61. Poking the lion

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"So, Katherine Woods," the man holding the knife, who I learned is called Pain, began, "do you have a boyfriend, that might dedicate his life finding you?"

I imagined Blake as some kind of protagonist in a movie like Taken and drooled a little bit in my head. He'd look so hot fighting them all off.

"No, I have no one," i answered and heard Pain nod.

"That's good, because if you had, we'd have to kill him," he chuckled and I heard other guys chuckling as well. "We've done it before."

We moved forwards and I couldn't understand why I didn't feel anything about this situation. No fear, no sadness, nothing. I felt completely numb.

"If you kill me, can I ask you something?" I asked them and Pain was about to probably say that he'd sell me, not kill me, so I started speaking, "Leave my body, somewhere my family can find it, and leave a message saying that I want to be cremated and I want my ashes to be used as soil to feed to a young cherry tree."

Pain remained silent, but I heard the other guys mumbling something about me being mental.

We were soon outside the park and I found them leading me towards a black van.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I heard someone roughly ask and couldn't help but to flinch at the power of the voice.

Pain pressed the knife tighter against my neck and I felt something dripping from it. Am I bleeding?

"Blake, what are you doing here?" Pain asked him and I hissed, when he pressed the knife deeper into my flesh.

"You're going to kill me, if you don't stop pressing the knife further into my skin," I chuckled for the first time, having the will to live.

Pain released the pressure on my neck for a little bit, which was just enough to stop me from moving, but not enough to damage my neck further.

"Let her the fuck go," Blake hissed looking so dangerous that I stopped breathing.

"Why? Do you know him, Katherine?" Pain asked me and I was about to say yes, when I remembered that he said that he'd kill my boyfriend, if I had one.

"Katherine? Who the fuck is Katherine?" Blake was fuming and I interrupted him.

"No, I have no idea, who he is," I replied calmly and saw that Blake was clenching his jaw.

"What the fuck are you doing Hailey?" Blake hissed, looking at me with his fiery eyes. "Let her go, if you want to live, Bob," Blake said and I started laughing.

"Bob?" I laughed and Pain, wait, I mean Bob, growled in anger and humiliation and pressed the knife into my open wound once again and I hissed in pain.

"Maybe I should comply to your wishes, Hailey," Bob hissed in my ear. "Maybe I should kill you. But I guess that Blake means something to you, as he never gives two shits about other girls."

Bob then turned to face Blake and let me go, pushing me into Blake's arms. I grunted from the impact and Blake hugged me closer to him. "Oh, and Blake? Your girl is lucky to be alive, someone so annoying usually gets killed really easily, I suggest you tell her what happens when you act clever with someone holding a knife against your throat," I felt Blake crushing me tighter against his chest and breathing suddenly became a struggle, but I knew that Blake was mad, so I stayed silent. "She seemed suicidal. And before I go, Hailey?" He asked me, but I couldn't physically move around to face him.

"If you ever feel like you have no reason to live, I can give you many," he said and Blake growled threateningly. "That's it, see you again, Hailey," Bob said, leaving me alone with fuming Blake. I heard his and his friends retreating footsteps, through the thin layer of snow and listened as they climbed into their cars and drove off.

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