29. Popcorn hair

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"Let's sit here," I suggested moving up the rows of seats in the schools stadium.

"Why are we sitting so far away?" Stacy whined clinging to Jonah's arm.

"So that no one could see the PDA between the two of you. Gross," Jessy shuddered.

"Speaking of which," I began," we're going to have pizza after this. Stacy's paying."

"I'm What?" She asked in shock.

"You owe me," I gave her a pointed look.

"Right," she muttered.

"And don't forget about the ice cream," I smiled thinking about the sweet cherry goodness that I'll eat today.

"You're all going to make me broke," She grumbled.

"You have Jonah, don't whine," Savannah laughed.

We sat down and I looked around to see that everyone was here, except Caroline, I couldn't see her.

"I'm here!" Rylee loudly shouted, while making her way towards us with two boxes of popcorn. Wait, I forgot about Rylee.

"Where did you get those?" Savannah asked confused.

"What?" Rylee asked looking around and then down at the bowls of popcorn in her hands. "Oh, these? I just found them lying on the ground near some teenagers sucking the faces of each other."

"Of course she did," Stacy grumbled beside me. It was amazing, that she actually heard that, as I thought that she would be too engaged with staring at her star crossed lover.

"So, why are we sitting so far from the actual game?" Rylee asked taking a handful of popcorn and stuffing her mouth.

"Hailey's decision," Jessy grumbled.

Rylee shot me a look expecting an explanation but I didn't want to give her any.

I turned back to observe my surroundings. Our schools team was warming up for the game and the cheerleaders were already entertaining the audience. I saw Seb scanning his eyes through the crowd, until they landed on me. I think he looked confused and then he started waving his hand up in the air.

I waved him back and gave him a small smile and he started waving even more intensely. I felt confused and started waving equally as fast as him.

Then out of nowhere, someone smacked my head and I almost fell off the bench. I saw Jessy looking at me with narrowed eyes. "Are you stupid? He's waving you over."

I looked back to him to see that he was now sitting in his phone. "No, he's not. See, he's texting someone now."

Jessy looked at him and then pointed at my phone," he's typing to you, because you're too stupid to see that he actually wants you to sit in the front."

"No, he's n..." I was interrupted by a ping on my phone.

Jessy rolled her eyes," I told you."

She was right. I saw a text from the little pussy and looking back at Seb I saw him holding his phone up in the air motioning for me to read the text.

I unlocked my phone and read the message.

Come sit in the front. I've
reserved seats for you and your friends.

But that's where usually sits
your hottest fans.

I think that you suit this

"What does he want?" Savannah asked curiously.

I took a deep breath and sighed," he wants us to sit at the very front."

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Rylee spitting her half chewed popcorn in someone's hair and jumping up in the air. "Front seats?!"

She didn't even care about the poor girls hair. Fortunately for us, the girl didn't feel the slimy popcorn fall into her hair.

"We should go!" Savannah hissed looking frantically around to see if anyone had seen Rylee do that.

We all started quickly making our way towards the front rows and as soon as we were sitting at the very front, we heard hushed whispers surrounding us. Yeah, it's a miracle that boots like us are sitting where the popular chicks are supposed to sit, but as long as I had my friends with me, I didn't mind the attention.

"You're here," Seb walked up to us and gave me a smile.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see our plan come in action," I smiled back at him. He suddenly threw me something red and it got stock to my face.

"Whatthehell," I grumbled, fabric making my voice sound as though I'm hiding under the blankets.

"Ups, Sorry, I thought that you'd catch it," he apologized to me.

I took the fabric off of my face and saw that it had a number on it. 8? I looked up to him, to see him giving me an unsure smile. He looked really vulnerable right now.

"Is that your?" I asked unfolding the fabric.

"Yep, my jersey. I've always wanted you to wear it," he looked at me with his light blue eyes.

I turned to my friends to see them curiously glancing to watch my next move. I looked back to Seb to see that hope was fading from his eyes and despite the betrayal I felt towards him, I put on the jersey.

I heard him take in a sharp breath and he looked extremely relieved. "You should keep it. It looks good on you."

"Naha, I'm only wearing it for the game," I raised my eyebrow and to make it less awkward smirked at him.

"As you wish," he put up his hands in surrender.

He then turned to face my friends and gave them the charming smile, I fell in love with. In the past tense, because obviously, I don't feel anything towards him now. "Are you comfortable here? Do you wish anything?"

"Yeah, how about pizza?" Rylee asked throwing the empty popcorn boxes on the floor.

"No, no pizza. We're going to eat after the game, remember? Stacy's treat," I interrupted her.

"Ok, then I'll have popcorn and something to drink," Rylee said leaning back in her seat.

Savannah rolled her eyes," but please don't give her anything with alcohol, if you don't want her to start fighting with the opposite team in the middle of the field."

Seb looked at my friend and started laughing. "No alcohol for you, I'll bring you a fizzy drink, sounds good?"

Rylee nodded her head and we watched him walk away.

"He's really trying, you know? He hasn't even touched a girl since your argument," Jonah suddenly spoke.

I looked at him and ran my hand through my hair. "It isn't as easy as you make it out to be. It takes a big deal for me to be able to trust someone. Once you break my trust, I don't want my trust to be broken once again, so I'll just move on."

"It is actually easier, than you've assumed in your head," he grumbled. "You can't keep grudges for the rest of your life. That not living, that's constantly being in the past."

I hated to admit, but Jonah's words had a certain truth to them, but he doesn't get how hard it is for me to forgive someone.

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