A/N note - ❤️❤️

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Hi guys.
I've been so excited for this story that I put all my effort to it.
I've tried my maximum to make you guys like this story.
Now for whatever reasons, this is not a Lismin story as you guys think.
It's a Liskook one, as mentioned at the start of the story.
You guys will find out sooner or later 😉😉.
Now I just wanted to say, I'll be going to my Dad's family house.
And it's very old, so their will be no internet and my data's finished for goodness sake.
I'm very disappointed because I have been so interested in this story.
Hope you guys look forward to my new chapters, I'll be coming back on next Saturday.
I'll be going for 8 days as we have an important family ritual to attend.
Today's my last day in Dubai and I'll be posting one of Taehyung's POV.
I'm so happy I've reached 1k reads, thanks a lot.
Waiting to come back, LoVe Ya ❤️❤️❤️.

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