Lisa's POV - Lost

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"The patient kindly invites you to a conversation, misses" a dainty looking nurse smiled at us, her head cocking in a weird way outside the ICU room, as she let out a smile again.
Me and Jisoo unnie looked at her, still silent, I bet we looked like freaks after sitting in that same place for two hours, but we would do anything for Rose unnie.
Jisoo unnie got up, heading towards the door as I followed her, I didn't meet Rose unnie at all after she got up, I tried to squeeze out the most information from her about Rose unnie, but she stayed silent throughout, not baring to say anything else.
Rose unnie was seated in her bed, her red hair thrown immensely over the white pillow as Jimin stood beside her, his hands in his pocket, barely noticing us.
And I finally noticed their glum expressions, Rose unnie sniffed as Jimin let out a little frown, I went to Rose unnie, feeling her hands as soft as possible, oh, how I missed her, but..... why was she like this ?
Hadn't she been well as for now ?
What was bothering her ?
These questions haunted me till the doctor and the nurse left the room as that left the four of us, all silent and little sniffs of Rose unnie were just so impeccable to understand.
"Oh unnie, are you not feeling well, I just want to say I love you to the core, and you will always be my closest friend, and..... um" I sniffed a little, pecking her palm as I quickly let it down, looking at her innocent brown eyes as they sensed terror and sadness.
"I lost my baby" she let it out in a blue as me and Jisoo unnie stood, shocked.
"You mean, you..... you.... lost your baby.... at the... I mean... accident ?" I stuttered.
Rose unnie nodded as Jimin came forward as he took my hand away from Rose unnie.
"Atleast you could have told her, you're just being evangelical" Jimin let his hand out.
"Jimin, don't involve them into this, leave her alone, it has nothing to do with them, and don't involve now, get out from here" Rose unnie spitted out.
Jimin angrily stormed outside and slammed the door down our faces.

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