97. Soft hearts

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"Let's go to the beach!" Rylee shouted, bringing us up on our feet.

"What?" I asked dumbly and Rylee looked at me like I was stupid.

"Did your murderer make you deaf? I said let's go to beach!" She rose her eyebrow and I sighed.

"I can't swim with my wound," I reminded her. "It might get infected."

"But you can play in the sand," she argued and dragged me and Savannah towards her car. Blake watched me with a small smile on his lips and shook his head at Rylee's enthusiasm.

Rylee suddenly remembered about Blake and turned to him, "you're not coming. We don't need any distractions."

I was almost confident that Blake would persist on coming, but he simply nodded and gave me one last smile, before going back into his house.

I started thinking and figured that this was exactly what I needed. A closure with my friends. I would have the best day with them and at the end of the evening, I would tell them that I'm leaving.

I haven't really heard about Stacy or Jessy anything, but I can only guess that Stacy's busy with her boyfriend and Jessy's still living her life of an actress. I don't think that they would notice me gone.

Rylee put on her playlist and some nostalgic songs started playing, that we all started singing along. We had no care in the world, for all we could care the world could go fuck itself. We were the only ones that mattered to us now.

Rylee opened her windows, greeting the warm air in the car. Our hair blew in all directions and we all laughed. This was simply perfect.

We stopped right next to a shopping mall and Rylee turned off her engine.

"Ok, we have to buy the cheapest swimsuits and towels, as I'm too lazy to drive all around the town to our houses," she said walking out of the car.

Me and Savannah chuckled and followed her. The shopping mall wasn't full of people as it was still a working day. We just weren't up to going to school today.

We went up to the clothes section and Rylee took for herself a bright pink bikini, Savannah took a sky blue one piece and I took for myself a black bikini. We then took really childish towels with transformers, as Rylee believed that it would inspire us.

We also stopped by to grab some snacks. At first Rylee wanted to grab junk food, but Savannah convinced her to grab some berries and fruits. She agreed reluctantly, but to brighten her spirits we also bought some sandwiches.

And now we were driving through the empty roads and singing along to our favorite songs. This was just like I remember it being. Perfect.

The thought of leaving them made me almost cry, but I bit my cheeks and ignored my thoughts.

Rylee stopped her car and we walked out, bags in our hands. We followed Rylee's lead to the beach and she let us to a discreet part of the beach. Not a single person was here and she knew how much me and Savannah hated being in company if other people.

We used our towels as blankets and ran around the bushes, just in case someone was around us, and changed into our swimwear. Once they were dressed they laughed and without hesitation ran to the water, laughing all the way.

I smiled at my friends and sat down on the blanket, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the slight breeze coming from the wind. I looked down at my wound and frowned.

It looked pretty bad, but the good thing out of this, is the fact that I will have an interesting story to tell my kids and their kids.

Rylee and Savannah both had brightest of smiles on their faces, as they played in the water. Rylee lunged for Savannah and dragged her into the water.

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