32. Blending in

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"Why are we doing this?" I whined following Stacy through the shopping mall.

"You know why, now be quiet, he might hear you," she hissed.

She was sneaking like a wannabe ninja with her black hoody and freaking black sunglasses indoors.

"May I say something?" I tapped Stacy's shoulder with my index finger to gain her attention.

"What! You're distracting me," she hissed.

"You look stupid and the way you're walking attracts more attention, than walking normally," I laughed.

She turned to look at me for a second, before seeing that I was right and there were people curiously glancing at us.

"I don't know about you, but I think that we've attracted quite the crowd," I nervously observed.

She grumbled something under her breath and took of her hoody and glasses and threw them into her bag.

"Ok, what do you suggest i do?" She asked.

"Try blending in with the crowd. The frog walk isn't really something that you see everyday, you know."

Stacy glared at me and I started chuckling.

"You should've seen yourself from my point of view. I almost peed myself, you looked so funny," I laughed.

"Ha ha, you're very funny," Stacy snapped. "Concentrate on our mission, not my walk."

"Yes, sir," I saluted Stacy and she rolled her eyes.

Stacy wanted to know what Jonah was doing in the mall and she decided to stalk him. And of course I had to accompany her, because you only stalk someone, when you're alone. When you're with someone else apparently, it's completely different.

"If this fails and he sees us, I'm blaming you," Stacy raised an eyebrow at me and I just nodded my head. Yeah, what is the chance that Jonah will actually notice us? 0.

"Finally, you're here, we were worried that you wouldn't show up," someone tugged my arm in the direction of some kind of a dressing room.

I noticed that a woman with platinum blonde hair and model like figure was dragging me somewhere.

You know how sometimes you are so surprised that you just can't force words out of your mouth?

This is not the occasion that I'm surprised, I'm actually just surprised that something like this didn't happen earlier. I don't know why, but I always end up in situations like this.

And you would have thought that because I wasn't surprised, then I would've said something to the model that was dragging me somewhere, right?

Well, guess again. I actually was just too shy to tell her that she's caught the wrong person, so I played along. I just hoped that it wasn't anything embarrassing, like public speaking or something. That would be the worst...

The woman hurriedly forced me into a dressing room and walked in with me.

"Here's what you have to change into, you have three minutes," she said throwing me something tiny and black.

"What is...?" I wanted to ask her, but she quickly disappeared through the curtains of my dressing room.

I looked at the tiny fabric in my hands, shrugged my shoulders and undressed to put it on. Once I figured out what it was, I already had lost two minutes.

I quickly put on the tiny lingerie and looked around for a mirror, but there wasn't any. Where's the strange woman, when I need her?

I was about to change back into my old clothes, when the woman opened the curtains, to reveal my half naked figure. I shrieked in surprise and the woman didn't even flinch at my high pitched dinosaur scream.

"Perfect!" She clapped her hands together and pushed her glasses back on her nose. "Come on, the stylists will work on you the remaining time."

"Stylists?" I asked panic building up in me, like tsunami. At first small, but then destructive.

"You sound like you've never been in modeling business," she rolled her eyes leading me to a place filled with models and their stylists.

I chuckled nervously," me? Ha ha ha, pff, of course I've modeled before. No problem doing it again."

The woman looked back at me.

"Are you on drugs?" She asked me watching my reaction.

"Drugs? No, of course not," I muttered nervously.

"I hope so. I can't let this event go to waste. Go to your stylist over there and he'll do your hair and make up."

"Of course. I totally remember my stylist," I widened my eyes and quickly turned around to walk away.

"No, silly, over there," the woman turned me back around and nudged me forward.

I gulped loudly and gave her a small smile. I started walking and realized that my cover would soon be blown, as the stylist will surely tell that woman in glasses, that I'm not the girl, he was supposed to make pretty.

I walked over to the only free stylist over there and waved my hand to gain his attention.

The stylist had dark black hair and really sharp features. He looked really intimidating and I gulped looking at him.

He looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow. "You're not, Chris."

"I know. Can you please play along, I accidentally got here, the lady in the glasses mistook me for someone else," I explained to the man I barely even know hoping that he'd help me.

He looked around and then turned his attention back to me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"What you're trying to say, is that you're not a model?" He asked trying to make sense of the situation we were currently in.

"That's exactly what I just did," I hissed looking around.

The stylist started laughing and clutched his stomach. "Well, This has never happened before. I'm Kevin, I'm going to be your stylist for today."

Kevin extended his hand and I lightly shook it.

"It would be a pleasure to meet you, if I hadn't put myself in this situation, no offense, Kev," I raised my hands. "Hailey."

He smirked at my name," none offense taken, Hailey."

He pointed me to a chair and I sat down, while he walked around the chair to be behind my back. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how revealing the lingerie actually was. I wonder if Stacy knows that I'm not around anymore?

"So, Hailey, ready to model lingerie for horny men, who come to the mall to see women in small fabrics?" He asked pushing the hair out of my face.

"You make it sound so bad," I whined.

"Don't worry, you'll easily deal with this," he said squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.

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