73. New student

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"Welcome back, class," Mr. Carr said walking into our class. "How many of you are excited to be back to school?"

The class was filled with silence and our teacher looked at us, expecting someone to raise their hands, but nobody did. "Come on, guys! Has none of you really missed school?"

Silence once again. I pursed my lips at this cringeworthy moment and pressed my face into my palms. "Ok, so none of you are ready to be back to school. I thought that at least one of you would be, but I guess not."

And then he murmured to himself, probably not expecting anyone to hear that, but I did, "Me too."

He then walked over to his desk and took out some white paper sheets, "today we're going to do something relaxing, so that you could slowly ease yourself back into school."

He passed the papers along the class and smiled. "Today you can draw whatever you want. That's really up to you. Your work will not be marked, but at the end of the lesson, all of you have to hand it in. If you don't do it, I'm afraid, I'll have to mark your class work accordingly."

I looked at the blank peace of paper in front of me. What do I do with it?

I looked at Blake and saw him looking at Mr. Carr with his eyebrows raised. I looked up to him too and saw that he was trying to open a tube of superglue. This is definitely not going to end good.

He opened it with his mouth and I released a breath that I was holding. Maybe everything is going to be alright.

Damn I thought too soon...

Mr. Carr took the glue into his hands and accidentally poured some on his table. Acting on impulse, I hope, he wiped the super glue with his hand and accidentally pressed it against his papers. The papers got stock to his hand and he started shaking them off, only to get them stuck even further.

The whole class started laughing and I rolled my eyes. of course he had to do something on our first lesson.

"Do you need help?" Blake asked and the whole class got silent.

Mr. Carr looked at my boyfriend and gave him a smile full of gratitude.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there. You must be my new student," he said and Blake nodded.

Blake stood up and walked towards him and I couldn't help but to admire him. If only the rest of my classmates could act so mature.

He helped to rip off the papers from Mr. Carr's hand and Mr. Carr wanted to shake his hand in gratitude, but Blake pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh and said, "I'd love to shake your hand, but you still have the glue on it. I have no wish to spend the rest of my day locked with you in a handshake."

Mr Carr looked down at his hand and scratched his neck with his other one. "You're right. Well it was nice meeting you, I hope that you'll learn something in my lessons. We usually let the new kids introduce themselves, but I completely forgot about it. You want to do it?"

Blake looked at the class and settled his eyes on me, "Well I switched schools, because I've learned new friends in this school and a girl that I'm in love with is here."

Most girls awed at his words and our teacher pat his back. "Well it seems that you'll get used to here really well. You can return back to your seat and continue on with the task."

Blake nodded and returned right next to me. He looked back at the class and I curiously watched what had gained his attention and saw some girls winking at him. Of course. He was extremely hot and he had an accent. These were the first things that girls in our school notice, besides he just proved that he dedicates himself to a girl and that gets the girls even giddier with hope of getting him to themselves. I rolled my eyes and continued on with the task.

I just have to ignore him and his new followers. If I can do that, I can do almost anything. I drew a bridge, leading from two mountains and heard some shuffling besides me.

"What are you drawing?" Blake asked leaning over to my desk.

Ignore him, Hailey. That's all you have to do. If you can do that you can do anything!

He started repeating the same question over and over and over again. I gritted my teeth in annoyance and grasped the pencil in my hands tighter and tighter. If I continued putting so much pressure on the damn thing, I'm sure it would snap.

The bell rung and I quickly collected my stuff and stood up from my chair. The pencil got saved by the bell, who knew? I walked over to teachers desk, put down my drawing and walked out, ignoring the calls of my boyfriend.

"Hailey! Wait!" He shouted, but I continued walking into the crowd, disappearing from his view.

I can't believe that he has changed schools, so that he could watch over me. That's so unnecessary. What if he gets in a fight with Seb, because as far as I know, he still hates his guts. I'm going to have to talk with him after school. All of this is just too fucking much.

"Did you see who has joined our school?" I heard some girls talking.

"Yeah, the hot dude, that intimidates everyone."

"I heard that he's here, because he has found a girl in this school that he really likes," one girl muttered dreamily.

"But I heard, that he's here, because he doesn't like his current girlfriend and he's in a lookout for another. So who knows, maybe we'll be lucky and he'll choose us."

I turned around and faced them, "I couldn't help but to eavesdrop your conversation. You're right," I pointed with my head to the girl that spoke about him looking for a new partner, "he is looking for someone else. I heard that he likes girls, that are determined and don't stop until they've got what they wanted. So best of luck!"

The girls had excited smiles on their faces and I laughed inwardly. This information is going to spread like a warm butter on a bread and Blake is going to have a hard time learning in this school with the way the girls will attach themselves on him.

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