19. Roadtrip

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"Wakey, wakey, cakey bakey," I heard a cheerful voice in my ear.

"Go away," I grumbled.

For a moment there was a silence, until I I felt someone pull my covers from me.

"I swear to god, If you don't stop, I'll kill you and your children," I growled.

"Aww, we have awakened the Demon. And yesterday you told me that you loved us," I could almost see Rylee pouting.

"I'm not going to school," I grumbled into the pillow.

"I know. But you aren't staying at home either. We're going on a small trip."

Curiosity made me turn around and squint my eyes at her, "trip?"

"Wow, you look... marvelous!" Rylee said rather awkwardly.

"Yeah sure, I feel like I've been hit in the face a couple of times and my eyes feel too puffy to be opened without force."

"Well, considering how much you've cried these past days, I think it's only fair, if you can't open your eyes," she said thoughtfully. "Come on, breakfast is ready and we're going to wait for you downstairs. Your mom and brother already left. Speaking of your mom... does she actually live here?"

I raised my eyebrows, "of course she does, she's just too sneaky and leaves really early in the morning."

"Come on, pull your ass out of bed. You have 5 minutes to be downstairs," with that she left the room and I wanted to scream at her, as it wasn't really enough time to do anything.


Loud music was blaring in Rylee's car, while she was driving to wherever she planned to take us.

She didn't tell neither me or Savannah and excitement was bubbling inside of me.

"Could you at least tell us if the surprise includes people or if it's a private location?" I asked impatiently.

"No. Just wait for it. You know that I won't tell you. It will ruin the surprise," she quickly looked at me and gave me her mischievous smile.

"This is torture," I grumbled.

"I think that she actually enjoys making us lose our minds more than surprising us," Savannah said shaking her head in disapproval.

Rylee started laughing. "You have no idea."

The woods surrounded us and I sighed at the peaceful sight. It feels so great to see more than the grey buildings that I'm so used to.

After I had woken up, I went downstairs to see what they had prepared for me and was greeted with peeled carrots. At first I was confused, but I didn't want them to think that I was ungrateful about what they had done for me, so I ate them really enthusiastically. It was only later revealed that the whole thing was supposed to be a joke and it was supposed to make me laugh in the morning.

I guess I didn't understand their humor.

"I need to pee," Savannah whined seeing that we're getting closer to a petrol station.

"We'll stop here," Rylee suggested. "Hailey, you up for a hotdog?" She asked.

"I'm up for anything that I can put in my mouth," I said suddenly feeling hungry.

"I'm not sure that they're going to sell me a dic..."

"NO!" I interrupted Rylee. "You know that it wasn't what I meant," I blushed in embarrassment.

"Whatever you say," she laughed.

Finally we reached the petrol station, where Savannah burst out of the car and rushed to the toilet.

"Stay here," Rylee said closing the door after her.

"Sure, mom," I gave her a tight lipped smile.

There weren't many cars around here. I saw a family with a dog make their way inside and immediately I thought that Rylee might do something stupid.

No, I should have some hope in her.

I opened the window to greet the warm breeze in my face. This was so relaxing. I don't want this trip to ever end. I closed my eyes and imagined that all of this would never end. My life would be so much better.

"Rylee isn't back yet?" Savannah asked climbing into the car.

"Nop," I sighed.

And immediately as I said that, the car's door opened and Rylee was holding in her laughter.

"You won't believe what happened," she laughed shutting the door after her.

She handed us our hotdogs and took hers out and ate it in a couple of seconds.

"You have a mouth of a horse," I grumbled my mouth still full of the delicious food.

"Where was I?" She asked trying to remember something.

"You wanted to tell us something exciting," Savannah reminded her.

"Oh, right," she laughed."So this family walked into the shop and I was waiting for the sausages to cook. There was this small boy that really wanted candy and I was like, just eat it, your parents will pay for it anyway. And he really started eating everything. Like I'm not kidding, he took everything and bit a small part of it, as if he was making sure that they'll buy it for him. When the parents saw what he had done, they freaked out and the kid threw the blame on me. I was already ready to run, but his parents didn't believe him and scolded him. You should've seen his moms face. She looked like she was having a heart attack," Rylee laughed.

"What is wrong with you," Savannah asked shocked.

I laughed with Rylee and couldn't breathe properly, so my laughter ended up sounding like I was an old smoker.

Savannah heard my raspy laugh and started laughing with us. "You're both so irresponsible," she laughed.

"Sorry, mom," Rylee made fun of Savannah to be hit on the back of the head by her.

"If I don't encourage irrational behavior, it doesn't mean I'm a mom. I just don't want you to end up in trouble," she smiled at Rylee.

"Hey, look, there's the kid," Rylee pointed her finger at a small boy, who was carrying a bag full of sweets. His parents were fuming with anger and Rylee started laughing again.

"You're actually the devil," I started laughing. "And I love it."

"I know," she smiled.

"So, girls, are you ready to continue our journey or someone needs to relieve themselves?" Rylee asked suddenly serious.

I shook my head at the same time Savannah said no.

"Good... because I need to," she muttered jumping out of the car once again and going away.

"Why am I surprised?" Savannah wondered.

"I'm wondering the same thing right now," I laughed seeing Rylee's retreating figure moving towards the toilets.

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