51. Bloody Mary

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"Let's watch a movie," Blake suggested, his hand wrapped around my shoulder, playing with my long hair.

"What kind of movie?" I asked him calmly. Sitting next to him on the couch was oddly comforting. What was even more 'comforting' was knowing that Derek might come home at any second and spot me wrapped in Blake's embrace.

That would be really awkward.

"Horror," he whispered trying to sound scary.

"I have a better idea," I jumped from the couch and turned to face him, giving him my brightest smile.

He frowned at the loss of contact with me and leaned forward to grab my hand in his. Have I mentioned that he has pretty big hands compared to mine? Well it shouldn't be no surprise, as he is actually a great deal taller than me.


"We need candles and something to light them," I started and saw him looking at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked confused. Has he never lit a candle before or does he think that I'm too young to do that? Please don't be the second option, I'm 16 for Christ's sakes.

"You want to..." he started asking me and I looked at him like he was dumb. Yes, I want to light the freaking candles, what does he think?

"Yes," I interrupted him.

He looked suddenly so confused and I was really starting to think that he has never lit a candle before. Poor thing, probably never has blown one in his birthday either.

"Are you sure?" He asked me trying to see something in my eyes and I rolled them in front of him.

"Of course. What is it? Are you afraid of candles or something?" I asked him curiously, fully expecting him to tell me a tragic story of his childhood, but he simply shook his head.

"So where do you want to do it?" He asked me, getting up from the couch and looking around.

I looked around the living room and frowned. If Derek comes home and sees me with a guy trying to summon Bloody Mary, he's going to have a heart attack.

Wait! That actually sounds like a plan. I can just scare him and... no I can't. Even if he's the biggest jerk on the whole universe, he's still my brother.

"Not here. I don't want anyone to walk in on us," I muttered thinking of a place to do it. I think that to summon Bloody Mary, you have to do it in the bathroom. "I'll take the candles and you go to the bathroom."

"The bathroom?" He asked frowning.

"Yes, the bathroom. The place where there's a mirror," I rolled my eyes at him.

He gave a laugh that almost showed his surprise. He looked clearly confused with the situation.

"Or we can not do it?" I suggested crossing fingers behind my back, that he won't agree.

"NO! No, it's fine, I just thought that you wouldn't be ready," he quickly said.

"If course I'm ready, I've been waiting to do this for a few years."

"Wow, you've become quite confident Hailey. What happened?" He asked me, a smirk gracing his lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't see it as such a big deal."

"What? Many girls consider that as something really precious and wait until the wedding to do it. I thought that you'd be the same, I definitely didn't expect you to want to do it in the bathroom."

What is he talking about? Who summons Bloody fucking Mary on their wedding night and where else can you do it? In front of the small mirror that I use to apply makeup? I looked at him as if he had grown two heads. "Although I had no idea that girls wait to do that until wedding night, I'm pretty sure that it's nothing that we have to wait to do. Just go to the bathroom and don't overthink this," I dismissed him and went to the kitchen to garner the candles.

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