33. Brown eyes

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"Come on, guys, the show is about to begin. Line up at the entrance," the woman, who I learned is called Christina said, trying to get us all together.

"You can do this, Hailey," Kevin gave me a small smile and I returned it unsurely.

"Pray for me," I grumbled under my breath.

Kevin started laughing and helped me get up from the chair in those killer heels Christina gave me. I hope I don't fall of the podium and embarrass myself in front of the small amount of people that are coming.

"Go on, I'll cheer for you from the front rows," Kevin gave me a hug and disappeared.

"Great," I hissed.

Of course I ended up in this situation, although I'm still unsure how it really happened.

The models standing at the entrance of the podium seemed calm and collected, while I felt like my heart would explode from by chest. And that would be a sight for the audience!

"Hello, And thank you for coming to this exciting event for us and for you, I hope," I heard Christina's voice through the mic," we're showcasing you my designed lingerie and if you'll enjoy them, you'll be able to buy them at the end of the show at my shop, that we're opening today. That being said, enjoy."

Christina opened the curtains that lead to the podium and walked to us with a smile on her face. Suddenly loud music blasted in my ears and I started swinging my hips, as this was one of my favorite songs. And when I mean one of my favorite, I mean one of my hundred favorite.

"First model goes... NOW," Christina looked into her watch and the first model entered the podium.

I could hear loads of cheers and whistles coming from the other side of the curtain. How do so little people make such a noise? Maybe there are loads of children? I know that only three of them can raise hell upon earth with their loud behavior.

What are you talking about, Hailey! Children to a lingerie show, really?

Model after model entered the podium and I saw that my turn was quickly coming up. I wanted to let the girl behind me go first, but when I turned around, I realized that I was the girl behind.

I will walk the podium last.

"Ok, go now," Christina told me.

I took a deep breath and walked through the curtains.

Holy schnitzel!

There were hundreds of people watching the show and I managed to get myself in this situation how? Right, because I'm stupid.

I started walking down the podium, my heels barely hearable through the music. All of the people were watching me walk and some of them were cheering.

I swayed my hips a little, to seem more like a model, not a student, who accidentally appeared here.

When I got to the end of the podium, I turned one hip to them and slapped my hands onto my hips and awkwardly stood there for a second, before I started walking back.

'Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall,' I chanted in my head.

When I got to the end of the podium, Christina gave me a high five and I had to stand in the line again, as we were walking down the podium again, showcasing all of the outfits all at once.

When we walked outside once again, I looked around the audience in search for Stacy, but instead caught a brown eyed guy looking at me. He was really handsome and I... stop! You're looking for Stacy not admiring guys.

I kept my eyes on that guy for the last second, before scanning through the crowd again. I squinted my eyes a little bit, when I saw someone laughing their face off at the end of the audience. Bingo!

Stacy was wheezing and she was next to Jonah and Seb? What is Seb doing here? Wait, maybe that's why Jonah came here.

"This was Christina Moretti's newest collection of lingerie," Kevin suddenly appeared with a mic. "Give a round of applause for her work and the wonderful models, that showcased it."

Louder cheers erupted from the audience and being in the spotlight was a strange feeling. I wanted to say that I felt someone looking at me, when I realized that I was on a freaking podium in a lingerie: of course they'd be looking at me.

I'm definitely not doing this again, this was too stressful. I looked at the other models, to see them smiling, so I turned back to the audience and gave them a smile too.

Then something caught my eye and I immediately regretted my existence. There were cameras there that filmed the whole walk and flashes of white light showed that we were being photographed too.

I thought that this was only a small shop trying to advertise something to gain customers. Stacy's never letting me live this down.

"Thank you so much, for coming here and have a great day," Kevin said and the models started retreating back to the dressing rooms.

"Thank god!" I muttered under my breath.

When I walked through the curtains, I was greeted by the same guy, that was looking at me.

"It was great, mom!" He said.

I furrowed my brows and was about to give him a few words about being a mom, but then Christina spoke up," thank you, Blake."

And that's how I dodged a bullet, that I was about to jump in front of.

"Christina?" I spoke up.

"Yes, darling?" She asked looking at me and I saw from the corner of my eyes her son looking at me. I started nervously fidgeting with my fingers.

"I don't remember where are my dressing rooms," I grumbled.

"Oh! Right, go to the number 13, it's just around the corner to your left," she gave me a smile.

I returned the smile and took one last glance at her son, who was already looking at me.

'Just walk away, hailey' I reminded myself before I did something stupid, like drooling over him. He was extremely good-looking. His dark brown hair complemented his brown eyes and his sharp jawline was to die for. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a model, he certainly looked like one. He was the most handsome man, I've ever seen and this, coming from a person that spends most of her life browsing through the internet, surely means a lot.

"Ok, bye," I awkwardly waved my hand and walked away.

"Bye, I'll give you a call, once we need you again," she called after me.

I started walking faster, until I hit my dressing room. Once she finds out that I'm not a model, she's going to flip out, so I need to sneak away from here and never show my face again.

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