1. Snapping and crushing

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I hate school and sometimes I even hate myself. I look like a freaking potato, my brother, Derek, likes to remind me that most of the time. For an instance yesterday I woke up late to go to school and was too late to try make myself look decent and he laughed in my face, saying that I looked like I was about to steal Ariel's voice. Real smooth. Freaking jerk.

You might have guessed that me and my brother don't have one of the most loving relationships, but honestly what siblings do? He has set his life goal to humiliate me when he has nothing to do and that's when I'm glad that he has his best friend Sebastian, who can actually keep him on a leash. If it weren't for him, my brother would be probably lying somewhere in the woods with a broom sticking out of his abdomen.

Me and Sebastian actually get along pretty well, we have a similar sense of humor and similar views on many things. He doesn't know this, but I've had a crush on him since we had our first conversation. It went something like this...

8 years before

"Hi, Hails. How are you?" Sebastian asked with a spark in his eyes.

"What's it up to you?" I snapped. Once my brother introduced me to him, I haven't been too nice, as most of his friends had been back-stabbing jerks. He still needed to earn my trust.

I could see a flash of confusion on his face, before a smirk formed on his lips.

"Still feasty, I see."

"Still nosy, I see."

"You know that you're cute when you're snapping at me," he said with a wink.

His statement caused a blush form on my cheeks. I hated the way he was making me feel and I hated that he was my brothers best friend. I knew that it would never end well and because of that I decided to never reveal him how I felt. He noticed my red cheeks and started chuckling, which earned him a glare from me.


Yeah, I know how pathetic it is. I have been acting cold towards him ever since and unfortunately he seems to find it amusing and somehow is always interested in conversing with me. Not that I mind, but it's hard as hell. I think that we are friendly, it's hard to tell as I'm being mean to him, and I hope that he doesn't really get hurt by my attitude.

You might be thinking that he also has feelings for me, but guess what! Every time I become convinced that he truly feels something for me too, something happens and I realize that I'm stupid. Once we had a moment when I was nice to him and he flirted with me, but later on I found out that he had found a new blonde to add to his collection of girlfriends. Also, my brother has been hinting me quite obviously that there might be something going on between us. He literally once told me that Seb has a crush on me, but I brushed it off as soon as I saw that he had once again found a blonde girlfriend.

And as a brunette I feel like I'm totally not his type. He has never had a girlfriend with brown hair.

Plus he and mybrother are the leading bad boys of our school. He's simply bad luck.

I've decided to avoid meeting him as much as possible. I don't care that it might seem that I don't want to see him, not only because it's true, but also because I'm tired of all of this. I can't wait for the end of school and end of this suffering. It's getting quite suffocating at this point.

Which brings us back to now. I'm currently sitting in a class room filled with so many personalities.

There are two girls that I'm acquainted with, but we're not really close.

There's Jessy, the loud one, who's acting like she's always high on sugar. She's extremely energetic and always laughs at inappropriate times.

Stacy follows latest fashion trends and always knows what's happening in the world. I admire it, because I sometimes feel like I live in a cave and wouldn't have any idea if the world would have come to an end. And I never know what's currently in fashion.

These two girls are my friends, but I don't consider them to be good-enough friends to have my back. I don't really know them that much.

Then there are three of my best friends:

Caroline is considered to be the responsible one of all of my group of friends. She's smart, always gives the best advice, but I actually know that there's two sides of her. She might have perfect grades and a slight side of perfectionist, but she's actually devil, once something stupid happens. You know how in the movies they always show an angel and a devil sitting on someone's shoulder and trying to convince the person to do something? She's the devil saying the person to do something bad, only to watch from afar. Me and Caroline are drinking buddies and we can always rely on each other if we want to have emotional support.

Rylee is known as the social butterfly in our squad. She can deal with people and when we go out, she reads our orders to the waitress. She's kinda spoiling us with this, but we simply can't get enough of her. She's also very energetic and extremely funny. She's the perfect person to turn to, when you're in need of company. The best trips are always organized by her, because she knows exactly what we want.

And lastly, Savannah. She's usually quiet and she's extremely smart. We call her the mom of our squad, because she's really caring and wouldn't let us do things, that we'd regret. I am not afraid to share things with her, because I know that she would never judge.

Other people in my class are irrelevant. I don't hate them, it's just that I don't know any of them and I don't care enough to try to find out what they're really like.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the classroom. I looked up to see my math teacher hitting Rylee with her notes.

"Could you listen to me for once? One plus two doesn't equal in third wheel. It's not funny! If you actually listened to what I was saying in the lessons, you'd be able to get high marks on your tests. Little chipmunk..." the teacher was fuming in frustration.

Riley was trying hard not laugh, because it would only make situation worse and I could clearly see, that she was about to crack, when a sudden knock on the classroom door interrupted the conflict.

Everyone suddenly turned their attention to the entrance of the classroom. The doorknob turned and when the person steeped into the classroom, I groaned to myself.

Seb walked into the classroom, smirking at everyone looking at him. I quickly looked down, avoiding eye contact with him, because I needed to follow my plan of ignoring him. He cleared his throat and I almost looked up, but kept myself together and heard him speak for the first time in three months.

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