Rose's POV - MMA, ready

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1 week later -
It's been a week since we practiced a lot for MMA.
We exercised and we got ourselves fit and fine for the show.
And finally the day came, where we would make our blinks proud of themselves.
"All fine girls ?" Jennie unnie's voice echoed through the whole of our dress up rooms.
I looked to the corridor which led to the right where I heard her voice.
And then I saw her, strutting towards us with our Seongi trailing behind her back.
She gave me a warm smile, I'm usually the nervous one in my group before shows.
I smiled weakly, trying not to show my worried side.
"Don't tell me you're nervous again" she stopped beside me, rolling her eyes dramatically.
Woah, she looked pretty.
Seongi's phone started ringing and she hurriedly tried to take her phone from her jean's pocket.
She juggled through her pocket and huffed.
A pair of pens, crushed up paper and a pointy pencil all dropped onto the floor.
"I'm so sorry" she bent down and hurriedly tried to pick up everything from beside my legs.
All toppled to the floor again.
She huffed in pure exhaustion.
"I'm just so sorry-" she couldn't finish, Jennie unnie interrupted her, "It's been a while" she chuckled.
"Don't get too tensed, papa YG won't be that angry" she picked up all the stuff from the floor.
Seongi took it from her hands and looked down.
The phone continued ringing.
She looked around frantically.
"There !" she screamed as she rushed to a nearby table filled with documents.
She pulled out her phone from there and answered it quickly.
"All ready sir.......... sure......... of course...." she fake laughed, suddenly it turned to a worried face.
"What sir ?!....... I'm so sorry...... of course" she bit her nails, worriedly.
She kept the phone down.
"This job is reckless !" she twisted her amber hair, biting her upper lip.
"The documents are not there ?..... what can I do ?" she continued getting mad at her self.
She slammed her hand down the table and ran towards the next room.
We both looked at her, confused.
We would never want that job.
The stylist continued curling my hair and spraying deodorant in my hair.
Lisa sat a little bit far away, a stylist doing her nails, she had earphones pressed in her eyes she couldn't hear anything outside the world.
Jisoo unnie was nowhere to be seen, probably stuffing some chicken skewers in the cafeteria.
She loved eating a lot before programs, she called it her "Only Energy Boosts."
I chuckled at the thought of her, savoring each and every bite of the chicken skewer.
Jennie unnie walked towards one of the pedicure chairs and they started doing their job.
I looked at Lisa, her head cocking like a chicken, enjoying the lively music.
How I loved my weird members.
I scrolled through my phone and saw something, I should not have seen.
I widened my eyes, not believing anything I saw.
This was over 1 million views on Insta.
I bit my lip.
"Lisa !" I shouted to Lisa.

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