43. Cave man obsession

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Two knocks came at the bathroom door interrupting our bubble.

"Sir, are you alright? We've heard someone notice that you've been here for almost half an hour. Do you need some assistance?" A man asked on the other side of the door.

"Shit! Fuck! What do we do now?" I asked in a panic.

Blake rolled his eyes with indifference and started walking towards the door to unlock it, but I stopped him midway.

"Are you insane? We can't just waltz out of here together. They're going to think that we were together," I hissed trying to be as quiet as possible.

Blake raised one of his perfect eyebrows and smirked, "but we were together."

He doesn't get it. Oh my god, I hate him.

"No, I mean like together together, not just together," I explained my cheeks getting warm.

"I don't understand," he said confusion taking over his face.

I looked away and said, "sex. They're going to think that we had sex."

He started laughing silently and I looked to see that he looked so funny, clutching his stomach in laughter.

"I figured out what you meant the second time you explained to me, but I just wanted to hear you say the word 'sex'," he laughed and I blushed even more, but crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Blake stopped laughing and looked at my crossed arms and spoke, "if you really don't want to extend our time here, don't cross your arms in front of your chest. This makes your boobs look bigger and I'm trying so hard not to take you against the door, so that the man could hear you getting pleasured by me."

I gasped and immediately dropped my arms. Blake smirked and immediately after another knock came at the door. "Sir? We'll unlock the door if you don't respond."

Blake looked at me and I looked at him pleadingly, hoping that he'd notice what I'm trying to say.

"I'm fine, but thanks for your concern," Blake said the entire time looking at me.

I relaxed and heard the man say something about pressing the button by the toilet, if any problem comes and he'll get here in just a minute. Everything else just slipped by my ears, as Blake's intense gaze made me forget everything around me.

"Don't tell me, that you don't feel whatever it is between us," Blake brought me out of the staring contest we were both having.

I felt it, I really did, but giving in so easily would mean that I myself was an easy person to get. I think that this is just an attraction, I mean, he is really good looking. I can't just fall in love with someone in just half an hour.

"We should get going," I muttered turning around to unlock the door.

Blake didn't respond, but he kept his hand on my hip the entire time. I unlocked the door and slowly forced it open to see if there was anyone out there, who could notice us getting out of there together.

Fortunately for us, there was no one out there, but the red sitting chairs and posters of newest movies.

"If It were up to me, I'd just walk out of here without waiting for someone to leave. I would want people to see that you're mine," he said behind me and I shivered lightly, with the thought of him being so possessive over me.

"If It were up to you, we'd be banned from entering the cinema," I grumbled and heard him chuckle.

We started walking back where Seb and Damien were and Blake kept his arms around my waist entire time, possessing me and claiming me as his.

I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he only tightened it, "Stop trying, I'm not going to let you go. I don't want other men looking at you, you're already claimed."

"Excuse me? Claimed? Are you a cave man or something? You don't claim a woman. Besides, no one looks at me anyway, I don't see what the point of this."

"You don't see the way other people undress you with your eyes, because you don't expect to see that. You simply ignore every sign of someone being attracted towards you. And that's why I'm making sure that no one even looks at you anymore," Blake hissed and I looked to see that he had a clenched jaw.

We walked to where me and Seb were before and I saw only Damien there, standing and looking at us with an indifferent expression.

"Where's Seb?" I asked looking around. I heard a growl beside me and felt Blake tightening his hold on me.

"He left," Damien said taking a look at the animal besides me. I saw amusement dancing in his eyes and he was trying not to smile, but I noticed the corners of his mouth twitching.

"What?!" I shrieked in panic. "He brought me here, how am I supposed to get home now?"

"I'm taking you home," Blake said and I turned to see that he was angry. He looked like his veins could just pop from his forehead and I frowned at the thought.

"No," I said my voice shaky. "I'll just ask my friend to pick me up. We're having a sleepover at her place."

Blake clenched his jaw and for a second I thought that he'd break all of his teeth with the way he was gritting them together.

Then he simply threw me over his shoulder and I shrieked in surprise.

"Put me down," I hissed looking around. Some people already noticed my awkward position, but some people were still oblivious to the commotion happening here.

"I'll call you once I drop her off and we'll discuss everything later," Blake spoke with Damien and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure," Damien replied and I could almost hear him laughing.

I felt Blake starting to move as I was slightly bouncing on his shoulder. Looking at the ground I noticed the way his feet graciously moved on the floor and soon enough the cold breeze hit my legs.

I started shivering and Blake noticed that and started rubbing my legs with his other hand.

He stopped walking and put me down on the floor and in front of me always the coolest bike ever. There's no way that this bike was his. I turned to look around for his car, but there wasn't any and I saw him watching me with amusement.

He leaned towards his bike and grabbed his helmet and gave it to me. "Wear this."

I looked with horror at the thing he gave me and I shook my head. "I'm not driving with you."

Blake sighed loudly and took away the helmet of my hands and put it on my head. He then took my legs and wrapped them around his waist causing me to shriek in the helmet. The sound must have been muffled, but still audible.

He smirked at me and sat on his bike, with me on his lap facing his chest.

"Hold on tight," he said starting his bike and I automatically wrapped my arms around his chest and hugged him tightly to myself to not let myself fall off the bike. My legs were still wrapped around his waist and strangely, I felt extremely secure.

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