18. Sebasstian

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"How did you two happen?" Rylee finally asked after I had calmed down a little.

"I don't know. He took me out after we pulled a revenge on my brother and he kissed me after dinner," I whispered not trusting myself to not cry again.

"I trusted him too easily. That's the biggest mistake I made. The other mistake was thinking that he'd somehow change for me. But I should have guessed that he's not like that. He has been and always will be a fuckboy," I sighed.

"You aren't seriously blaming yourself now, are you?" Savannah asked narrowing her eyes. "He freaking used you and left you the second he had the chance. You don't deserve him, you deserve so much better. Stop blaming yourself because of it. And you couldn't have known that he'd do something like that, you aren't a freaking prophet."

But it was so obvious that something like that would happen. I am not even blonde. I am not really pretty and I'm just plain awkward.

"Don't," Rylee snapped.

"Don't What?" I asked.

"I can almost hear you analyzing every sign that told you that you're making a mistake with him. Don't think about it."

"You don't know what I'm thinking," I huffed and rolled my eyes, although she was correct.

"Oh really?" She raised her eyebrow. "Then give me a pinky promise."

"I'm not going to do that," I muttered.

Rylee smiled and I was grateful that she didn't point out how she was right and I was wrong. But with the way she looked at me, she could have done just that.

Suddenly my phone pinged, indicating that I received a message. I didn't have to look to know who it was from.

"Could you pass me my phone?" I asked Savannah, as she was the closest to it.

"You sure you want to see it?" She asked me hesitating to pass it to me.

"Just give it to me already," I sighed leaning forward to reach it.

And the message was from... wait. It's not from Seb. Who's the little pussy?

I glanced at Rylee in confusion and she was snickering to herself her eyes lowered as if she was hiding something.

"Rylee?" I asked.

"Mhmm?" She hummed.

"Did you do this?" I asked.

"Pff, no. As if I would ever do that..." she snickered.

"Rylee, you are the only person that would do this," I laughed. And then I remembered that I've got a message from that ass and my mood went from 100 to 0 in just a blink of an eye.

We need to talk, ASAP

I sighed and showed Rylee and Savannah my phone.

"Should I reply or ignore," I asked.

"Ignore," Rylee huffed. "He doesn't get to talk to you anymore."

"But giving him the silent treatment will make him think that she still feels something against him," Savannah argued.

"You're right," I muttered and picked up my phone to text him back.

I've got nothing to talk to
you about.

I'm coming over


Please give me a chance to
explain everything.

We shouldn't even be having
this conversation right now.
Don't bother to act like you
care. I don't, neither should you.

I sighed and threw my phone next to me on the bed.

"Wanna hear a funny story?" Rylee asked looking at the both of us.

"Go on," Savannah nudged her to continue. When Rylee says this, she usually tells us something that boosts our mood.

"When we went into the shop to buy you a cake," Rylee looked at me. "I kinda wanted to look at the candy section."

"That's where you went, when I couldn't find you?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah, But now shh. It's not the point. I'm telling a story. I was looking through the candy shelves when I wanted to reach for a package of skittles, when an elderly woman came up to me. She asked me what are the best kind of candy for elderly people and I was like 'candy? Won't you die after eating it?' She then looked at me and I thought that she suddenly had a stroke, but she just didn't hear me and asked me again. Then I decided to help her and gave her candy and she thanked me and went off to the till. She thought that I was working there and she told the cashier to give me a raise in my salary. The cashier later told me that, when I paid for the cake."

"You asked the old lady if she'd die after eating candy?" Savannah asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Wouldn't she? Like I sometimes think that I'm having a heart attack, when I'm eating those monster sour candy," She shuddered thinking about it.

"Wait what?" I asked, laughter breaking out of me. She gave an old lady the most sour candy in the shop. "Do you want her to die?" I asked laughing.

"She wanted candy, I gave her candy," she shrugged.

And I started laughing like a madman. "Are you serious? Oh god, you'll kill the poor lady, I feel sorry for her," I was now crying from laughter. "I want to see her face so bad, as she realizes that the candy is actually the most sour thing she has ever eaten."

Rylee started laughing with us too and now we were all just a laughing mess.

After we stopped laughing I cleared my throat," thanks, it was just what I needed."

"Sure thing, I will always make sure that my family smiles," Rylee said with a warm smile looking at the both of us.

"Agh, I want to hug the life out of you," I smiled after her cute comment.

"Speaking of family," Savannah said looking at us. "Rylee might have hit Seb in the eye, with her fist, after we saw the papers."

"My fist slipped in mid air, what can I say," she shrugged her shoulders.

"And she gave him a black eye," Savannah smiled in adoration.

I gaped at my best friends in awe. "You did that for me? Why?"

"Because, as I said, we're family," she smiled and I engulfed her in a hug. With my right arm I grabbed Savannah and pulled her into the hug too.

"I love you guys so much," I whispered, emotions overwhelming me once again.

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