34. Introductions

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"Imagine My surprise, when I turn around and see that you're not there," Stacy began," and then I see that there are people looking at something and I thought to myself- maybe Hailey saw something and wanted to have a look. And then the models started walking out and you walked out too! How did this happen?"

"They mistook me for someone else," I laughed to myself. When I come to think about it, this situation is funny indeed.

When I was about to leave the dressing room, Christina's son, was standing behind the curtain.

I wanted to leave, but he was standing in my way. He asked me to give him my number and I panicked, as I didn't want them calling me and making me walk another podium, so I gave a false number and bolted out of there, saying that I was in a rush to another fashion show.

Smooth. I'm such a businesswoman, I mean model woman.

"To say that I'm surprised that I saw you there, would be an understatement," Seb told me looking deep in thought. "But on the positive note, you did look great in there, maybe you should start working as a model?"

"No way, Jose," I shook my head and saw a small smile playing on Seb's lips.

"Wow! How did you guys end up in this mall at the same time as me and Stacy! What a coincidence, but In a good way," I started blubbering, suddenly remembering, that they weren't supposed to know that we were aware that they are here.

"We know that you originally came here to stalk us," Jonah said rolling his eyes, at my poor attempt to lie. "We knew as soon as we saw the broken leg walk, Stacy was giving us."

"Ha! I knew that they would see you do that!" I exclaimed pointing a finger at her. "Next time I'm in charge of how things are happening, got that?" I asked her.

"Next time?" Jonah asked in disbelief.

"I actually meant something else, but you wouldn't get it. Let's go somewhere to eat," I changed the topic, before they could say something else.

"What else could she mean?" Jonah whispered to Seb behind my back and I could imagine Seb shrugging his shoulders. Knowing Seb, I knew that he knew that I was lying my ass off, but he chose to be quiet.

"Hey, you forgot your phone!" I heard someone shout behind me.

I looked back to see Christina's son, Blake, walking towards us.

"Who's that?" Seb asked annoyed.

"Hi," Blake stood in front of me and I had to lift my head a little bit to be able to look into his eyes. He was like really tall. "In your rush to run to away from me, you forgot your phone in the dressing room."

He gave me a warm smile and I looked down at his hands to see my phone in there. "Thanks." I took my phone avoiding skin to skin contact with him. I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

"You're welcome!" He smiled back at me
and seemed a little bit disappointed that I didn't touch him. Or maybe he wanted me to do something for him?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, no," he laughed.

"Who's He?" Stacy asked me.

"Oh, god. I'm sorry! Blake, these are my friends Stacy, Sebastian and Jonah," I introduced them. "Guys this is Blake, son of the woman I worked for today."

"Nice to meet you guys," Blake shook hands with them. "But I still don't know your name..." he said looking at me.

"Hailey," I gave him a small smile.

"Hailey," he tasted my name on his tongue and smiled at me. "I don't want to make you any more late for the next fashion show, so good luck and see you again."

"Bye," we watched him walk away from us. Even his walk was graceful. What the hell?

"He totally has an eye for you, Hailey," Stacy began.

"Don't be silly, he just wants to make sure his mom's 'models' are comfortable. He probably expects me to come to another fashion show, that his mom's organizing."

"You're becoming blind again, just like you did with Sebastian," Jonah said.

"What? No," I said," this is a completely different situation. He wants me to work for his mom, alright? Nothing more."

"Can we just not talk about that prick?" Seb snapped looking at Jonah and Stacy, as if he could stab them with his eye. It would look so funny.

I don't know why Seb got so worked up with Blake. It's not like he has the right to have me anymore. Plus, Blake was just nice to me, nothing more.

"Come on, guys, I can see that you're in desperate need of food," I smiled at them. "You're all so grumpy and mean."

Seb scratched his head and sighed."You're right, let's just go eat somewhere. It's not like you'll ever meet him again after this."

I wanted to snap at Seb, but knew that it would lead us nowhere. Since our last argument I've become numb to his charms and don't feel the same attraction to him, as I used to before. Everything has changed and I think that I didn't actually love him before. It was just a crush and I was just attracted to his charms.

It's so sad to think that I spent all of these years in pain over something so minor, as a crush, who didn't even care about me. Maybe he did, but he had a stupid way of showing it.

And now when I look at him, I see my brother's best friend, with whom I shared many fun moments in our childhood and teenage years, but that's about it. He's my brother's best friend and I want to believe that in a certain way, he's my friend too.

If I forgave him, I'd be lying to myself and Seb and it would lead us absolutely nowhere. I don't want to hurt Seb, but I think that he doesn't need me and just like me, he's had just a crush on me all these years. Just stupid attraction.

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