13. Perfect

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I was clutching my stomach and trying to hold in my tears of laughter. To anyone inside the restaurant it would seem that I was in pain, when in reality I was trying so hard not to blow my cover. I rushed to Seb's car and as soon as I was inside I started roaring in laughter. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was running out of breath.

I jumped when I heard the car door opening and saw Seb shaking in laughter and quickly jumping in. We looked into each other and started laughing even harder.

"His... his f... his face..." Seb struggled to say and we laughed together.

When the laughter somewhat subsided I commented "that was so much fun!"

He looked at me and nodded "Yeah, we should definitely do that again. We are a great team."

"Yeah sure, but next time, you'll be doing more than just filming," I laughed. "And you look plain ridiculous, I told you to put the mustache on only because I thought that this might be the only opportunity to see you like this," I chuckled.

"You sneaky little devil," he gasped and launched at me to tickle my sides.

"NOOO, STOP," I gasped for air and and tried avoid his fingers tickling my sides.

A bang on the door interrupted my torture and we faced the door to see fuming Derek. "Open the fucking door, before I smash the windows."

My eyes widened and I looked to see that Seb was equally terrified. "What should we do?" Seb squealed in panic.

"DRIVE!!!" I shouted and Seb quickly turned on the engine and drove backwards.

Derek didn't expect to see us drive off and he was even more angry. I flipped him off and his face turned red in anger.

"We're so dead!" I laughed.

"We are!" Seb joined my laughter.

Seb drove like a maniac rushing through the streets.

"What do we do now? I can't return home, because Derek will be expecting me there. Can I just stay at your place for like, emm, I don't know... forever?" I pleaded.

"As much as I would enjoy that, that unfortunately wouldn't help. If you don't return home today, he'll come seeking you at my place."

"You're right," I sighed.

"And where are we going now?" I questioned noticing that we were strolling through the city.

"You'll see," he smirked.


"Is this what I think it is?" I squealed in joy.

"Wow, if I had know that you'd be so happy to be here, I would have brought you here earlier," he smirked.

"You're kidding? This is like the most beautiful restaurant in the city," I sighed in awe.

"Then I'm glad to be the one who takes you here first," he winked at me and extended me his arms.

"My lady," he pointed his eyes at his arm hinting me to take his arm.

"Oh, how kind of you, dear sir," I smirked taking his arm.


I gaped around the restaurant. The lone lake was the most popular restaurant in the city and it was breathtaking. As the location was on the country side, it was the perfect place have an open air restaurant. It was partly open air and partly indoor and Seb took me outside.

Do you know why the restaurant is called the lone lake? Because the open air restaurant is located in the lake. There are wooden floating islands scattered throughout the lake, where you are taken by boat.

The ambience is so romantic and it is a truly magical experience. And for a moment I want to imagine that me and Seb are dating and he took me to a date here. But I know that it'll never happen. We're just so similar but at the same time so different.

Oh shut up, just enjoy your night!

We were driven to one of the islands on the lake and I noticed that the table was lit with candles.

"Oh My! This is so romantic," I sighed. "I guarantee, if you want to bed a girl, this would be the perfect place you could swoon her over."

"You think?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He took out my chair and I thanked him while sitting on it. He then took a seat in front of him and looked into my eyes with an intense emotion. "Maybe I could bed you..."

I gasped and blushed. "Stop," I muttered embarrassed.

He started chuckling and I soon joined him laughing myself. "You're so cute, while flustered," he laughed. "I love to make you feel that way."

"Good for you," I laughed.

Then I looked around and realized another thing.

"This might be beautiful, but I realized that if you bring someone here and make a mistake, your date won't be able to run away," I laughed.

"I didn't even think about it,"
He joined my laughter. "Yeah, this restaurant is perfect."


I ordered some spaghetti because it was one of the cheapest things on the menu, but despite the prize they were the tastiest spaghetti I've ever eaten.

Seb ordered some steak and in the end I ended up eating half of his portion, because I can never fill up my stomach.

Seb of course was amazed by my eating skills and made fun of me, when he asked me questions while my mouth was full of food. I struggled to answer as I always forced as much food in my mouth as I could.

We didn't eat desert, as much as I wanted to, because in the end Seb decided to pay for our meals and I felt guilty spending his money. "This is basically a date," I told him with my mouth full of his steak.

"It is," he smirked."I thought about what you said."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"This is the perfect place to make mistakes, so that your date doesn't run away," he took my hands and forced me up from the chair into his hands.

Our chests brushed and my heart started beating frantically. "Seb?" I whispered.

He slowly brushed his hands up my sides and stopped when he cupped my face. I looked into his blue eyes and for the first time I was so close to him to notice that he had few flecks of green in his iris.

He was looking at my lips and automatically I bit my lip. He started leaning in and I could feel his breath fanning against my face.

My mind stopped working and all of my thoughts just stopped. He was everything I could think of and there wasn't a single thought of doubt in my head.

He slowly pressed his lips against mine and they felt so soft and warm. My knees felt suddenly weak and I gripped his shoulders.

I hope i don't regret this.

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