62. Cute italian nicknames

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I woke up from the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I groaned and opened my eyes to see, that Blake was still fast asleep under me. He had one of his hands draped over my waist, hugging me to his chest. Once again, he had taken his shirt off and I could feel his warm skin resting under my chin.

I gently pried his hand off of me and he grumbled something in his sleep and hugged me to him once again, this time even more tighter.

"Agh," I whined.

I started moving like a worm and eventually was out of his grip. With a sigh of victory, I made my way out of his bed, climbing over him as gently as I could, to avoid waking him up.

I let my feet touch his fluffy carpet and stretched myself, my bones cracking slightly. I looked over my shoulder to make sure, that Blake was still asleep and then walked out of his bedroom and into the long hallways.

I've been here only once and I was pretty sure I knew where the kitchen was. I figured that after everything that happened yesterday, I could at least make him something tasty to eat.

I distinctly remember walking to my right and then there was a beautiful staircase, that led down to a living room with a crystal chandelier and right next to it I think there was a kitchen.

Ha! I was right.

It didn't take long to me to find the kitchen and when I did, boy, it was amazing. Everything was made from marble and looked so extremely clean. There were dark wooden cupboards and he even had a bar. He had all kinds of devices and all of them looked really modern.

Oh, how I'm going to enjoy making breakfast here.

I quickly rushed through his fridge and noticed that he had almost everything in there, so I decided on making pancakes, because, who doesn't love pancakes.

I made the batter, heated the pan and started making the first pancakes. I took a taste of my first pancake and moaned in appreciation. Despite my complete improvisation, I was really proud of the outcome.

And so I continued baking the rest of the batter, until I heard a crash coming from upstairs and distant yelling. At first I didn't understand what Blake was saying, until his started becoming louder, as he started moving towards the staircase.

"HAILEY! HAILEY!" He shouted and I could hear his heavy footsteps coming down the stairs in a rush.

"Blake?" I asked and he immediately stopped shouting and I could hear him running towards my voice.

"Hailey?" He appeared in the kitchen and looked half asleep. He brushed his palms against his face and walked towards me. "I was worried that you were gone," he explained while walking towards me. I felt him wrapping his arms around my waist and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Did you make... pancakes?" He asked me in awe.

"Yes," I replied with a smile, "now go on and sit on that table and I will bring you yours shortly."

"Yes, madam," he saluted me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

I blushed slightly after feeling his soft lips against my skin. I then brought out two plates and looked into his bridge to bring out some syrup. I brought his plate and the syrup and put it in front of him and then took my own and sat in front of him.

I saw that he hadn't started eating his pancakes and was expecting for me to sit first. I then took the syrup and offered him some, which he gladly took and poured some over mine. We started eating and I heard him moaning.

"This is so freaking delicious! I think that I will keep you here locked up as my personal chef," he laughed and I chuckled with him.

"Works for me," I replied sneakily, "you must know that I would take my job seriously, meaning that no make out sessions with my employer."

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