12. Der-boy

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Yesterday passed like a blur. Mr Carr embarrassed himself again and it was pretty funny. He was writing on the chalkboard with a white chalk and while explaining our new assignment he kept brushing himself against the chalk. His clothes became white stained and he failed to realize that throughout the lesson. Everyone was snickering about it and I actually felt really bad about it.

As bad as I might have felt about it I couldn't deny that it was entertaining. He is the most awkward person I've ever met.

And what's funny is that Stacy realized that she's actually shy and she kept avoiding Jonah. At first I was angry because I had to have A deal with Seb, but then I figured that she'll come around eventually. At least I hope so...

Seb took me home and questioned me about my plan, but I didn't know if I could trust him so I kept quiet. Besides I'm going to tell him after I've succeeded anyway.

Now I was preparing myself for the big revenge that will probably cost me my life. But that will be worth it.

I found the shortest dress in my closet and put on my heels and makeup. I tried to make myself look as slutty as I could, because I know that my brother dates that kind of girls.

Looking into the mirror I felt proud of myself. I actually look good once in my lifetime. You know, like a peeled potato. I'm hungry...

A knock on the front door interrupted my thoughts. I swear to holy potatoes if Seb lied to me about Derek's plans, I'll peel his skin off. I walked to the door and swung it open to reveal the devil himself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked opening the door wider.

He looked me up and down and kept gawking like a fish. I snapped my fingers together in front of his eyes, to return his eyes to me.

"I asked you a question..." I snapped.

"Emm... sorry," he scratched his neck awkwardly. I knew he felt uncomfortable knowing that I saw him checking me out and I smirked at him. "I came here to help you with your plan. What's with the outfit anyways?"

I looked down at my dress and back to him. "You sure you want to do this?" I asked skeptically.

"I know what he did to your favorite T-shirt. Of course I'll help you."

"Aren't you afraid that he'll kill you? You both are best friends."

"We bicker a lot, so I don't see how this is going to change anything," he shrugged smiling. "So, can you fill me in on the perfect revenge that you're about to commit?"

"You make me sound like I'm about to murder him," I muttered and heard him chuckle lowly. "I need you to drive me to the Frank's pizzeria, where Derek has the date, if that's ok with you."

"That's fine," he said getting his car keys out of his pocket.

"Wait a sec, I'll just grab a couple of things and then let's go," I said turning around and running up the stairs.


"And what do we do now?" Seb asked. We were now sitting in front of pizzeria and looking at Derek sitting with a girl. Jup, definitely slutty, just like my brother likes them.

I grabbed a fake mustache out of my bag and turned to face Seb. He looked down on the mustache in my hands and raised his eyebrow.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief.

"100%. Now i need you to hold still, so that I can put them on you," I said moving towards him. My original plan didn't include mustache, but I figured that this was the best opportunity to see him look ridiculous.

I put them gently under his nose and tried hard not to laugh. I bit my cheeks and looked down in my bag to take out sunglasses and a hat. I handed him them and he sighed putting them on.

I kept biting my cheeks to stop laughing, because he looked extremely ridiculous.

"How do I look?" He asked concerned.

"Wow... you look... really handsome!" I said trying not to laugh.

"I can't believe that I'm doing this," he muttered. "What do we do now?"
He asked looking back at Derek and his date.

"You are going to record on your cellphone everything that I'm going to do, ok?" I asked.

He nodded his head and brought out his cellphone from his pocket.

"Now, I have to play my part of revenge," I said walking out of the car and greeting the warm sun on my skin.

We walked together inside the pizzeria to be greeted by the mouthwatering smells of fresh baked pizzas. Oh god, I'm so fucking hungry. My stomach grumbled in agreement.

"Someone's hungry," Seb snickered.

"Shut up," I snapped and he chuckled at my response. "Start recording," I said as I made my way towards Derek's table.

"Derek!" I shouted. Everyone in the restaurant turned to face the upcoming drama, that I was about to show them.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere, you promised that you'd take me out on a date..." I then turned to face the girl that was looking at me with confusion. "Who's she?" I asked faking hurt. I looked at her acting as if I didn't know that Derek wasn't alone here.

"Hailey..." Derek warned.

"Oh my sweet peas! You are cheating on me!?" I shouted throwing my hands in the air. "I gave you everything! EVERYTHING! You don't even care about your unborn child?!" After my last statement everybody gasped in the restaurant including the girl in front of Derek.

He looked afraid and he tried to explain himself "this is not what it looks like. She's my sister, she's just trying to embarrass me and..."

I stopped him from talking by slapping his cheek. The sound of my palm hitting his skin echoed throughout the restaurant. "Your SISTER?! How dare you!" I put my palm against my forehead theatrically. "I can't believe that I loved somebody like you. You broke my heart!" I shouted at him. He was shocked that I slapped him and it took me anything not to start laughing in his face.

"Oh god! I'm starting to feel sick! Can somebody hand me a glass of water?" I said fanning my face with my hands.

A waiter immediately handed me a glass and I took a sip. Now the last part of humiliation...

"I loved you despite everything Der-boy," I dramatically sniffled faking hurt. "I accepted your love to Disney princesses and never complained that you want to watch them, even if I wanted to watch horror movies. I always supported you, when you were afraid of bunnies and I never laughed at you about it. I didn't even complain when you wanted me to dress you up as Cinderella. I guess you're not my Der-boy anymore. I hope you have a good life with her."

I harshly put down the glass of water on their table and sniffled really loudly, so that everybody could hear it and like a drama queen I am, walked out of the restaurant clutching my heart.

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