47. Pillow talks

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It's in people's nature to take the simplest things for granted- the fresh air, the sunny days, days overall, because you only experience every day once, and of course sleep.

Sleeping is heaven.

When you sleep you forget about your problems and you can finally relax and live out a situation, that would probably never happen in real life.

How I wish that I could sleep right now.

Instead I'm turning sides and trying to count sheep that never end.

I can't sleep. HE doesn't let me.

Every single fucking thought is filled with that handsome face. I hate him even more for that.

But do I really hate him?

I don't have an answer to this question.

His final words have left me so restless that I'm starting to count the days until his next arrival.

The moment he stepped into the school and our eyes caught I knew that I would be in trouble. I didn't know how much trouble.

Cindy had really high hopes for her and Blake and she was enthralled to be able to show him around and scare the living daylights out of me.

When Blake stepped foot in the cafeteria and saw me, he made Cindy hate me even more. She thinks that I stole Seb from her and now she thinks that I was kidding around when I (actually Rylee) gave her Blake's number and probably thinks that all of this was some kind of fucked up set up.

I'm in such a deep mess.

When Blake told everybody to leave me alone, he scared everyone but Cindy and Seb.

Seb wasn't there at the moment, that's why, but Cindy... she had murder in her eyes and she made an angry frown with my every movement.

Blake has unintentionally given me an enemy, that's going to make my life even harder than it is. And the thought of his return is giving me a headache.

How does he expect me to just run into his arms, as though we are... something. I don't really know him.

Rylee and Savannah wondered why I fight him so much, but they only see that he's a pretty face, that is extremely persistent. They don't even know what he's like and neither do I.

'Maybe You should get to know him better,' a voice in my head whispered and I groaned.

Maybe he's going to leave me alone?

'Yeah, right,' the voice laughed.

"Shut up!" I hissed.

Maybe I should text him and get to know him better? It's not like I can sleep anyways.


Fuck! It's only two in the morning, he's probably asleep. When he reads this text in the morning, he's going to think that I'm desperate. I need to do something...

Right! I can just tell him that I texted the wrong person.

I started typing, when I noticed that he had read my message and was typing back to me.

Hey, miss me?😏

I rolled my eyes and laughed nervously.

No, I couldn't sleep.

So naturally you texted the
person you've been trying to
avoid all this time and just
managed to do that. You
amaze me, Hailey Summers.

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