31. Throw some cash on me

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"I'm dying, that was so funny!" Rylee laughed stuffing her mouth with another slice of pizza.

Stacy ordered us two pizzas, but seeing the rate the pizza was being eaten at, we decided to order two more. Rylee consumed a whole pizza by herself and saying that I'm surprised wouldn't be true. She's always had an appetite of a horse and I've always found it amusing.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Seb wondered wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin.

After the game, Seb asked us if he could join us to have something to eat and I agreed, as my friends only wanted my opinion on whether or not is he coming.

I gave him back his football jersey and realized how comfy it actually was. Now I wanna wish I had accepted his offer, to keep the jersey forever.

"If you have any problems with my eating habits, there's the door," Rylee looked at him giving him the evil eyes.

Seb shook his head saying that he has no problems with her eating habits. The table grew with an uncomfortable silence and I started to sweat with all the tension in the air.

"We should get going," Stacy said grabbing Jonah's hand and standing up.

"Naha, I'm still expecting my ice cream," I crossed my hands in disbelief. How dare she walk away, while I'm so patiently waiting for my treat.

"Oh, god. Just go buy some yourself," Stacy rolled her eyes throwing some money on the table.

"I'm not a hooker, you can throw money on to!" I shouted flipping her the bird and watching her retreating figure disappear behind the restaurant doors.

"Hailes," Seb whispered.

I looked at him to see that he was looking around the restaurant and trying to hold in his laughter.

"What!" I snapped.

"I think that you've gained some attention with the hooker thing," he chuckled.

I looked around to see that he was right. There were families sitting all around the restaurant, who were all looking at me shooting daggers. Some were holding the ears of their children and I looked at them sheepishly, trying to apologize to them.

I turned my gaze back to the pizza, trying to forget the glares i was receiving from the other customers.

"So, today has been a nice day so far," I tried initiating a conversation.

"Mhmm," Rylee sighed grabbing another pizza.

Savannah looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Stop eating so damn much. You'll have a stomachache again."

"You're not my mom," Rylee looked at her raising her eyebrows, causing Savannah to shoot her a glare.

"Do you know what happened to the girl, with Rylee's spit in her hair?" Jessy asked sipping her drink.

"I saw her with a guy and I think that he was her boyfriend. He looked disgusted with her hair and he was terrified. I think she had a date and Rylee ruined his first impression of her or something, because he wanted to shake her hand before he saw what was laying in her hair," Savannah said looking accusingly at my goofy friend.

"What's the point of talking about it now. It's not going to change anything now, is it?" Rylee shrugged her shoulders.

Seb had no idea what we were talking about, so Savannah filled him in on what happened. To say that he hadn't laughed, I would have to lie.

I saw my friends trying to accept the fact that he was here, but it seemed that they still didn't like him.

It's not like I'm going to defend what he did, because I'm not. I know that my friends will have a hard time trusting him again. Me even harder.

The bell of the restaurant made a light sound and I turned to look who came in.

I quickly stood up and made my way around the table and ran up to her.

"Hailey?" Caroline asked.

"Car," I hugged her tightly. "Please say that he's not here."

I felt her stiffen in my arms, but she relaxed as I hugged her a little more tighter. "No, he's not. He had to help his family, but he told me, that he's going to call me every hour, to make sure, that I don't cheat on him."

"Caroline?" Jessy came to us and I let Caroline go, so that Jessy could hug her too.

"Hey, Jess," Caroline smiled in her arms.

"What is happening with you and that guy?" She asked.

"I'll tell you, but let's go to your table first," Caroline muttered taking Jessy's hand and leading her back to our table. I followed her and sat at the end of the table, to have a better view of everyone around the table.

As soon as we had all sat back down on the table, Caroline took a big breath, trying to collect herself.

"Please promise me not to make any rash decisions," Caroline said looking at all of us separately. "Remember the stalker I was telling you about?"

Nods surrounded our table and I just kept quiet knowing were this conversation was going.

"He's made me become his girlfriend," she muttered looking down at the red napkins on the table.

Jessy suddenly started laughing and all of us just stared at her, like she had lost her mind. Caroline just confessed what's happening to her and Jessy just laughed about it. "Really funny, Car. April's not here yet, you can't fool us."

I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to get back at Jessy for when she hit me at the back of my head for not realizing something obvious.

So obviously I took the heavy menu and hit her head.

Gasps surrounded not only our table, but the whole restaurant.

"If you keep up doing this, I think they might throw us out," Seb muttered glancing at the sudden audience we had gained.

I ignored him and snapped at Jessy," it's Caroline, Jessy. You know that she doesn't joke about these things. Why do you think she's been avoiding us? Studies? Well Think again."

Jessy rubbed her head, from where I hit her. She furrowed her brows and looked at Caroline once again, but regret filled her features. "How? When? Why didn't you tell us?" Jessy popped question after question.

"I knew that you'd help me and..." Caroline began, but Rylee decided to interrupt her.

"Damn right, we'll help you!"

"But that's the point. I don't need your help, I don't want it. Let me fight my own battles, you'll just get in the middle and I'll feel bad if something happens to you."

"There's obviously something more," Seb looked at Caroline.

She avoided our eyes and that was the first sign, that said that she really hides something from us.

"Car, just tell us," Savannah nudged her.

"I can't, listen, I love you guys, but I can't tell you, because I know you too well. I have to go now, take care," she muttered looking around and quickly hugging all of us to say goodbye.

And we all watched her retreating figure with worry of what's going to happen and what's happening now.

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