyung, calm down, it's a hospital" Jimin shushed Hoseok hyung.
And the door opened and a tall figure walked into the room. It was Jin hyung with his broad shoulders.
"There, food for everyone" Jin hyung walked inside the room.
Hoseok hyung walked inside with Jin hyung and soon followed by Yoongi hyung, limping.
Hoseok hyung's head was bandaged till his forehead and Yoongi hyung's knees were bandaged.
"I'm all right" Yoongi hyung replied sternly before anyone of us could go to him for help.
"There, heard there was some another fight with that Blackpink girl, Jungkook ?" Yoongi hyung asked me.
"He has only time to pick on things that Lisa do" Jimin hyung replied.
"Ah, Lisa, that dancer" Hoseok hyung sat down, thinking. "Dancer ?" I muttered.
"You call that bunch of rubbish of twerking and squatting, dance ?" I raged up. She dances, I admit.
But I don't like her one bit. I mean, IU dances better. Or even Seulgi, but not Lisa.
I don't like calling idols noona. I mean, it's weird. Even I don't call IU, noona. And Lisa, PPFFTT.
"Shut Jungkook, you're really getting on my nerves" Jimin hyung snarled at me.
"I can't believe you're same person that tries to avoid all the hitting from some of the fan girls I get !" I snared.
Jimin hyung slammed his hand down the table. "Jimin" Jin hyung's soothing voice replied.
"Seems like it's a problem when I'm there, huh ?... I'll go" I said as I got up and headed towards the door.
I opened it and left it open and stomped angrily towards the lift.
I got inside and leaned towards the mirrored glass, sweating so bad after all the stomping.
The lift stopped at the 5th floor and some blonde haired girl entered the room.
It was Lisa. She didn't notice me as she was looking down. I pulled my mask down.
I sighed heavily and slammed her towards the mirrored glass.
"Jungkook !" she shrieked.
"Leave Jimin hyung alone, you brat" I hissed.
"What if I won't ?" Lisa stared at me with a bold face. She was probably one of the first girls like that.
"You think you're a boss of me, Jungkook ?!" she shrieked.
He face going red and and angry her doe eyes looking at me fiercely.
"Well no, just no !" she yelled.
"I won't-" she continued but I gathered up the guts and leaned towards her.
"Leave Jimin alone, Lisa" I soothes my voice.
She rolled her eyes, dramatically.
The elevator stopped on the basement floor.
And we both got out.
"Where are you going, brat ?" I asked her as she walked towards the door.
"To buy food from Jennie unnie's favorite restaurant for her" she said as she opened the door.
"There, even I'm hungry, let's go out and eat from her favorite place and buy for them too" I smiled.
"It'll take time, thanks anyway" she shrugged as she walked out.
"Lisa, come on, please" I took hold of her hand.
"What happened to you ?" Lisa took hold of her hand and peered her eyes at me.
"It won't, as long as you are a fast-eater, I'm fast at everything" I grinned.
"Like, I should only be a fast-eater, then, not a fast Uber catcher ?" she grinned.
"Yeah" I nodded.
"Well, lets see what you got, then" she winked at me. I nodded in return. She wanted to see fast Jungkook, let her then.
I took a Mercedes car key and walked towards it.
"Hey, you can't drive vehicles" she argued. "It's not mine, brat" I replied.
"You don't have a license" she crossed her arms.
"But I can drive" I tossed the car key into the air and catched it and smiled.
"No you can't, for safety reasons" she smirked.
"Don't be such a spoil sport, get in the car or not, brat" I opened the door for her and carried her inside.
"Jungkook !" she whined.
I placed her in the front car seat and went to the driver's seat and started the car.
"You want to see what fast Jungkook can do, uh ?" I drove very slowwwwlllllyy.
She smirked in reply and SCREEEEEEECCHHH.
I turned the car and whoosed of really fast. The glasses had tint and I thanked for it.
I was gonna get a fine but I didn't care as long as someone challenged me to do so.
I halted very fast. Leaving no trace behind. Lisa quickly fastened her seatbelt and held the armrest.
"Jungkooooooooooooooooook !" she screamed.
I laughed. She was going uckers. Biting her lip and tossing her head and screaming.
I zoomed through the road until we reached a signal.
Many people looked at me but they quite couldn't see me.
I suddenly gasped.
"What now ?" Lisa quickly grasped the armrest.
"Even worse, how are we supposed to eat together when we have no bodyguards over ?" I looked at her.
She sighed.
"CALL THEM" Lisa shrieked.
"Come on, lets have some fun, we-" I continued but "I'll go buy masks without getting caught" Lisa smiled.
"Idiot, you can never buy a mask on a freaking busy road with teenagers that can spot idols in a mini second" I smirked.
A evil plan was going on my mind by now. I drove to the restaurant at my side.
"But this is not it, Jennie unnie's restaurant is not this" Lisa justified.
I took no longer time and opened Lisa's door and took my keys and pushed her out of the car.
I got out and offed the car.
"Jungkook..... what d-d-didmshu doyu ?" Lisa covered her nose and her mouth by her palm.
"I can't hear you" I said as I pulled her palm out.
"Jungkoooookkkkkk oppaaaaaaaa !" I heard a girl's shrill voice coming closer and closer.
"Jungkook... my ultimate bias !" I heard another girl's voice.
"Lisa, RUN !" I took hold of her hand and ran out of reach.
"Lisa unnie, you and Jungkook ?!" I heard another girl's voice running towards me.
"Please come here, Jungkook oppa !."
"Jungkook oppa, all these years waiting for you to notice this hardcore fan, come here !."
"Jungkook, here is your noona, you like older girls, come here !."
"Leave that stupid bitch alone and take me, oppa !."
"Jungkook-ahhhhh, come here."
"Are you and Jimin fighting over a girl, Jungkook ?!."
"Lisa, Liskook, Jungkook, two ultimate biases, look here, baby !."
I ran like windspeed with Lisa beside me. She was fast too. But I was rather in front of her.
Leading through roads and streets, and many more people kept following and following.
But they ran more farther and slow.
"I can't do this, J-J-Jungkoooook !" I heard Lisa scream while panting but she didn't give up, yet.
She ran and ran. I didn't reply back to her.
And I knew she could do just fine by running 10 kilometers, it was just as much as I ran back in 1st grade when I was chased by the most frantic and rude bullies you would ever see.
If I saw them now in the future, I would knock out their pulp.
"Go on Lisa, do it !" I screamed as I laughed as I turned back to see her all defeated and sweaty.
I turned back and saw the fans were all way up to the waaaay back.
Lisa turned back and sat down, panting and puffing.
I sighed as I went to her and looked at her.
"Piggy back ride ?" I asked her. She looked at me, confused.                                                                         "I really don't understand you, Jungkook" she sighed. "No one does" I replied, winking.
She bit her lip and climbed onto me.
I first balanced her and huffed.
"One, two, three, and gooooooooo !" Lisa shrieked.
I ran like air passing by, zigzagging through poles and swishing through signals.
"Jeon Jungkook in the lead, leaving many runners behind, come on Jungkook, you can do this !" she yelled, throwing her head off.
I chuckled.
That's when we reached a terribly crowded city.
"Oh, look, this is where our game begins, Jeon Jungkook seems to be in harsh condition, let's see where he leads too........... Jeon Jungkook ?" Lisa's voice downed when I abruptly stopped.
"You can do it, Jeon Jungkook !" she yelled, some people turned their heads back.
I chuckled as I ran.
I wanted to hear her anchoring over and over again, I found it as a wild and exciting game.
"There, there, there, look where's our golden runner is at, come on, let's cheer, JEON JUNGKOOK, JEON JUNGKOOK, JEON JUNGKOOK, JEON JUNGKOOK, JEON JUNGKOOK" she yelled.
I laughed as I ran very fast. And then we both started laughing frantically as I ran with her on the top.
She looked very beautiful as I looked at her from my back.
Her cheers and her anchoring made me never get her out of me and I wanted to keep on running and running and running and I didn't want to stop.
I suddenly became quiet as I looked at her, still laughing.
"Jeon Jungkook, you flirt, stop looking at the pretty anchor and RUNNNNN !" Lisa shrieked.
"Ok, ok" I turned my head towards the front and ran.
"OMG, it's you, it's you, it's you, Jungkook oppa-ah !."
I heard a lot of screams. I took off very fast.
"There, there, other contestants trying their hardest to keep up with Jeon Jungkook, But he won't leave, our hero of the day !" Lisa yelled.
I chuckled.
Jungkookie ? Did she just call me that ? I ran, still shocked.
I passed through a big gate and headed towards the BigHit building.
"Our Jungkook reaching the finish line, there, there, there" she repeated.
I pushed the door wide open and she yelled "OUR JUSTIN SEAGULL, WINNERRRRRR !."
I laughed as I dropped her off my back.
We both laughed without even a break, she sat down on the brown couch, clutching her stomach.
"Lisa, you really seem fun" I sighed.
I bit my lip, there was no one in the reception, I leaned towards her and softly touched her pulp lips.
I tightened my arms around her waist and she was shocked at first but she kissed back.
She put her arms around me and I deepened my kiss by tilting my head.
After we ran out of breath, we looked at each other.
"I like you, Lisa" I said, awkwardly.
She sighed, I knew she and Jimin hyung liked each other. But, I couldn't resist her.
"I like you too, Jungkook, but-" she stuttered.
"I know, Lisa, please think about it, I know, you can't, after all he loves you very much, probably more than me, but this is the first time I'm developing feelings for a girl" I held her hand.
She sighed.
"Let's eat, don't make it late, or else I'll have to keep you here in the night, too, don't make me do that, babe" I winked.
She scoffed. I ordered Lamb Skrewers and Chicken Ramen from a famous shop known for its Ramen.
As it came, we talked about all our group things and laughed and talked.
And I really seemed to like her.
As soon as it was time for her to go, I pleaded her to stay over in our dorms.
"Not in the same bed, perv" she nodded.
I sighed and nodded.
I took her over to Tae's and Namjoonie's bedroom and we slept in different beds.

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