69. After

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"What the hell!" I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. I felt that I reeked like alcohol and someone was pressed against me. I looked to my right and saw Caroline snuggled against me. Her warm body was making me sweat like a pig.

She moved her hands up and took a deep breath. "Hailey?"

"I'm here," I replied in a raspy voice. I miraculously didn't have a headache, but I felt that my hip was burning up. "What the hell happened?"

"We got drunk," she giggled. I couldn't help but to laugh with her.

"I don't remember anything," I frowned trying to put back my memory.

"It would be a miracle that you did. We drank a lot," she laughed.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened and I heard footsteps. A tall figure walked into my view and I had to concentrate to make out who it was.

"Damien?" Caroline asked In confusion. "What are you doing here?"

He sat down on the bed next to her and brushed her hair from her face. "You got drunk, we came."

"We?" I asked getting nervous. Please don't say that Blake was here too.

"Me and Blake," he told me and I groaned and put my face in my hands.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. "We didn't mean to ruin your Christmas."

I heard Damien laughing and saw amusement dancing in his eyes, "it's fine. You two actually did some pretty interesting things. Before I tell you what you did, get in the shower and come down. Blake is gone out for groceries, but he'll be back soon. He'll make you something to eat."

"Thank you," Caroline muttered and he kissed her forehead and walked out of our room.

"What have we done?" I asked in horror and was greeted by a complete silence. I could feel that she was thinking the same thing.

"Let's go have a shower," Caroline dragged me and herself up from the bed.

I wobbled around the room and took out some clothes for me and Caroline. Then we both made our way downstairs and walked into the bathroom.

"Who goes first?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"You go," She nudged me and I agreed and started undressing. We both have seen each other naked, so it wasn't such a big deal.

It felt refreshing under the steak of water and I quickly washed my hair. I really reeked like alcohol and couldn't wait to brush my teeth.

"Can I use your toothbrush?" Caroline asked and I agreed.

When I was finished, I turned off the shower and Caroline passed me a towel. "Your turn," I said, as I made my way towards the sink to brush my teeth.

She undressed and showered quicker than me. I passed her a towel and we both got dressed, my clothes slightly bigger on her than me.

"Sorry, that's the smallest clothing that I had," I apologized and she dismissed me.

"That's fine," Caroline was actually taller than me, but she was really slender with long legs.

We both walked out of the bathroom and wobbled into the kitchen. Damien was sitting on the kitchen counter with his cellphone in his hands. He looked up and checked out Caroline. I took a quick peak at her and saw her blushing. Aww, cute.

I looked around the kitchen, but didn't see Blake. Where's he?

"Blake still hasn't returned from the shop," Damien explained and I nodded.

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