39. Ships are sailing

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"I think that I'm going to skip the next three weeks of school," Rylee groaned putting her face in her hands.

"Sure," Jessy laughed. "Just skip everything until the winter break, what's the point of going to school anyways?"

Rylee looked up to her and nodded her head, "Yes. What's the point? I'm going to be pirate anyways, I don't know many pirates, that were good in maths."

"You don't know any pirates," I rolled my eyes.

"I do!" She snapped at me and I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh, really?" I asked.

"Really," she smirked at me crossing her arms over her chest.

"Name one," I smirked back at her.

She made a dramatic silence, before speaking, "Captain Jack Sparrow."

Almost everyone started laughing at our table and Savannah chocked on her meatball.

"He's fictional, Rylee," I laughed.

"Seemed pretty realistic to me," she muttered swirling her fork in spaghetti and bringing it to her mouth.

"I don't want to ruin your dreams, Rylee," Jessy began, "but I think that pirates on the sea don't exist anymore. What you might be interested in is joining some kind of gang or a mafia."

Savannah threw Jessy her bottle and hit her on the forehead.

"Are you stupid? She will really join one, if she sets her mind on it," Savannah hissed at Jessy. "Don't give her any stupid ideas."

Jessy glared at Savannah, while rubbing her forehead and I watched the whole scene in amusement.

"Mafia?" Rylee asked taking a look at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

I looked at her and furrowed my brows trying to figure out what she was trying to say.

She then formed her lips in a kissy face and started loudly kissing air. This was now starting to look creepy.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked with a frown.

"The hot mafia guy," she rolled her eyes and it took me a second to realize, that she was talking about Blake.

"We don't know if he's in mafia," I muttered. "And we'll never find out."

"Just give him a call," Savannah said from the end of the table, wiping her mouth on the napkin.


"Because I'm curious about all of this. I want you to give us all information on this super hot, mysterious guy, that gave you his number."

Jessy snapped her fingers to gain our attention. "What have I missed?"

"Hailey has a boyfriend," Rylee calmly replied while munching on her spaghetti.

"I don't," I pointed my finger at Rylee and raised my eyebrow. "It's just that I met some guy, that I'll never meet again. You know Rylee and Savannah, they like to blow an elephant out of a fly."

Jessy didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but she didn't try to force more information out of me. She probably knows, that I won't say anything more. Besides, there's nothing to talk about. What chance is that I'll meet him again?

Oh no! Take your words back Hailey! If I say 'what chance', then it usually is bound to happen, as life likes to surprise me in the most unpleasant ways.

"Hailes!" I heard someone shout behind me.

"You seem closer than before," Savannah grumbled under her breath.

"I forgave him," I whispered and heard gasps surrounding our table. I looked to see that they were shocked to hear me say this.

"What? No way!" Rylee said with wide eyes.

"Yes way..." I wanted to explain to them why I did it, but Seb sat down next to me.

"Hi," he gave me a smile and then greeted my friends at the table.

All of them greeted him back and they continued to eat.

"What's up?" I asked him as he started fiddling in his seat.

"I wanted to ask you something," he said nervously playing with his fingertips.

"Sure," I nodded my head. What could he possibly want? Does he want me to tell off another one of his girlfriends?

I hope that it isn't it.

"Do you... erm... do you want to go to the cinema with me? I was gifted two tickets by my parents, but I don't have anyone to take with me."

He doesn't have anyone to take with him? I wanted to laugh at this, but bit the inside of my cheeks to collect myself.

"Can't you ask one of your..." I wanted to ask him, but was interrupted midway.

"You know why I don't want to ask them. I want to go with you. Please consider this, I promise it'll be fun, just like in your summerhouse," he pleaded me.

Our table became silent and I realized that they don't know about my weekend. Oopsy. Oh well, I guess they'll find out soon enough.

I sighed and rubbed my cheeks in frustration. I'm going to agree one way or another, why not just make it easier for both of us.

"Why do you always do this to me?" I groaned.

"Is that a yes?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes," I hissed annoyed.

Seb laughed and threw his hands around me, making me crash my face against his stone hard chest.

"Ouch, I think that my nose is broken," I whimpered in pain.

Hearing this, Seb immediately released me to inspect my face.

"Oh, god. I'm sorry, I am just so happy. Does it hurt really that bad?"

The pain was actually only for a fracture of second, but i was being dramatic, when I said that my nose is broken. But if he really wanted to, I know that with his chest, he could easily break a few noses.

"Not really. I was just being my dramatic self," I gave him a small smile.

"Aww!" I heard someone cooing from the table.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to see my friend eavesdropping out conversation. Rylee had even stopped eating and she means business, when she doesn't eat.

I could tell that Rylee and Savannah weren't really happy about me being nice to Seb, but Jessy on the other hand was our number one fan.

"You guys! I can't! You both look so cute together. I don't know what boyfriend the two of you were talking about," Jessy looked at Rylee and Savannah, "but I'm shipping these two."

Rylee gave her a glare and started eating again. Knowing her, she was stuffing her mouth not to spill something that she'd later regret. Savannah looked at her knowingly and gave me a small smile, as if she was having my back.

They probably think that I'm falling in love with Seb again, but honestly I don't know if I am.

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