76. Pregnancy in pizzeria

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"I'm sorry, it was a dick move, I get it," Blake tried to apologize, gripping his steering wheel.

I continued looking out from the window, watching as the houses and trees flew by my eyes.

"Are you going to be mad at me forever?" He asked and I looked at him, trying to hide my emotions. I wasn't mad, I just felt like if he had so much power over me, I was so freaking doomed. "Because It would be really awkward, as were going on a date," he continued.

"Date?" I asked him and he let out a breath of relief, after I finally spoke to him. He smirked as he had gained my attention.

"We're going to have a nice dinner," he said looking at the road ahead, "I figured that you don't like really expensive things so I'm going to take you somewhere, where you don't have to worry about the price of everything to actually enjoy the evening."

A huge smile formed on my lips and I suppressed a squeal, that was trying to escape me. He actually knows me! When Seb took me to that super expensive restaurant, I felt a little bit out of my usual habitat, so I couldn't enjoy the evening as much as I wanted to. Maybe this is going to be a better experience.

"And as I am an Italian, we're going to this super tasty place, that I know you're going to love," he winked at me.


Oh fuck!

I looked at the place in front is us and gulped. It was definitely the best place to eat Italian food, but at the same time stepping my foot in here might cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

I looked at the flashing lights showing the sign above the restaurant- Frank's pizzeria. The place, where I loudly announced that I'm pregnant to embarrass my brother.

I looked at Blake, already looking at me with excitement written all over his face. I can't just tell him what I did here, maybe they won't have the same waiters as the last time and we'll actually have some good time.

I returned his smile and he took my hand, leading me into the restaurant. A waiter came forward to us and Blake asked for a table for two in a private place.

"Very well," the waiter replied formally, as he lead his way towards the back corner of the restaurant. He took out the chair for me, causing Blake to frown at him and I chuckled at the sight. Blake gently pushed his way towards me and when I sat down, he pushed the chair towards the table.

Overprotective ape.

The waiter handed us our menus and I looked through it, not really knowing what to take. Blake noticed my hesitance and took the menu from my hands, giving it back to the waiter and ordered something for the both of us. I can't repeat what he said, but I sounded tasty.

The waiter then asked for drinks and I was about to order strawberry milkshake, when Blake interrupted me, ordering some red wine.

Not long after the waiter was gone I looked at Blake and thanked him.

"For what?" He asked curiously.

"For ordering for me. I felt really stressed about my choice, but now, if I don't like it, I can always blame you," I smirked and he smiled at me mischievously.

"I guarantee that you're going to love it. I'm going to fuck you on this table if I'm wrong," he shrugged his shoulders and I choked on my spit. I looked around to see if anyone had heard him, but most of the people seemed to be too engaged in their own dates, to even be able to hear Blake.

A different waitress came up to us and she seemed a little bit familiar, but I brushed it off. She handed us our drinks and I thanked her.

"I'm sorry, but have we met before?" The woman asked and I looked at her, trying to figure out who she was. She did look familiar, but I couldn't wrap my finger around it. Blake was looking at us, curious about our familiarity, when the woman spoke again. "Oh dear! I remember you know! You're the pregnant teen, that stood up for your cheating boyfriend."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I looked at Blake to see him looking at me with furrowed brows, as if he hadn't heard what she had said properly.

"How are you dear? Is the baby alright? I hope that douche hasn't given you anymore stress, it's bad for the baby," she said in a warm motherly voice and I felt guilty for lying.

"The baby's fine, leaving my ex was actually the best thing that ever happened to me. I was in pain in our relationship, but now, I can only see the happiness," I gave her a warm smile and looked at Blake, who seemed to be shocked.

"Oh, I see that you've found another fine man. I'm glad that you've found your true love, it's hard to find someone these days who is willing to take care of another mans child," she spoke and I nodded my head in agreement. A fine man indeed.

He's going to kill me.

"Wait," the woman suddenly looked at me almost accusingly, "I hope that wine isn't what you're drinking tonight."

Fuck. And now I have to order something else to drink.

"No, of course not," I laughed, "my man just likes wine really much, so he ordered two glasses. I actually wanted a chocolate milkshake."

"Ok, lovebirds. I'm going to leave you now and the dinner is on the house. And don't worry about the milkshake, it's coming right up," she said as she walked away, leaving me with a guy, that seemed like he was in coma.

It was silent for a while until I spoke, "Well, that was awkward..."

"You're pregnant?" He asked me, clearly trying to remain calm, but failing deeply.

"Will you leave me now?" I asked, trying to see what his reaction would be and he gulped.

"Well, this is kinda unexpected and I can't believe that I won't be the first man to give you such a blessing as a child, but I can't leave you. You mean too much for me," he squeezed my hand reassuringly, but I saw that he was in pain on the inside. I think I love this guy. If he is able to overlook such thing and after me being silent about it all this time, he's the perfect guy.

Why am I talking like I'm actually pregnant?

"This is all just a joke," I said looking around. "I'm not pregnant, but people that work here think so."

Blake looked at me at first relieved, but then he suddenly looked angry. "Are you serious? I felt so fucking bad about this, why didn't you explain immediately after she left?!" He fumed.

"I just wanted to see how much I mean to you," I shyly said and he visibly calmed down and the only thing that I could hear, were his even breaths.

Then I explained everything to him, once in a while looking around, making sure that none of the employees were around, so that we could still have our dinner for free. When I had finished he started laughing and I joined him. "That's the strangest thing that I've ever heard and honestly it's extremely funny. I just hope now, that I'll be able to be your partner in crime, instead of Sebastian."

"Speaking about Seb," I quickly mentioned, "I forgave him and were on good terms now."

There was a pregnant silence, until Blake spoke, "Well, honestly I didn't expect anything less of you. Holding onto bad memories is bad for you and I'm glad that you're finally letting them go. I'm proud of you."

I smiled at him and shook my head In agreement. We spent the rest of our night eating and this time I ordered the dessert, as I didn't have to worry about paying.

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