Lisa's POV - Meeting

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As we arrived at the YG building, I checked my watch, 2:30. We were officially dead.
As we got off and immediately rushed through the staff and stairs and tripped papers and documents frantically. Jennie unnie sighed and panted with almost a crying face. She hated this.
I hated seeing her like this, all defeated and stubborn. As we slowed down when we reached the headquarters, Jisoo unnie knocked the door. Seongi opened the door, giving a tensed smile.
"We're so sorry we're late, traffic.......block" Jisoo unnie's words disappeared in the air when she saw the 7 cute heads sighing at us. "Your sunbaes are here and you know that, why couldn't you make it a little earlier or maybe a lot earlier ?!" our manager hissed at us in a angry way. YG and JYP sir sat in the middle, looking us up and down. "Take a seat" Seongi took hold of my hand and made me sit. "We have decided to make some changes in the plans" JYP sir announced. Jennie unnie stared at him in disbelief. Taehyung was busy glaring at Jennie, while all his friends listened to him, nodding at him in approvement. "Kim Taehyung !" JYP sir raised his rough voice. Taehyung looked at him in a sudden spin. "Both of you will be dating from today" he pointed at Jennie unnie and Taehyung. "But sir-" Jennie unnie tried to protest but YG cut her off rudely "No buts Jennie, do what is told, it's for our benefit." I sighed as if I expected it. Jennie unnie hid herself in her palms, tired. Suga sighed heavily. Rose huffed and panted. "We came here just to hear some stupid nonsense he was talking about you two dating ?!" Suga got up from the chair frantically after they left, leaving us two groups alone. Jennie nodded, looking at Suga in disbelief. Jungkook got up and took hold of Taehyung and went to one of the rooms where JYP went. The others left while Jin sat on the chair and searched for an answer. "Hi everyone" Jin said finally getting back his attention. "Hi Jin sunbae" we all said in unison that caused him to laugh. His laugh was weird. Jisoo unnie stared at him when we got up, ready to leave. "Jisoo unnie" Jennie took old of Jisoo unnie's palm and walked away from Jin. God...... this is terrible.

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