54. Great minds come with great ideas

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" I need to get wasted!" Caroline whispered in my ear as we stood in a queue to finally get to the club, that me and Caroline decided to go to.

"I have no doubts about that. Tell me about Trevor," I encouraged her and she visibly started shaking.

"Things have gotten out of control," she began. "He used to only touch my hand, but recently he has even started to try to kiss me. His face makes me want to vomit, yuck."

"That's why I offered to help you," I groaned. "Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because I can't, ok? And besides I told him that I'm Christian and really religious, so I won't kiss until the wedding."

I started laughing, "really? And he believed that?"

"Yeah, He got mad, but eventually figured that he could wait," she whispered in my ear.

The bouncer was letting in people now and when he saw us, he didn't even ask for our documents. Maybe because we worked pretty hard on our makeup and look a little bit older.

We walked into the club and it was filled with dark purple theme and gold. There was blasting a loud music and we saw people grinding against each other on the dance floor.

I took Caroline's hand and dragged her to the bar, to get us some drinks. I ordered some shots and once the barman served us, I raised my glass and made a toast. "Tonight, we get wasted and tomorrow we get... uhm... breasted. No, I mean... nothing. Let's just enjoy this night and partayyy."

Caroline laughed and clinked her glass with mine and shouted, "YEEES!!!"

"You know what?" She began. "I don't know why I'm trying to fight this alone. I've been thinking about asking for your help, but he told me that he'd beat you up."

I laughed, "Yeah, he's definitely going to beat all of us to death."

I saw her raising her brow and looking at the rows of alcohol in front of us. She pounced down another shot and laughed nervously, "he wasn't talking about all of you, he was talking about only you. He hates your guts."

I gulped and then i muttered, "well, the feeling's mutual."

I saw her downing two shots in a row and frowned. With the way she's drinking, she's probably going to end up passing out in a bush somewhere outside. I should probably stop drinking and watch over her.

"Are you going to drink or what?" She asked me and I saw that he eyes were already glassy.

"No, no, I think that I've had enough," I laughed. I'm pretty sober, but she's not. We'd get in deep shit if someone asked us our id's and I needed to have my eyes open all of the time.

"Come on," she whined. "I thought that we were going to get wasted together, but you're holding back." I saw her lip trembling and I sighed and picked up the shot that she passed me.

I gulped it down and felt the burning sensation flowing down my throat into my belly and suddenly it seamed that it was too hot in my black dress.

"Let's play a game," she suggested. "Why don't we see who gets wasted first."

I started laughing and heard her chuckling too. "That sounds like a terrible game. And who decides who is wasted, huh? The fact that you've passed out by the bar?"

Caroline started laughing and I joined her. "Ok, you're right. Another game." She looked around, thinking of a challenge that we'd have to achieve.

"Why don't we... see who can sneak into the VIP lounge first," she suggested her eyes gleaming in mischief.

Sneaking into VIP lounge? That sounds like a terrible idea.

"Ok, I think that doing it separately has a higher risk of getting caught than doing it together," I shouted in her ear and she screamed and almost fell from her chair.

"Don't shout in my ear you goat!" She screamed and rubbed her ear.

I didn't mean to hurt her, the music just seemed so loud, that I thought that she wouldn't hear me.

"So, what do you think? Together?" I asked her and she thought over the idea in her noticeably drunken mind. She was swaying slightly in her chair and grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Deal!" She slurred and gave me her hand to shake and I was about to shake it, when she laughed and took it away. "Naha, first you have to down the rest of the shots. I don't think that's fair that you aren't drunk," she frowned like a small child.

Ok, here goes my plan of taking care of her. I took one of the shots and drank it and once the burning had subsided a little, I downed the last one.

"Happy?" I gurgled with a raspy voice.

"Verrryyy," she clapped her hands together and took my hand, pulling me out of my stool.

Once I was on the ground, I saw the room spinning lightly and I giggled once I realized how fun this actually is. "Yeah!" I shouted and fist bumped the air.

Caroline cheered with me and started dragging us towards the VIP lounge and I started jumping behind her. "I belieeve iii can flyyy," I sang and she started singing with me.

I barely noticed anything around me, but could notice the way the people were judging us with their mean eyes. What's wrong with them? Have they never had fun?

I saw stairs leading to the VIP lounge and nervously sweated. "Caroline! How do we get zere?" I asked her, suddenly becoming sleepy, but in order to keep my eyes open, I forced them open all the way and looked at my blonde friend.

Caroline looked at me and also widened her eyes, I'm not sure if she felt sleepy too or just mimicked my actions, "good sinking... I mean thinking, Robin." She patted my back awkwardly.

"Caroline, weee have nnno plan," I slurred and she turned around her eyes wide.

"We have to crawl up the stairs. They won't notice us, because when we crawl, we become the miniature versions of ourselves and we are really really small. Keep your night vision on!" She ordered me and I shook my head.

How do I turn on my night vision?

Right. I can just take out my phone and turn the flashlight on. Genius.

I did just that and we started walking up the stairs, Caroline first. "I think I've officially become a fox. I have night vision, do you see the bright light coming from me and illuminating the steps?"

I agreed with her and we continued our walk towards the entrance of VIP lounge.

"Brenda, we have to stop here!" She suddenly stopped crawling and I almost bumped my head into her butt, from the way she suddenly stopped.

"Are we here?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"How do this we do?" I tried forming a normal sentence and ended up with this. My eyes suddenly dropped and I hit my head against the stairs, which helped me to wake up a little.

Caroline just shrugged, stood up and opened the door, revealing a bunch of guys in there with a bunch of girls. I was still on the floor, but a guy with brown hair and brown eyes kept looking at me with shock and confusion.

He seemed familiar, but I couldn't figure out who he was.

Caroline had also stopped in her tracks and I heard someone in the room say, "holy shit!"

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