16. High and low

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Caroline wrote on the back of the paper to meet her tomorrow at 8:00 clock in the school entrance, because she's "giving him a chance" to whatever he wants.

She was extremely nervous about it and she didn't want to meet him, but we thought that it is necessary to do that, in order to stop the guy from sending even more creepy messages. If we could meet him, we could finally speak some sense into him and if necessary keep Caroline away from him.

And in the end, with a little persuasion that lasted for half an hour, she finally agreed to do it.

The plan was to leave it on her locker and hopefully her stalker will see it. As we were walking, I noticed that a group of people were standing in front of my locker.

"What is happening over there?" I wondered and saw Caroline looking as well.

"Do you want me to come with you and check it out?" She suggested.

"No, no, you go on and leave the message, I'll be right back," I said and walked straight to the crowd. Whatever was there, I hope it wasn't anything bad.

"Excuse me," I started walking through the wall of people and eventually they parted so that I could walk to my locker.

There was some kind of paper stuck to it and when I was close enough to understand what it is, all of my blood drenched from my face.

It was a picture of Seb kissing me at the restaurant. If the situation wasn't creepy, I would have actually said that it looked pretty cute, but this was not the case.

There was something written at the bottom of the picture.

It's so sad to see you actually thinking that he feels something for you. If my words aren't enough, you might want to come and see for yourself at the chemistry class.

Feeling of dread crawled up my skin and I started shaking. I grabbed the picture from my locker and shredded it to peaces.

Do I want to see this? Yes i do.

Would he really cheat on me after something so special between us?

I walked towards the chemistry class ignoring whispers of the students. Undoubtedly whole school will soon know that me and Seb had something.

When I walked to chemistry class I slowly opened the door and quietly forced it open.

You know how you feel when you see a dog die in a movie? That's exactly how I felt right now, but even worse, because I knew that it wasn't a movie and it was happening to me.

Seb was exchanging saliva with another blondy, while holding her face with his hands exactly like he did to me.

Suddenly I couldn't breath and I felt my throat closing up. I shouldn't be seeing this, I can't see this anymore.

"Thanks for driving me to school," she muttered after he finally stopped kissing her.

"You have nothing to thank me about," he muttered back.

And when I thought that my heart couldn't break even more, it just did. I was so stupid to think that we... no, there is and never will be no such thing as 'we'.

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