17. Chocolate cake

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"Ha, ha, ha," I was laughing like an insane person, while slashing through the masses of undead.

"Hailey?" Derek asked behind my back. "Everything's fine?"

"Yeah, sure, could you pass me that bag of chips?" I asked not really taking my eyes of the tv screen.

"You're not at school and you're being creepy in public again," he muttered.

"I don't see much public in here," I said pausing the game for a second to fill my mouth with the salty goodness. I wiped my hands against my pants and continued playing.

"Last time you were like this, you wanted to kill me. Who has pissed you off so much?"

I stopped chewing and suddenly became nervous.

"Nnowbodiye," I muttered my mouth full.

"Hailey? You stopped being creepy for a sec. I think that I've hit the nail right on the spot," he said, victory clear in his voice.

"Like you care," I grumbled.

Then the room was filled with silence and the only things that could be heard were me clicking the buttons of my controller and the occasional roars of the undead.

"You're right. I don't care, but please just stop with the maniac laughter. It creeps the living daylights out of me," he muttered and I didn't have to look to know he had shuddered.

"Sure, I'll keep my voice down," I said.

I always play zombie games when I'm angry, because I like letting my anger out on brainless monsters, imagining that they are the people that pissed me off.

Now I could see Seb's rotting face in every walking dead on the screen. And slashing his head off was one hell of an entertainment.

Yesterday not long after my last message he told me that he'd pick me up in the morning, but I was having none of it and told him that Jessy was picking me up today.

I lied of course, i just didn't want him to come here. I wasn't even planning on going to school. But he didn't need to know that.

I've never skipped school for something like this. I always took control of my emotions and dealt with them by dragging myself deeper into studies.

But this time everything's different. I need some time and rest. I just feel so tired. And the bloodlust isn't helping. That's why I'm slashing all the zombies right now.

Rylee's calling...

Oh, fudge. I paused the game once again and took a deep breath.

"Yeah," I asked faking a weak voice.

"Jesus, you sound... great..." she muttered trying to be nice.

I almost laughed, because it just so typical of her. She always wants us to feel good, even if we feel really bad.

"Thanks," I responded weakly, not hiding the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Seb's flipping out on us all morning," she sighed. "Why did you tell him that you were coming to school with Jessy?"

I froze. I should've warned them that I was doing something like that. "Erm... sorry, I forgot to tell him that I wasn't really coming to school today."

"That's fine, he's right next to me and he says that he wants to talk to you right no.."

"NOO!" I shouted interrupting her. Then I realized that I just blew my cover of faking ill. "I mean, I still feel sick and I don't want him to hear me like this," I once again acted sick.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell him that, take care," she said and cut the call.

I groaned and put my face in my hands. I hope she doesn't quote me on this and tells Seb some kind of other reason, because the one I gave her will make me look like I still care about what he thinks of me. But at least she still thinks that I'm sick, so that's good.

We'll talk after school. You've
got some explaining to do.

Or not. She knows.

Sleepover at your place
tonight. I'm bringing over
Savannah too, just like the old

A smile creeped over my lips and my heart warmed at the kind gesture of my friends.

Rylee and Savannah usually came over at my place when we were upset and needed to talk things out. They hated that I always shut myself from everyone, when I was upset so this was the way they made sure I let them in.

Grab something sweet on your
way here🙏

A chocolate cake?

Yes, love ya



"Where's she?" I heard voices from downstairs.

I crawled out of my bed and walked to my door and slowly pulled them open.

Rylee and Savannah were standing in the doorway and Derek had just opened the door. I squealed and forced the door open all the way and ran to them, jumping into their arms.

"Jesus, Hailey, you're like a tank!" Rylee hissed rubbing her knee, that I accidentally hit while jumping on them.

"Sorry," I smiled a low smile. "I just kinda missed you guys."

"Aww, we missed you more," Savannah cooed.

"Enough of this gooey love crap," Derek muttered walking away.

"Come inside, I'll just quickly get all things necessary," I said pushing them inside and closing the door after them.


"How are you?" Rylee asked while all of us were munching on our pieces of cakes.

I sighed. "Could've been better."

"We know what happened..." Savannah muttered.

I immediately looked up to them to see that they had worried expressions on their faces.

"How?" I asked lowly.

"Do you really want to hear this?" Savannah asked. "This might stress you out a little bit," she explained.

"She will hear it one way or another, it's better off if it's from us," Rylee said throwing a knowing glance at Savannah.

"Just tell me," I grumbled impatiently.

Savannah took a deep breath. "Just don't freak out, ok?"

I nodded my head and encouraged her to continue.

"Last night someone threw pictures of you and Seb all around the school. The pictures of you two kissing."

I lowered my gaze and could feel myself becoming sick.

"Each of them had something written on them," she continued. "It was mostly something about him cheating on you the next day and you being pathetic and believing that he felt something for you."

Rylee wrapped her arms around me and I suddenly realized that I had started sobbing.

This is just great. I started to think that I was crawling out of this mess, only to be thrown back into it again. What a pathetic human being I am.

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