Jisoo's POV - Blood

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Yes, the show was completely messed up just as Rose said, I will mess it up. What all I could remember was that, I cut myself near the fire crackers table and the fire boomed. Making it pain even more. Lisa was really worried, thinking we should stop. But I said, we have to continue. As soon as we finished the song, I ran to the backstage. I sat on the chair, my feet up, I buried my head in my feet. My wrist was running down with blood and I cried in pain. Seongi rushed to the backstage "Jisoo baby, are you okay?". "I'm fine" I muffled. She had a first aid kit with her and she opened it. She put Savlon with a cotton ball. Jennie, Rose and Lisa came rushing in. "Jisoo ! Oh my god, are you okay ?" Rose put her arm around me. "You're crying ?!" Jennie asked as she took a seat near me. "Jisoo, it's ok, right ?" Lisa put her other arm around me. "N- n - yes" I muttered. I didn't want to upset my friends. I already did enough. "I'm sorry... I messed up the whole thing, didn't I?" I cried. "No you didn't" Rose said calmly "It was not your fault." Uh... how I wished I wasn't careless enough to put my hand near the firecrackers table. I'd spoiled the AMA's. What if we never get a chance ?. We were one of the few K pop groups to end up in the AMA's. And I spoiled it for my friends and of course, the Blinks. I sighed heavily. I've never been so disappointed before. I held Rose's hand firmly. Seongi finished the plaster on my left wrist and smiled at me sympathetically and left. "Come on, let's go" Jennie said getting up. Next was Demi Lovato's performance, she strutted towards the backstage. Demi Lovato stopped in between and held my left wrist "I hope it's okay, girls ?" she said smiling. "Yeah, it's fine, Demi" Jennie said awkwardly. "That's nice, so I'll get back to you later ?" Demi asked. "Sure, good luck !" Lisa shook hands with her. Rose bowed and I smiled. Demi rushed towards the stage as her dancers approached behind her. Now I'd have people fussing over me. I sat down on our table, I felt someone tap on my shoulder behind me. I turned. Woah... he was handsome, it was someone from BTS, he looking at me with his wide eyes. Ugh... I couldn't get his name. "Are you okay ?" he said smiling his cute smile. I've seen him a thousand times. I stared. For a long time........ Jisoo ! wake up !. "I'm sorry- I" I chuckled. "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm not sorry" Demi sang. I laughed. He laughed too. Ugh... what a coincidence. "I'm fine" I chuckled. He nodded, smiling. I moved to the beat. "What did he ask ?" Rose smirked.

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