78. Haunted

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"Turn here on the left," I ordered Blake, as he drove us to my grandmas summerhouse.

"It's in the middle of the woods," Blake observed. He then looked at me with a smile, "I like it!"

I gave him a smile back and he turned the engine off, as he parked the car in front of the house. Derek and Seb were already in the house and had probably used the fireplace to heat the house.

At least I hope so...

I was about to reach for my bag, when Blake stopped me and took it himself. "you know I actually have hands," I commented and he rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I just don't want you to lift anything heavy," he replied and I was about to argue that the bag had only clothes for two days, but he had already left the car.

I unbuckled myself and Blake opened the door for me, "thanks."

He took my hand, helping me to walk out the car. The air here was extremely chilly and I cursed, "fuck! Let's go back to the city."

Blake chuckled and shook his head, "Come on, we've already gone this far, it wouldn't hurt to spend a few days here."

"I bet that you're going to be begging me to go home faster, than we've planned to," I smirked and he shook his head.

"No way. Not happening. I'm a tough guy," he flexed his muscles through his winter jacket, making a point.

"Well, we'll see," I smirked and he muttered game on.

The front door was suddenly forced open by my brother, who looked extremely enthusiastic about us being there. More like Blake being there.

"Blake! My man!" He shouted from the door.

Blake nodded his head in acknowledgment and Derek suddenly became extremely hospital, asking us to enter the house. I looked around and saw a bunch of bags left laying on the floor. He hadn't even settled in...

"I didn't expect it to be so warm in here," I said looking around.

"Well, we almost burned down all of the wood we had in here, but as you can see, it was worth it," he shrugged and I nodded.

"We're going to settle in and then we'll join you," Blake said, as he took my hand in his once again and with our bags in his other hand and our backpacks on his shoulders, we made our way upstairs.

I felt so bad about making Blake work like a donkey, but he wasn't letting me do anything. I would say that this gesture is warming my heart, if I wouldn't feel guilty about it afterwards.

I slightly walked ahead of Blake, as he had no clue, where he had to go. I led him to my room and opened the door for him.

The room had white walls, with black ornaments drawn on it. There was a bed laying by the middle of the wall. The window had a view of the forest and you could see the sunset from up here. Bookcases filled out the rest of the space, as well as the closet, where I kept my clothing.

Blake looked around for quite a bit, dropping out bags on the floor. He was silent most of the time, just observing the way everything was placed. He looked at me, "this room is actually a room I imagine you being in, you know? A bookworms paradise."

I had never told him about my obsession with books, but I guess that he had noticed himself. "We should return here once again," he continued, "when there's better weather and less people here."

I chuckled at his words and couldn't help but to agree. This would be a paradise, if we could have this house all to ourselves. I could imagine the complete silence and the way we could swim in the lake and have barbecue. Thinking about all of this made me drool a bit.

"I don't want to go down there," I murmured and laid down on the bed.

"You don't have to," I heard his deep voice saying next to me. "We can spend these days in this room- in our own little bubble."

I shook my head. As much as I love that idea, there were other people in this house. "No, we have to go downstairs."

After my statement there was a complete silence, until Blake spoke, "you're right. Where's the bathroom? I want to have a shower."

I told him to follow the hallway to the very end and the last door would be the bathroom. He thanked me and collected some stuff from his bags and walked away.

What do I do know? Without having someone around, I was slowly starting to loss my mind, so I decided to walk downstairs to see what my brother and Seb are up to.

I quietly walked down and heard some kind of quiet bickering, so I decided to scare them. I slowly tiptoed towards them and took a long broom, that was standing against the wall. I crawled on the ground and used the broom to push the coffee table in front of the couch they were sitting on.

When I pushed the coffee table, I heard a glass falling and breaking in little pieces. I quickly took back the broom, before they could notice that it was just me.

"What was that!" I heard Seb asking in a terrified voice. Oh god, this is going to be so much fun!

"What the fuck. I think that this place might be haunted," my brother said in a shaky voice. What pussies!

I waited for a few moments and quickly used the broom to push the coffee table once again and this time I heard a pitchy scream. "Aaaaaaghhh!" Seb screamed and I heard my brother squealing too.

It didn't take long for Blake to run down the stairs, his hair wet and a towel draped across his waist. "What the..." He said as he looked at Seb and Derek both shaking on the couch. He then noticed me laying on the ground and he raised his eyebrows in question. I shook my head, begging him to play along.

"The coffee table just moved on its own!" Derek shouted.

Blake quickly looked down at me and he then turned his attention back to the guys on the couch and started walking towards them. "Hailey told me something about this place being built on some kind of graveyard," he said.

"What? Why was I not aware of this?" Derek asked.

I could almost see Blake shrugging, when he replied, "I don't know. She said that this once used to be a place for people to lay down a tent. But every time people here got lost, as apparently there are too many angry spirits."

I quietly snickered and crawled over to take the remote from the Tv and when Blake had them distracted by telling them some kind of made up legends, I turned it on full volume.

The guys started screaming and I saw the couch shaking from their rapid movements. "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!" Derek shouted and I started laughing with tears in my eyes.

The screaming stopped and I was still rolling down on the floor, clutching my stomach from laughter. I saw Seb's angry face popping up to look at me behind the couch and he snatched the remote away from my hands and switched off the tv.

I got up, brushing the dust from my pants and looked at Blake. "Did you see their faces? I wish that I had seen their faces!"

Blake laughed with me and both Derek and Seb seemed really angry. "Come on guys. You have to admit that this was just way too funny."

Seb rolled his eyes, but a smile appeared on his lips, "you got us good."

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