44. What am i even thinking?

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"You don't own me, I'm an independent woman, that doesn't need anyone by her side," I spoke with confidence.

Complete silence surrounded us and I grew a little bit nervous. Am I believable?

"This sounds so stupid," Savannah said looking at me. "It actually sounds like you prepared this speech and if I noticed that, he'll definitely see through you."

"Shh," Rylee presses her palm against Savannah's mouth to silence her. "She's practicing, eventually she'll be able to make him leave her."

"Guys, I doubt this is working," I whined.

"With enough practice it will," Rylee said and started humming some kind of song and swinging slightly her head.

"You don't get it. He makes my brain go dead with a single look. And when he touches me I'm completely hopeless. Even if I do say that I don't need him, he's not going to let me go."

His eyes and touch invaded my mind once again and I shivered at the thought of meeting him again.

"He even told me to call him every night," I scoffed. "He told me that he'd punish me if I didn't do the things he asked me to do and I decided to test that yesterday and when he brought me here, I didn't call him. I'm still waiting for a piano falling on my head."

"He sounds mental," Savannah muttered. "But attractively mental."

"That's the point. It's just attraction, just like I had with Seb. I must admit, that he makes me feel even more attraction that I had towards Seb, but attraction or not, I'm not falling for the same mistake twice."

"He doesn't sound like a guy, that easily quits," Savannah said thoughtfully looking outside the window.

"I have an idea," Rylee said with her mischievous smile and then turned her attention on me. "You don't want him, right?"

I shook my head and raised my eyebrow at her confused.

"Can you give me his number?" She asked already taking my phone and unlocking my password.

"Sure, take it, I don't mind," I rolled my eyes.

She took out her phone and started typing someone. She then whispered the number to herself and typed it into her phone.

Me and Savannah just looked at her questioningly, but she completely ignored us.

"There... done," she threw my phone on the bed next to me and wiped her hands together.

"Done what?" I asked.

"I gave his number to the schools bitch. I have no doubt that she'll swoon him with her fake boobs and plastic face. No guy can resist her and she will definitely chase after him."

"Genius," Savannah said in awe. "Now he'll leave Hailey alone. I sometimes wonder where your genial ideas pop out from."

Rylee tapped her head and looked at her pointedly, "they come out of here."


A doorbell ringed and we froze in our places.

"Oh god! I should've called him, he's now downstairs waiting for me with a trained pack of horseflies!" I shrieked jumping up from my bed and pacing around the room looking for a place he wouldn't find me.

"Calm your tits, Hailey," Rylee said and rolled her eyes. "What are the chances that he has dropped all of his plans to come and 'punish you'? Zero."

I looked at her with wide eyes and shouted, "take your words back!"

Each time I say 'what are the chances of...' that actually happens, because life likes to punish me.


I don't know, I don't particularly know how to gets life's attention and ask her to stop messing with my life.

Rylee completely ignored me and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Rylee's right, Hailey," Savannah said gaining my attention. "Why would he come here, when the both of us are here and do something to you? He'd be really stupid to do that."

I narrowed my eyes at the both of them, "you don't know him. He's obsessive and plain psycho. He does whatever he wants."

"Don't you know him yourself for like only a few hours?" Savannah questioned me and I thought to myself. She's right, but I've learned a few things about him at that time.

"Well, one thing for sure. I know him better than the both of you together, so I have to figure out what to do," I hissed at them and started thinking, panic taking over me.

Another doorbell rang and this time it sounded as if someone was getting impatient on the other side of the door.

'Just do whatever you do best,' the voice in my head suggested.

"Of course! I lie!" I said triumphantly.

I took my cellphone and kissed it one last time, before I threw it out of my open window and sadly thought of the pictures and music that I've lost in just a second.

"What the hell Hailey!" Savannah shouted running to the window and watched trying to find where I threw the phone.

"Wish me luck, girls," I said walking to the door of my room and opening them to greet the dark hallways of my house.

I gulped thinking about the possibility of Blake hiding somewhere in the shadows.

I quickly rushed down the stairs and turned on the lights everywhere I could and walked to the front door.

Someone started banging on the door and I took the doorknob with shaky fingers and took my last breath.

He's going to kill me. Bye dreams!

I opened the door and saw an irritated young man with a bag in his hands.

I looked behind him to see if he had someone else with him, but he seemed to be alone.

I turned my attention back to the boy and narrowed my eyes in anger.

"Who do you work for!" I shouted gripping his collar.

The guy seemed taken aback at my aggression but he had his hands too full of those bags to remove the tight grip I had on his shirt.

"I work for noodles&poodles, what do you mean?" He asked panic clear in his voice.

"What?" I asked confusion settling over me. I dropped his collar and stepped back to allow the boy to breathe.

"Jesus, didn't you order the noodles with honey chicken?" He asked taking the both bags in his left hand and rubbing the back of his neck, where the fabric of the collar pressed against his skin.

"We did!" Rylee said jumping from the stairs and running towards us with money in her hands.

"We did?" I asked looking at Rylee with furrowed brows.

"I forgot. I'm sorry for the show my friend displayed," Rylee apologized batting her long eyelashes and giving him her flashy smile.

"No problem," the delivery boy stuttered. "Enjoy your meal," he said giving her bags and walking away to his vehicle.

"He forgot the cash," Rylee whispered in my ear as we watched him drive off to his next location.

I gasped and wanted to run after him, but Rylee stopped me. "No. Just think of this as him paying us a dinner or something."

I looked back to watch his retreating figure and sighed. "But i feel guilty."

"Guilty, But soon you'll have a full tummy. Come on," Rylee nudged me inside. "Let's go feed Savannah. She's been whining about food since we got here."

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