53. Untamed horse

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I heard my door opening with a click and groaned.

'If it's Derek, I'm going to kill him,' I thought to myself.

Instead of hearing my stuff being shuffled around and him picking up my things, I felt something sharp hit my back.

"Aaaggh," I screamed in pain and jumped up from my bed.

On the other side of the bed I saw someone, who I didn't expect to see. If you thought that it was my mom punishing me for skipping classes, then you're wrong, because this is so much worse.

My grandma.

She was looking at me with her eyes narrowed at me and I gulped loudly, when I saw the stack of tree branches she had in her hand.

"Grandma?" I asked hesitantly, expecting another blow.

"Hailey, sweetie. Can you guess what your brother just told me about you?" She asked trying to break me.

"That I ate a chocolate cake few days ago?" I asked carefully and she continued her evil glare at me.

"No. He told me that you went on a holiday to our summerhouse with Seb and didn't make any pictures. What is wrong with you?" She asked me angrily.

Really? Is she really angry about that?

"What about me skipping school?" I asked her and she instantly hit my back again.

"What the hell!" I shouted and she calmly explained.

"Don't take it too much to your sweet heart, but the last one was from your mom. She's angry with you."

"Oh really? She's angry at me? Why doesn't she call me and tell me that herself?" I asked my grandma, anger rising with a speed of lightning.

"She's busy," was all that my grandma could tell me. Great. My mom doesn't even have time to call me and scold me myself.

I should just murder someone and see if my mom decides to call me then.

This is the longest she's been away and I'm starting to really miss her. And she doesn't even call us? Are we really not that important to her?

"No worries, Hailey. I know that you miss her, but... you know what? You're right, she could make at least five minutes to talk to you. I didn't raise my daughter like that, your father made her this way. How I wish to strangle that sonofabi-"

"Ok, ok, I get it grandma," I laughed and she started laughing too.

"How I missed you, you little chubby-cheeks," she cooed and grabbed my cheeks to play with them.

I pried off her crab-like grip and gave her my biggest smile. She's the craziest person I've ever met, she's sportier than I am and at the age gap between us you might start believing, that she's an extraordinary creature. She always wants to do something and it doesn't matter what and she's crazy as hell.

One summer, when I stayed at our country side she decided to go for a walk and in the end we wandered so far away from home, that we were lost. As soon as we saw a building, she walked to it calmly and climbed over their fence.

Even I hesitated to do that, but my granny didn't even have second thoughts when climbing. She just did it. She's quite athletic for her age, but the fact that she's quite old (she likes to tell everyone that she's not old, but ancient), makes her more vulnerable to little injuries. That makes everyone afraid of her life, but she couldn't care less.

If I had to name an animal to describe her, I'd say a wild, untamable horse.

"I'm spending today with you, guys. I know how lonely this house can get," she stroked my hair soothingly and I sighed. This is really comforting.

"Hailey wouldn't know that," my brother suddenly entered my room and gave me an evil smirk, "she has an unofficial boyfriend."

My grandma looked at me and raised her grey eyebrow, "is it true? What does even unofficial boyfriend mean?"

"Yes," I confessed and gave Derek my evil eyes and he just smirked at me. "He's unofficial, because I'm not giving him a chance to become official jet and he's quite persistent."

I saw my grandma's face break out in huge grin. "Oh, Hailey. I'm so happy for you. I thought that you'd never get over that jerk."

I nodded my head in agreement, "me neither."

"They already slept together," Derek added fuel to the hot coal and I growled at him.

My grandma looked at me with wide eyes and asked, "but I thought that you aren't like that. Did you really break your pleasure bone?"

I grimaced and fake gagged, "no, of course not. We just slept together, nothing else."

"Well I didn't come here to discuss whether Hailey slept with someone or not. I'm here to play some Monopoly with you and the winner gets to have the candy that I bought you."


I didn't win monopoly and fortunately, my brother didn't either.

When almost all of the properties were bought and owned by my grandma, me and my brother figured out that something wasn't quite alright, because she owned way too much money, when we hadn't even stepped on her properties. Me and my brother came to an agreement, shocking, I know, and decided to unmask our grandma, If she had been cheating.

At first we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but then we saw her throw the dice and have the number 5, but instead she walked six steps and threw the dice again.

She quickly walked over the finish line and collected her 200$ but she 600$ too many. This was the last straw of mine and my brothers patience and we threw my grandmas cover off.

Unfortunately, she had already won, as she had made me and my brother come to a bankruptcy and we were seething with anger.

In the end, it turned out that there were no candy and she just didn't want us to find out, so she cheated and made us think that we weren't getting any sweets.

We made her buy us candy as a compensation for her cheating and she agreed, buying us gummy bears. She didn't stay with us for long, as she had to travel to France with her friends, but seeing her was a positive experience.

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