23. Echoes of scream

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"Could you pass me that blue T-shirt?" My mom asked me, as she was packing her bags.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked a little bit sad. I don't see her around as much as I want and she's now going to England for work things.

"Hailey, honey, you know that i can't refuse to do this," she sighed running her hand through her black hair. "I have to support both you and your brother on my own and every possibility to gain money, I will take without hesitation. But you know that I love you. I will be back as soon as I can and I promise that I'll spend more time with you."

That's exactly what she says every time she leaves us here and honestly I don't believe her anymore.

"Don't say that mom. I will love you either way, if you have to work or not. I just wish that you wouldn't tire yourself so much. It hurts me to see you like this."

She hugged me, her perfume filling my lungs. I love her perfume, it always reminds me of home.

"I sometimes wish that your brother was like you," she muttered, stroking my hair. "He doesn't care about anything, apart of himself and his popularity."

"Mhmm," I nodded.

"Ok, honey. Promise me that you two won't kill each other while I'm absent," she looked at me serious.

"Tell that to Derek. I won't bother him, as long as he doesn't bother me."

She nodded her head and hugged me one last time," I love you. Take care and don't skip school!" She scolded me and I lowered my head in shame.

"Sorry, won't happen again."

"Good," she muttered. "And don't be too hard on Seb, he feels sorry." With that she left the room and I started fuming in anger.

I took out my cellphone and texted Seb.

Did you talk to my mom?

Yeah, why?

You have no right to try
to make her join your side
in our argument. It's between
us. And it should stay that

I'm sorry, but I wasn't trying
to lure here to my side.
I know that this is between us.
I told her only because she
asked me to take care of you.


I pressed my palms against my face and screamed into them. This is so embarrassing. He only explained my mom, why he couldn't look after me and I started barking at him. I hate myself.

I suddenly realized that my voice echoed throughout the house and I screamed again. And I screamed again and again and...

"Hailey!" Derek shouted. "Shut the fuck up!"

He's at home? I'm stupid of course he's at home. I walked down the stairs and saw him playing xbox.

"Do you ever go to school?" I asked him.

"Do you ever stop being weird?" He snapped without taking his eyes off the tv screen.

"Guess not," I muttered.

"Could you pass me my phone?" He asked.

"Sure," I walked over to the kitchen where he pointed his head at and grabbed his phone.

He paused the game and smirked as I gave him my phone.

"Wanna see something funny?" He asked.

"Wanna die?" I snapped back at him, knowing that he has done something, that I probably won't like.

He typed his extra long password in his phone and pressed something. He turned around his phone and showed me his Instagram account.

It had a video of some kind of scarecrow playing a slasher video game.

"Why are you showing me this guy?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"You are really stupid, aren't you?" He sighed. "Look again."

I took his phone and turned on the sound to hear someone laughing like a maniac. It sounded familiar and I read the caption 'I think I'm living with a serial killer".

The scarecrow is me? He put a video of me playing zombie game and laughing maniacally on his Instagram and it had a several thousand likes.

He's going to make me a meme and I hate him.

I wanted to delete the video, but he snatched the phone back.

"Naha," he shook his head in amusement. "This is staying there for everyone to see."

"You already know how this is going to end," I smirked.

"Bring it on, Dummers," he started laughing.

"You do actually know that we have the same last name, so making fun of it, you're basically making fun of yourself," I laughed in pity. What a dumbass.

"Have a good night," I shouted making my way to my room. "While you can."

As soon as the door closed, I received a message from the little pussy. I can't get used to the fact that Rylee renamed his number on my phone to this.

You know about the video?

Just found out.

Need help teaching him a
memorable lesson?

Depends. Do you have
something specific in mind?

Of course. Let's meet up
for dinner. I'll explain you

I don't know...

Just as friends. I promise.

Fine. Where and when?

Tomorrow after school.
I'm driving you, so don't
worry about time and

See you tomorrow

Goodnight. Sweet dreams

I saw three dots showing that he was typing something more, but in the end he didn't send me anything.

He's trying so hard to make me forgive and forget, but I've never given people second chances. He knows that and he promised me that he'd never put himself in this position, but I guess that promises are meant to be broken.

I know this might seem a little extreme. I mean, I'm shutting people out, because they've made one single mistake.

But that's the point. They hurt me and broke my trust. How do I continue having a relationship with them, if they once betrayed me? There's no point in trying, if I'll always be watching over my shoulder and expecting them to hurt me again.

It might be a bit harsh, but that's what kept me going throughout the heartbreaks that I've lived through.

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