74. Trying out new things

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"I'm sorry, Hailey, I didn't mean to make you mad by switching schools."

"Well you did, so congrats," I gave him a sarcastic smile and he sighed.

"Can you please open the front door? I don't want to be standing out here in the cold all night," he whined under my window.

After school Rylee gave me a ride home, because I asked her to and I locked the doors, leaving Blake outside.

"Go home!" I shouted. "Or stay here all night, I don't care."

And with that I watched as his face fell and I shut the window to stop the cold air from filling my room. I scoffed at his childish behavior and fell on my bed. My back almost screamed from the joy of feeling something soft supporting it and I stretched myself, trying to get rid of the stresses from today.

"Before you scream, I wanted to tell you that I actually made a copy of your keys for occasions like these," I heard someone opening the door and speaking.

"Blake? What the hell! I thought that I told you that I don't want you to be here."

"I thought I made myself perfectly clear, when I said that I'm not leaving you," he shot back and I rolled my eyes.

"Please forgive me, I can't bare to see you angry with me. If I had asked you first, would you have allowed me to switch schools?" He asked.

"Of course not," I said looking at the ceiling.

"That's the exact reason why I didn't ask you. If I had asked you and you had said no, I would have applied to your school anyways. Only then we would be arguing about the fact that I ignored what you wanted," he argued.

I scoffed and rolled on my side, my back facing him.

"Seriously? Are you going to ignore me now?" He asked in disbelief.

I didn't answer him and that made him go a little crazy. "You can't ignore me forever. Do you want me to go home?"

"Yes," I mumbled into the blankets and heard him chuckle.

"See? You couldn't ignore me forever," he laughed.

I turned around and sat up, facing him with a frown on my face. "What do you want me to do?"

He walked closer to me and took my face in his hands, "Accept it and let us finally move on. Listen, me being in your school has loads of pluses. You will be able to always contact me if necessary, I will always be able to drive you home, when you'll be sick and when I become jealous, I'll be able to easily steal you away from everybody and kiss the living daylights out of you."

I shuddered at the last part and saw him smirking at my reaction. "Sono pazzo di te," he murmured pressing his forehead against mine and syncing our breaths.

"What does it mean?" I asked him and he leaned a little back to look into my eyes and smiled. He then leaned over to my ear and whispered, "I'm crazy about you."

He leaned back once again and looked at me, "it's late, we should go to sleep."

"Yeah, we should," I grumbled, looking around for my shirt, that I use to sleep in.

Blake noticed that I was looking for it and spoke, "I've always wanted you to do something."

I looked at him with one raised brow, expecting his answer. I hope that it isn't anything like striptease or twerking, because I'm not going to be doing any of those things.

He took off his shirt and I squealed in surprise. "What are you doing?!"

He rolled his eyes and handed me the shirt. "Can you put it on? I want you to sleep in it."

I watched how his face was filled with so much hope, that it was honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. "Do I have a choice?" I asked him, but already knew my answer.

"No, you don't. If you won't wear my shirt, then I'll hide every shirt that you own," he said confidently.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes playfully and saw him giving me a wide toothy smile.

I was contemplating about making him turn around, so that I could undress, but realized that he has already undressed in front of me countless of times(not all the way, but still) and I shouldn't have problems doing it in front of him too.

I gripped my jumper and quickly pulled it over my head. Blake stood in front of me open mouthed and I couldn't help but to chuckle at his expression. It's like he saw the bunnies pooping chocolate. A terrible example, but what I'm trying to say is that he looked like he saw a miracle.

I threw the jumper in his face and that brought him out of his trance. "You've become quite bold, haven't you, mia regina?"

I shrugged and pulled his shirt over my head, his scent hitting my nostrils almost immediately. It was still warm and surprisingly the comfiest piece of clothing that I've ever worn. Then I pulled my bra off, from under the T-shirt and threw it on the chair, that is lying by the window.

Blake looked over to it and chuckled, "definitely bolder."

Blake then took his pants off and I did too and he climbed into the bed right next to me. He used his right hand to pull me closer to him and pressed me tight against his chest.

"How come you've never suggested me to put on your shirt ever before?" I wondered.

"I just thought that you'd be too shy to do it, but I can see that I've grown on you. I'm glad that you've become a little braver that you were before," he said, before his voice turned a bit deeper, "but don't confuse bravery for stupidity. I still don't want you to repeat what you did with those guys from the gang. That was extremely reckless."

I nodded, too tired to answer him and he snuggled his nose in my hair. Sleeping next to him is the best thing in the whole world, I can finally feel like someone actually wants me.

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